RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#10: They're super supportive.

"That was just.." Ryan couldn't find words to describe it. They were walking into the lobby.
"Amazing? Incredible? Fantastic?" Terri smiled walking up to the group. "Wow, don't you all look lovely?"
"Terri! Holy crap! We could hear you! It sounded awesome!" Brendon was squeezing her.
"Thanks.Bren.can.I.please.breathe?" she gasped.
"Sorry, but it was so good!"
"Yeah, Terri. That's some amazing talent there." Gabe winked at her.
"I can't believe you never told anyone.." Jayce hugged her.
"Well now thay it's... 5 in the evening, who would like to go dancing?"
"Most deffinetly."
"Sounds fun."
"Lets gooooooo! Oh actually, I should probably go change back into my other clothes.." Terri had changed into something a tad bit more classier then what she had been wearing earlier. It was a black dress.
"Terri, you look fine. Lets go." Ryan pushed her out the door.
"Agh fine. It's right around the corner." Terri let Ryan walk with Brendon and Gabe.
"Hey Jayce?"
"I'm sorry about the whole bathroom inccident.." Terri appologized.
"I'm more mad at Gabe than you." Jayce glared at Gabe.
"So I wonder who you're gonna dance with.." Terri nudged Jayce.
Jayce blushed. "I don't know.."
"Mr. Ross?"
"Or Mr. Urie?"
"Maybe.. I'm not sure.."
"Terri! Jayce! Come on! We're here!"

The second they walked in, Terri and Gabe walked directly to the dance floor.

"That was a good show," Ryan said rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Yeah," Brendon agreed, "Can we dance now?"

"You two can dance, I'm sitting back."

"Okay!" Brendon grabbed Ryan's arm and dragged him to the dancing area.

Jayce smiled and walked over to the bar.

"Agh. You're horrible at dancing." Brendon groaned as they looked around for Jayce.

"I'm horrible? You're the one trying rape me!"

"Pfft. Thats how people dance!"

"Whatever," Ryan rolled his eyes, "Lets just find everyone. Someone spilled beer on my shoes."

"Do you think Gabe would be mad if Jayce was drunk?"

"Dunno. Why?"

"Thats why," Brendon pointed at Jayce spinning around on the bar stool .

"I'll take care of her, and you go find Gabe and Terri," Ryan said shoving Brendon back to the dance floor.

Terri and Gabe were dancing, very close.
"Wow, you are a good dancer, Mr. Saporta." Terri moved some hair out of her face.
"You're pretty good yourself." Gabe put his hands on her hips and moved her closer.
"Terri! Gabe! Come on! We sho- GABE! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Brendon pulled terri away from him.
Terri rolled her eyes. "Brendon, you weren't dancing any better with Ryan. I saw you."
"I don't care! You two aren't allowed to dance like that! Now come on. Jayce and Ryan are waiting for us at the bar." Brendon led them through the crowd of people.
"What's going on up there?" terri tried to move to see.
"Looks like someone's dancing on the bar.." Gabe said. " OH MY GOD! It's Jayce!" Gabe ran up to the bar and grabbed his best friend.
"Ryan! What's going on!" Terri ran up behind Gabe.
"She got drunk. I tried stopping her, she just shoved me away, got up on the counter and started dancing." Ryan explained.
"I've got to take her home before she starts puking."
They all walked out the door and Ryan called a taxi. They were getting in when Jayce started fussing.
"Gabe! Put me the fuck down! I'm not a" she hiccuped. "Child!"
"Jayce, do you realize what you were just doing? It's a good thing we got you outta there before you started taking your clothes off!" Gabe slid her in to the back seat.
"Agh. Whatever. Brendon, why don't you sit next to me?" she slurred.
"Sure." Brendon got in, then Ryan.
"Agh.. There's not enough room for all of us.." Terri and Gabe were still standing outside the taxi.
"We'll just meet you back at the appartment, m'kay?" Terri called another taxi.
"Take care of Jayce."
"Will do! See ya guys in an hour or so!" Brendon waved as the taxi pulled away.
Terri and Gabe got into the other taxi. Before they knew it, they were making out again.
"Gabe.. Do we have to go back... to the apartment..."
"Mmm.. No.. But where would we go?" he pulled away.
"There's this really nice hotel just a few blocks away.."
"You heard the lady, lets go." They went back to making out.
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