

The misting rain blurred her vision as she wound through the deserted streets. Her blue sweatshirt wasn’t helping much for warmth, so she moved quickly to her destination.

Someone else was moving quickly too. She could hear their footsteps echoing in the empty space. After a quick glance backwards it appeared that the tall man dressed in all black was following her.

“Don’t be silly. Gamma always say’s you have an over active imagination.” She muttered to herself. Though just to be safe she picked up her already quick pace.

When she made her final turn down an alley that led only to her Grandmother’s shop, she knew he was following her.

Deciding to check how close he was to see if she had time to run she swiveled around quickly. The man was suddenly right in front of her. His brown hair hung in his eyes do to the rain and a smirk was set delicately on his face. She was so surprised to see him so close that she stepped backward and tripped. His arm reach out and caught her, pulling her up right and closer to him.

His forehead leaned down to touch hers, his chilling breath blew gently. “You are coming with me.” He said in a low, accented voice, a smirk evident on his face. She pulled back suddenly and took a couple steps back. He took the same amount so that they were once again almost touching.

She worked her way up for a scream, but he was quickly behind her, hand covering her mouth. His lips brushed her ear as he whispered, “ah, but it’s not an option.” And lifted her up in his arms.

A struggle broke out. Or rather, she fought against his brute strength as he walked calmly down the alley way to a parked car.

Placing her as gently has he could, he walked, no, ran, no, teleported or something to the other side. A quick scan showed there were no locks.

The man still had the sideways smile on his face as he started the car. “Let me go.” Came a possible threat from gritted teeth.

Blinking slowly, he turned to face her. He reached out to brush his hand against her cheek, but she turned and tried to bite him. This he found amusing. He began driving and soon they were out of the small town. The rain the girls only companion.
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