Sequel: Red Light Into Blue
Status: Working on the sequel Red Light Into Blue currently :)

Pressed Beneath This Spell

I Just Can't Speak or Make A Sound

Three exhausting months. Corie still hadn't gotten her mind off of Alex for more than a few moments, not that Jaynie would let her. Or Norah and Rae. Jaynie even tried telling her to call him and get all of this over with but Corie told her she lost the number after it faded from her hand with soap and water. Corie was lying though. She had copied it down, though she didn't know why. She had no intention of using it. It was as if some spell was cast down upon her.

Three months of constant thoughts. Same thoughts over and over. She didn't think it would get this bad. Corie was definitely not someone to fret over a boy. Especially a boy like Alex Gaskarth.

She tried to continue her daily routine without him but now that Jaynie and the girls knew the story, they didn't let her. They could see this was different for her. She had always been a practical and rational person given her childhood of caring for her younger brother while her parents were almost never at home. She had to mature quickly. That's what made Jaynie such a great friend for her. She let her see the fun in life. Jaynie got her into attending shows and not just her 'lame' Indie shows where people stood and swayed or tapped a foot with the slow-going beats. That's how Jaynie saw her music anyway. Corie needed some moshing and jumping in her life and pop-punk was where it was at. She convinced her into some local Baltimore bands but succeeded by getting her best friend into All Time Low. Now Jaynie saw that Alex Gaskarth was the type of guy for her as well. Someone to show her a different side. Someone to show her that life could be fun and responsible. Jaynie also knew that he must not just be the foul-mouthed, sex-crazed, immature boy that he came across as in interviews and behind the scenes Youtube videos. She knew he had to have something more to him. And that's what kind of person Corie had to have around her. Otherwise...she'd just be a victim of routine the rest of her life.

Alex was the rainbow. Most people search for what's at the end of the rainbow, but Jaynie wanted Corie to just see the rainbow. See the colors and how it made the world more beautiful. No matter how often someone sees a rainbow, it's still a sight to gasp at. Even old men smile and stare at the colors in the sky. Corie dressed in greys, blacks, and other dark colors. She never let herself wear more than three colors on a shirt, especially if they were bright. Alex wore bright colors and mix'n matched his clothes and colors. Opposites attract. Jaynie knew that everything was going to work out whether it be fate or will.

"Would you please stop playing this. Of all the damn cds you have, you could at least play one of those."

Corie came in holding her ears as Jaynie put in yet another All Time Low cd into the living room stereo.

"I like it though. What's wrong with it? Tired of thinking about him yet?"

Corie lowered her hands and glared at her smirking friend.

"It has nothing to do with that. If you had played anything else like, I don't know, like anything, I'd get this annoyed too."

Corie turned to walk back down the hallway to her bedroom before turning around.

"And I know why you're doing it. If I had met Martin freakin Johnson I'm sure you'd be playing Boys Like Girls on loop day and night too."

Corie finally made her way down the hallway.

"Nuh uh! He's not as cute as Alex Gaskarth!"

Corie rolled her eyes and slammed her door. She rarely took out her frustration on her friend which left her puzzled. She resolved that she was just tired. Work was hectic and she knew she had to still save up money for the show. So, even work had a related thought to Alex.

She was sitting blankly on her desk chair with all thoughts running circles in her mind when suddenly her eyes focused from the absent minded gaze. Her eyes were focused on a drawer. The drawer she had hidden Alex's number. She bit her bottom lip in thought. Especially how odd it was that she happened to be looking there. Now, being the practical and rational person she was, she thought that calling him would actually be the more practical and rational solution rather than letting herself continue in all of this madness. But all of the thoughts came back to plague her. Had he forgotten about her? Maybe his presence at the pub had just been a bet from the other guys. But even if that were it, she'd get some relief and get her life back.

She reached in the drawer and pulled out a text book. A text book from a random Astrononomy class she'd taken. Opening up to page six, she pulled out the piece of ripped out notebook paper that held Alex's name and a bunch of numbers. She chuckled to herself.

Six feet under the stars... She put the two together...seeing how funny a coincidence it was that it was on page six of an Astronomy book.

She held it in her left hand as she reached for her cell-phone.

She turned to make sure Jaynie hadn't decided to creep up on her.

She dialed the ten-digit number.


She heard his voice.


She smiled with a sigh.

She hung up.

She looked up and bit her lip again while shaking her head. She silently chuckled which left a smile on her lips. She knew she was hooked.

♠ ♠ ♠
Title: Dropout Year's Cupid Found His Mark

So sorry for the delayed updates. Still slow moving, right? Just wait. *evil laugh*
