Us Against the World

Chapter Five

Franks POV

No-one has any idea of how good I'm feeling right at this moment, I have the most loving boyfriend anyone could ever wish for, and I was curled up in his bed after having mind-blowing sex. I turned over and saw my baby sleeping next to me, he was just, so, so, perfect was the only way to describe him. I snuggled into his chest while his strong arms cradled me. I sighed softly. I never knew I was able to feel this strongly about anyone. Until now.
I smiled as Gerard opened his eyes and gazed at me. Who would have thought I'd ever be here? I felt like I was protected from everything whilst Gerard was holding me. Fuck, I'd fell for him, so hard.

Gerard's POV

I woke up as I felt a breath tickle my chest as someone laying next to me sighed. Frankie, the total love of my life was lying next to me, looking so content, I felt a pang of fear and the look of safety on his face, the look of love, what if I just wasn't the one for him? No, Negative thoughts may lead to fucking this relationship up, that was the last thing that I wanted right now, I nuzzled my head into his hair and pulled him closer to me. We lay that way for around 10 minutes straight, not speaking a word. There was no need to. We knew how we felt for one another, words would just ruin the moment. I slowly sat up, hating the fact I was going to break this magical embrace, but I couldn't lie there any longer, I needed to move, I'm not the type of person who can just do nothing for hours on end. I slid my bare legs out of the covers and stood up. Quickly embarrassed at the fact I was completely naked. I sat down and blushed, I always felt stupid when I blushed, being deathly white with pink cheeks just doesn't go.
"No need to be embarrassed honey. I saw everything last night." Frank said, with a hint of naughtiness in his voice, I couldn't help but smile.
"I know, but that's one thing, we was doing thing's then, but now, I'm meant to be walking across this room butt naked infront of your staring eyes?" I giggled to let him know I was joking.

"Hey, I won't complain, now MARCH soldier!" Frank laughed, pushing me up and slapping my ass to get me moving, laughing, I ran to the bathroom,
"I'll get you for that Iero!" I called.

Frank's POV.

Gerard's going to get me? Haha, I mused, thinking naughty thoughts. I shook my head. I wasn't about to get aroused this early in the morning unless a certain someone was to do it for me. I laughed to myself again at the dirty thoughts whizzing through my head. Gerard had just gone to the bathroom, God did he look good naked, I bit my lip trying not to get hard. I stood up, and pulled on my boxers. Walking down the stairs I got a chance to look around my boyfriend's house. It only looked small from the outside, but inside it was actually rather big. Gerard had decorated it ever so modern, with pictures attached to the walls. I looked at one, it seemed familiar. When I looked closer, I realized why. It was a painting of Gerard and his brother Mikey sitting outside their parents house.
I couldn't believe he was finally mine. I was going to treat him so damn good. I flopped into one of the black leather settees, and waited for Gerard to come down the stairs.

Gerard's POV.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, and ran my hands through my hair, I ran down the stairs and saw Frankie laying back on one of my settees. I walked into the kitchen and prepared myself some coffee. I shouted out to Frank asking if he wanted some. Yes was the answer. I hummed to myself whilst preparing the coffee. Then two arms sneaked around my waist and turned me around. Frank was staring cheekily at me, he pressed his lips to mine hungrily, tired as I was, I couldn't say no to this. I pushed back with my lips, I nibbled at his bottom lip, toying with his lip ring. I then massaged his bottom lip willing for him to give me entrance to his mouth. He happily obliged and opened his mouth. My tongue explored it's new habitat, loving the battle it was engaging in with the habitats original owner.

I detatched myself from Frank's mouth and kissed his shoulder, moving slowly upwards, applying featherlike kisses as I moved upwards. I stopped moving up as I got to the sensitive part of skin that joined his neck and his shoulder together, I kissed more passionatly and massaged his skin with my tongue, gently sucking. Frank shivered under my touch, moaning as I continued my attack on his neck. I slowly came to a stop and admired the mark I had left on my boyfriends neck. Frank groaned, obviously wanting more, I grinned, and went back to making the coffee.

Sorry if that was boring guys, but like, it was just a filler. Comments please?!?!
Thanks so much for reading this XD