Us Against the World

Chapter Two

Gerard's POV

For the last three day's, Frankie and I had been stuck in this crappy hospital. The food is crap, the service is crap, the fact that everyone around this place is ill, (which is kinda self explanitory I know, but still) is crap. The only thing that is keeping me sane is lying next to Frankie. Even that is torture, everytime I look at him, I just want to touch him, feel him, make him moan my name. But being stuck in this place made it impossible for me to do that.

I smiled as I saw my baby wake up from his slumber, even with the bruises, the cuts, he was still perfect. He weakly smiled at me, and whispered,

"Hey baby, how long are we going to be in here for now?" His innocence made me fall in love with him, all over again, I sighed deeply, and replied,
"I have no idea, but when we do, I ha-" I was interrupted by the door swinging open and a female nurse walking in the room. Frank and I both sat up in unison, eager to hear the long awaited news.

"Okay. Mr. Gerard Way, after extensive monitoring, tests, etc. We are able to tell you that you are free to leave the hospital. No bones were broken, If you hadn't moved your face slightly when you got stamped on, your nose bone could have been shattered, and you would have been here for much longer." She told me.

I smiled happily, and Frank sat up straighter in his bed impatiently.
"Mr. Frank Iero, we have took tests, studied your progress and noted that you aren't doing any better, your progress has been the same since you arrived." Frank slid down his bed unhappily. The nurse continued. "However, I and the head of our department has decided that this is down to your surroundings, as there are no serious injuries or cause for concern, we have came to the conclusion that you are free to leave when ready."

Upon hearing this, Frankie sat bolt upright and almost screeched,
"Really!!!????" The nurse could not help but smile at his enthusiasm as she nodded. She then told us that when we were ready we could make our way down to reception and sign our release forms. With that, she left the room.

Franks POV

Finally, we were out, it took us all of 15 minutes to get dressed and out of that dreaded hospital. We were now in the back of a Cab, heading towards Gerard's house. Gerard was probably the only 19 year old I knew with his own house. I put this down to rich parents probably.

The Cab stopped outside Gerard's house, Gerard payed the driver, with a tip of course, picked me up and ran into the house. No time to look around, Gerard ran with me in his arms up the stairs, and threw me onto the bed. He climbed across it seductively towards me...

sorry for the boringness, but this was just a filler, I promise boy-sex in the next chapter, but only if I get at least 2 comments XD