RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#1: Beware of late night wrestling matches.

"Coming!" Jayce cried, struggling to to re-tie her shoe.
knock, knock, knock.
"STOP WITH THE DAMN KNOCKING ALREADY!" she screamed stomping to the door.
"What?!" she cried flinging the door open, "GABE!"
"Jayce!" he grinned, "Mira a mi nina chiqita que grande esta horra!"
"One, I was never your little girl, two, what are you doing here?"
"I missed you! And I might be staying awhile seeing as the next tour is months away-"
Jayce cut him off by squealing happily and dragging him in.
Her best friend was finally back.
"Once again, I'am champion!" Gabe yelled and stood on the couch waving his arms in the air.
"You cheated," Jayce frowned, "Re-match."
"Nah," Gabe shook his head,"I'm going to get some orange juice."
Gabe jumped off the couch and strode over to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out a carton of juice, unscrewed the cap, and drank straight from the carton getting all his nasty cooties on it.
Jayce grabbed the shoe on the floor and threw it at his head.
"OW!" Gabe groaned dropping the carton to the floor and grabbing the back of his head, "What the hell? Why did you just hit me with a shoe?!"
"I said re-match," she growled over the blaring music.
"And I said no," he growled back walking back into the living room, "What I say go--"
Jayce jumped onto him, forcing him to the ground.
They rolled on the ground for several seconds before Gabe finally pinned her down.
"I still win," he grinned.
"Wrong," she brought her knee up and connceted it to his stomach.
He groaned and fell off her.
She scrambled onto the green couch.
Gabe's eyes widened.
"Jayce, don't do it. Jayce, DON'T YOU FU--"
She gave a small roar and jumped, landing directly on him.
"Okay, okay," he coughed, "you win. Just don't hurt me anymore."
"I win!" she laughed, "Take that, Saporta."
Wresteling matches were always so much fun, especialy at 11 at night.
"Now I'm hungry," he mummbled pushing her off, "Can we order a pizza?"
"No, they aren't open so late on Tuesday nights."
"Damn, stupid pizza companies why the--"
Sounded more like someone was beating the door up.
"Answer it," Jayce whispered, "I'm too pretty to open it. I could be raped."
"Yeah, I'm pretty hott so if I open it, I have a more likely chance of getting raped."
"Oh please, George Bush has a higher chance of being raped then you."
"Hey! Thats not--"
"SOMEONE BETTER ANSWER THE DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!" the person screamed from the other side of the door.
Jayce winced.
She must've woken up the neighbor.
"I'll get it," Gabe said calmly waking towards the door.
"Gabe, you aren't even wearing any pants!" she argued, turning the music off.
It was too late.
He had opened the door.
"Yes?" he said gently, "Could we help you?"

"Could you please shut the hell up over here?" Terri asked crossing her arms, "I have a 21 year old who has been on tour all year, trying to sl--"
Jayce and Terri were great friends, they just didn't hang out too much now because of school and work.
"Sorry Terri!" Jayce squeaked, pushing Gabe from the door, "It's just I haven't hung with Mr. Saporta over here in awhile."
"Well hellooo," Gabe smirked pushing Jayce aside and standing in front of Terri, "I'm Gabe Saporta."
Jayce frowned, Gabe wasn't suppose to be flirting with other girls, he was suppose to be paying attention to her.
Terri had already had an exciting day. She didn't need some some pants-less singer hitting on her.
She had to get up earlier for work than usual so she could go pick up Brendon from the airport. Then she went and celebrated with him at Peter Piper Pizza. It was Brendon's favortie pizza place and they loved going though the tunnels, even if it ment getting weird looks from parents.
Then he wanted to go to the mall. Really bad idea. They got mobbed by millions of fan girls. Terri and Brendon had to hide behind manicanes to lose them.
Finally they went back to Terri's appartment. They were egsausted. It was around 9 and Brendon had FINALLY fallen asleep. Terri was cleaning up the apartment when she heard all the noise. She was already grumpy enough.
"Ugh, just turn the noise and music down. Nice to meet you Mr. Saporta and goodnight Jayce" she saluted.
She walked back over to her own apartment before realizing that it was Gabe Saporta.
THE Gabe Saporta.
The lead singer of her favorite band.
The Gabe Saporta the was, in her oppinion, flipping hot.
The Gabe Saporta she was a total fan girl for.
She gave a small fan girl squeal as she shut the door behind her.
"Oh sorry," she apologized, "Didn't mean to wake you up."
"It's okay," Brendon rubbed his eyes, "What's with all the squealing? At first I thought some fan girl had broken in and was going to try and have my babies..."
"It's just that GABE SAPORTA IS SLEEPING IN THE APARTMENT RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!" she screamed jumping up and down.
"Gabe's here?" he pouted, "I don't really like him that much, he's too over confident and he makes me feel short."
"But it's GABE SAPORTA!"
"Yeah yeah, that's great and all, I'm going to bed." he yawned stumbling back into his room.
Terri gave a silent smile and skipped to her bedroom.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh, This is a joint account story.
But it'll just be me.
anywho, the first chapters aren't the best in my opinion.
but if you love 'em, show it!