Status: Slowly updating :)

I Need You to Save Me

Just one spark starts a fire

I walked downstairs to get a drink, the house was dark, it was eleven O’ Clock, the rain was pounding heavily against the roof, and there were loud crashes of thunder every few minutes, followed by bright flashes of lightening, not little ones that you’d hardly notice, they were so bright that for the second it struck, it would light up the whole room. When I was younger, I used to be terrified of thunder and lightening, then as my parents were never there, I had to learn to not be afraid, so I wasn’t really bothered that there was a huge storm outside my house right now.
Which, this being sunny L.A. I probably should have been worried.
As I walked across the cold tiles barefoot, the kitchen lit up for exactly five seconds, sadly, for the last few hours I had been staring out my bedroom window, and counting how long every crash of thunder lasted, and how long every bolt of lightening lit up my room for. That’s how exciting I was, note the sarcasm.
I picked a glass off of the shelf, and filled it with water, I drank some as I looked out to the back yard, the pool looked like it was flooding the garden, and for a minute I wanted to go outside.
Before I could do anything stupid, I turned around, glass in hand and walked upstairs, I walked into my room, and placed my glass on my bedside table, before I ended up falling and smashing it, trust me, it’s me, it’d easily happen. I checked my sidekick which I had left on my bed, nothing.
Kevin must be engaged then.
I pulled out my bath towels from my wardrobe, and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower, I bit my lip before I got in, the shower is electric…you shouldn’t use electricity during storms…and electricity and water, not a good thing when hit by lightening, I forgot about that, but got into the shower anyway, the hot water burnt my skin, like always, and when I was getting out of the shower I heard my phone ring, with Kevin’s ringtone, I wrapped the towel around me, and ran to pick up the phone, “Hello?” I asked, trying not to sound too awkward as I brushed out my hair, sitting down in front of my dressing table.
“Are you home?” Was the reply I got,
“Yes, I am. Why?” I asked confused.
Could you open the door for me? I’m outside.” He said quickly.
I looked down at the towel I was wearing, great. I thought to myself, sarcastically. “Um..sure.” I mumbled.
Thank you.” He mumbled as the line went dead,
I stood up, and slipped my feet into the slippers that were beside my bed, and shuffled over to my wardrobe, and quickly picked out an old nightgown and then tied my dressing gown around me tightly, then ran down the stairs, trying not to fall in the dark, yes, I am weird. I don’t like turning on lights during storms.
I opened the front door, seeing Kevin standing on the porch, and his car out at the front, he looked at me, “Can I come in?” He asked.
I remember you driving to my house, in the middle of the night…
He was soaked, and the rain made the street look somewhat shiny, and magic. “Sure, of course, come in.” I said quickly, not wanting him to catch a cold, or anything, as I closed the door I turned around , and looked at the old grandfather clock that was in the hall, it was one o’ clock? Where did the last few hours go?
“I didn’t know whether you were in or not, because the house was dark…” Kevin said quietly, interrupting my thoughts, then he looked at what I was wearing, “Did I wake you?” He asked.
I shook my head, “No, I’ve just had a shower.” I said lightly, “You’re soaked…do you want dry, warm clothes and coffee?” I offered, I knew he was here for some reason, I just didn’t want to pry.
He laughed lightly, “Trying to bribe me with clothes and coffee?” He asked.
I smiled as I turned on the light for the first time tonight, I ignored the thunder and lightening for a second, I turned around to Kevin, and in the light it looked as though he had been crying, maybe it was just the rain?
I’m the one to make you laugh, when you know you’re about to cry..
“Nope.” I said truthfully, “I just don’t want you to get sick. I’m sure all your fans don’t either.”
He smiled slightly, “Fine, I’ll take your offer.”
“Good.” I said smiling, I saw him shiver from the corner of my eye, “Maybe I’ll give you the clothes first.” I said, thoughtfully, “There’s hot water if you want a shower too.” I mumbled, as I started to walk up the stairs, when I noticed he wasn’t following me, I turned around, “I’m not going to eat you, are you coming?” I asked.
He looked as if I had just interrupted him thinking about something, “Sorry, I was just in a world of my own.” He mumbled as he followed me up the stairs, there was another flash of lightening, this time it lasted for exactly seven seconds, I couldn't help but think to myself that the storm seemed to be getting worse, and closer, every clatter of thunder basically seemed as though it shook the house.
I walked into my parent’s room, Kevin followed me as I went to open my dad’s wardrobe, revealing all his clothes, “Take your pick.” I said to Kevin, before walking into my room, to take out some towels from my wardrobe for Kevin, I walked back into him and he had a look of uncertainty on his face, I was starting to worry about him, I’d never seen him like this. “Are you okay?” I asked.
He nodded slowly, “Is this okay to take?” He asked, holding up a black trousers and an old shirt of my dad’s.
“Yeah, of course.” I said, smiling slightly, “Here’s some towels in case you want a shower, and when you’re finished, I’ll be in the kitchen, and I’ll have coffee ready for you, and some food. Okay?” I asked, smiling reassuringly at him.
He nodded slowly, “Thanks for this.” He said quietly.
“No problem. I don’t sleep anyway.” I said, before walking out of the room, and down the stairs, as I walked into the kitchen, I flicked on the kettle, as another flash of lightening lit up the kitchen, something in the back of my head was telling me not to put on the kettle, or anything else electrical in case I got electrocuted, but of course, I ignored it.
I jumped as another rumble of thunder shook the house, that was the loudest so far.
I took out a knife, and a cutting board, then I went to the press to get some bread, and as I made a sandwich, the knife cut through my finger as I was cutting the cheese off the block, “Crap! Ouch.” I mumbled under my breath, walking over to the sink, and running the tap, putting my finger under the cold water. It stung, badly. “Ow, ow, ow.” I whispered under my breath.
I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I screamed as I turned around and fell into Kevin’s arms. It took me a second to realize it had just been Kevin, but I hadn’t heard him come downstairs, and my heart felt like it was running a marathon. “Kevin. You scared the life out of me.” I whispered, trying to catch my breath.
I saw him smile slightly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to..but what happened?” He asked.
“I was making you a sandwich, and the knife went through my finger, no big deal, I just need to find a plaster.” I whispered, “Here.” I said, putting his sandwich on the table, and pouring out hot water into a mug, and making coffee, then I gave that to him, “Enjoy, and I’ll be right back, I just need a plaster.” I mumbled, walking out of the kitchen, and running up the stairs, I walked into the bathroom, and opened the medicine cabinet, seeing a pack of plasters, I opened it, and there was only one left, I sighed in relief as I wrapped it around my finger, “That should do it.” I mumbled, before walking back downstairs.
I sat across from Kevin, and stared at him curiously as he ate, “Wouldn’t your Mom be wondering where you are?” I asked.
“She knows I’m here.” He said quietly as he took a sip of his coffee.
I nodded slowly. “Okay.”
“I’m sorry for showing up out of the blue, in the middle of the night, during a storm.” He said quietly.
I shrugged, “I really don’t mind.” I said smiling slightly.
As he finished his coffee, I put the plate, and mug in the sink, I looked out through the window, and it looked worse than it did earlier, I probably should have been scared, but I wasn’t.
“Do you want to go into the sitting room? There’s comfier chairs in there.” I said lightly.
Kevin nodded slowly, “Sure.”
He walked by my side as we went into the sitting room, I flicked on the light, and sat down at one end up the sofa, Kevin sat on the other end, and stared into space.
I watched him carefully for a minute, “Kevin? Are you okay?” I asked, worried.
Shouldn’t he be happy? He was getting married, right?
Kevin shook his head slowly, “I don’t know anymore.” He whispered, sounding a mixture of confused and upset.
I moved closer to him, “What’s happened?” I whispered, “You don’t have to tell me, but maybe it might be better to get it off your chest.”
He stayed silent, and continued to stare at the wall in front of him, “Danielle.” He whispered, tears filling his eyes, “She said no, and broke up with me.” He whispered, looking away from me, so I couldn’t see his face.
I wrapped my arms around him, without thinking, “It’s okay.” I whispered, soothingly, “She wasn’t worth it. She said no, so she’s the idiot. Forget about her.” I whispered.
Kevin turned around, surprising me, by hugging me tightly, “I loved her.” He whispered.
I stayed silent for a second, “I know, I know.” I mumbled, “It’ll be okay.” I promised.
He hugged me tighter, I felt like my bones might crack, but I didn’t say that aloud, I didn’t mind the pain, I just wanted to be here for him.
“I did all I could, I gave all I could, and you had to go your own way, and that road was not for me.” Kevin whispered.
“What was that?” I asked, confused, not letting go of him.
“Part of a new song. Fitting for Danielle.” He mumbled.
I hugged him tightly, “It’ll be okay, I promise.” I whispered, “You will find someone that loves you back.” I said truthfully.
He sighed, “I trust you.”
“Good.” I said smiling slightly. “I trust you too.” More than you could ever know.
“You’re also huggable.” He mumbled, sounding tired.
I laughed lightly, “As are you.” I whispered, “Tired?” I asked him.
“Kind of.” He said, not letting go of me.
“You can stay in my room.” I said quietly, “It’s warm, and I’m not tired, so I can just stay down here, if you want. Because I can imagine the roads are closed right now, and driving conditions are pretty bad. I don’t want you getting hurt.” I said quietly.
“Thank you.” He whispered.
“It’s okay.” I mumbled.
He pulled away slowly, tear streaks down his face. He must have really loved her. I smiled at him lightly, and wiped away his tears gently.
He laughed slightly, but looked tired at the same time.
“Only trying to cheer you up.” I said softly.
He hugged me again, this time gently, “you’re so thin. It scares me.” He whispered.
I shrugged in his arms, “Don’t worry.” I said quickly.
He yawned as he pulled away from me.
I smiled, and stood up. “I’ll show you to my room, you’re tired. Sleep will do you the world of good.”
He stood up slowly, “I guess it would, but where are you going to sleep?” He asked as he followed me upstairs.
I laughed lightly, “I don’t sleep that much, so I’ll be okay. I’ll just be downstairs if you need me.” I said as I walked into my room. He looked around, “Thanks. Are you sure you’ll be okay downstairs?” He asked as I pulled the curtains shut.
“Positive.” I said, smiling slightly at him, as the light flickered, as another crash of thunder shook the house. “Have a good sleep, and forget about her, it’ll do you the world of good. Call me if you need me.” I said smiling, before closing the door behind me, and walking downstairs, I looked at the clock, it was after two, I don’t know why, but I felt so much safer tonight knowing that Kevin was here. I walked into the kitchen, and pulled a blanket out of the closet, and brought it into the sitting room with me, I threw it onto the sofa, as I arranged the cushions in a comfortable way, then I turned off the light, and lay down under the blanket, and listened to the thunder, and watching the room light up every few minutes from the lightening, as weird as it sounds, it calmed me.


I smelt food, food of some sort, it smelled like, meat? I groaned, and pulled the blanket over my head, and curled up, how food related to my dream was weird, in my dream Kevin had been here last night.
I heard the sitting room door open, I pulled the blanket around me tighter, then I heard a table being moved across the floor.
I thought I was alone?
I didn’t feel like moving, I’d had the most uncomfortable sleep last night, so I pulled the blanket around me more.
“Lauren?” A familiar voice called.
I groaned, and turned around, not bothering to open my eyes.
After that I heard him chuckle. “And you told me you didn’t sleep.” He said, a tone of amusement in his voice.
Okay, maybe the dream about Kevin was true.
I rolled over again,
“No!” Kevin said worriedly.
I opened my eyes when I felt myself fall, Kevin caught me quickly, before I could hit the ground. “I’ve got you.” He said softly, helping me sit up.
I rubbed my eyes for a minute, “I fell asleep?” I asked confused.
He smiled and nodded, “You did, you were asleep when I came down a while ago, so I decided to make you breakfast.” He said gently, he still had his arm around me. I liked that.
“Thank you..” I mumbled, looking down at the plate.
“No problem, the least I could do, you helped me last night.”
“That’s what friends are for.” I said gently. Not the fact that I’m falling for you or anything..
He smiled, “Eat that, and I’ll be back with mine.”
I nodded slowly. I picked up the fork, and took a deep breath, bit my lip, and put some food in my mouth, chewed and swallowed, I was eating when Kevin came back with his own plate of food.
“It’s good to see you actually eat.” He noted, as he sat down beside me.
I nodded slowly. I was starting to feel really sick.
I put my plate down, on the table.
Kevin was watching me, “You’ve hardly eaten, are you okay?” He asked, worried.
I took a deep breath, “I’ll be right back.” I said, running out of the room and upstairs, I ran into the bathroom, and leaned over the toilet, puking up all the food I had actually eaten.
I wrapped my arms around my stomach, and fell to the floor, tears running down my face, I couldn’t go back to Kevin like this.
I felt arms pick me up, and move me, I opened my eyes and I was in my bedroom, tears were still streaming down my face. I sat up, Kevin was sitting in front of me, he had taken my hand in his.
Just one hand can heal another.
I wiped the tears away with the back of my other hand.
And I don’t wanna fall to pieces, I just want to sit and stare at you, I don’t want to talk about it, and I don’t want a conversation, I just want to cry in front of you, and I don’t want to talk about it, because I’m in love with you.
But as soon as I’d wiped tears away, others came.
Kevin let go of my hand, and moved closer to me, he cradled me in his arms, “I can’t do this anymore.” I whispered, through the tears.
He brushed my hair out of my face, and looked me in the eyes. “Do what?” He asked, his voice quivered as he spoke.
“This, live. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. I can’t do anything.” I said, before crying again.
“You can. You will. You will be okay, because I’m going to be here every step of the way for you. I’m going to help you.” He whispered.
Be a part, reach your heart
“I can’t even help myself, how are you going to help?” I asked.
He wiped the tears away, “By loving you, showing you what your parents never gave you. You‘ll be a part of my family. ” He whispered.
I stared at him blankly. “What if they don’t want me? No one ever has wanted me. No one has ever even wanted to be my friend before you, and Demi, Nick and Joe.”
He took a breath, “I want you.” He whispered, his eyes burning into mine. “They want you too.”
I stared at him confused.
“We love you. Some more than others.” He whispered, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear.
“Some more than others?” I asked confused.
“Me.” He whispered.
I tilted my head to the side, “You what?” I asked, starting to feel lost.
“Love you.” He whispered, before taking my face gently in his hands, and pressing his lips to mine.
Just one spark starts a fire.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eeeeek! Sorry, I'm overly excited, and I wrote it. This would have to be probably the one thing that I love that I've written.
Thank you to who commented on the last chapter, I love you all.
I promise another update soon, like really soon. But first, comments?
Songs used:
You belong with me-Taylor Swift <3
Fall to pieces-Avril Lavigne
Send it on- Demi Lovato, Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez & Disney Channel Stars
And a line from Turn Right-Jonas Brothers <3