RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#11: Don't let the others know about your sex life

" have the prettiest spleen I have ever seen," she laughed poking Ryan in the stomach, "Its.. soooo lovely..."
"Hey Jayce?"
"How'd you get drunk so fast?" Brendon asked scratching the back of his head, "We were only gone for like 10 minutes..."
"Ordered the strong stuff," she laughed clapping her hands.
"Ryan, you have got to be the hottest thing next to Brendon," she smiled reaching out and ruffling his hair, "I'd totally make out with you again."
"Really, very, happy you said that," Ryan wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "I was thinking-"
"Mmmm," she hid her face into his shirt, "you smell just like that package of bubblegum.."
"We're here," Brendon grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from Ryan.
Ryan quickly threw some money at the driver and scrambled out of the car.
"Bren...I don't feel good.."she rubbed her eyes, "My head hurts...make it stop.."
"Its you're own damn fault for drinking."
She burst out in tears.
"Whoa, whoa! Calm down!"
"You're so mean!" she sobbed.
"Jayce, I didn't mean it like that-" he sighed, "Lets just get you home instead."
"No," she said frusterated, "I don't wanna go home."
"You're going home," Ryan sang picking her up and tossing her onto his shoulder.
"Put me down!"she screamed slapping the back of his head.
Ryan ignored her and began walking.
"Jayce? Can we have the key to open your apartment?"
"Mmmhmm," she yawned, "Its in my bag..."
"Thank you!" he whispered digging around her bag and taking the key out.
"You're welcome.." she yawned.

"I'll get her in bed, you go check if Terri's back." Ryan ordered carrying her to the bedroom.
"Bossy." Brendon mummbled and walked back to Terri's apartment.
"Terriiiiii? Are you baaaack?" he asked knocking on her door.

"Ryan, she's not home!" he said loudly walking back into Jayce's apartment and shutting the door behind him.
"Seriously?" Ryan raised his eyebrows, "She should be back by now.."
"Probably stopped to eat again or something," Brendon shurgged.
"Yeah...lets just wait here til she gets back."

Next Morning
"Agh..." Jayce rolled out of bed, "Hang over.."
"Hey," Ryan smiled standing in the doorway.
"What? What are you doing here?"
"Terri nor Gabe has come back," Brendon answered for him walking into the bedroom.
"Hey Jayce?"
"You know you're standing in your underwear, right?"
"Now I do," she sighed.
"Can we have that threesome now?"
Someone knocked on the front door.
"You go answer," Jayce said shoving them out of her room, "I'll get dressed."
She threw a T-shirt on, some sweatpants, and ran to the living room.
"Hey Jayce..." Gabe and Terri waved nervously.

"Hey guys.." Jayce yawned. "Why'd you guys just get home?"
"See..." Ryan was glaring at Gabe.
Terri and Gabe had made up a story to tell them on the way back to the apartment.
"See, we went to go get something to eat, the dancing made us very.. Hungry.." She looked at Gabe. "And we decided to stop somewhere to go.. Eat."
"Before we realized it, it was 1 in the morning, so we decided to just check into a hotel and sleep there.." Gabe finished.
"Mmmmhmmm. Terri? Can we go back to your apartment? I haven't taken a shower since yesterday, and I feel icky." Brendon made a face.
"Yeah, I'd like to have a talk with you in private, Terri."
"Well, how about you guys say bye to Jayce, and I'll say bye to Gabe.. I need to talk to you."
Terri and Gabe stepped out of the apartment.
"They bought it! They actually bought it" terri smiled.
"Maybe Jayce and Brendon, but I'm not to sure about Ryan. Didn't you hear him? He wants to talk to you in private."
"Oh well. Hey Gabe?"
"Can I have your number?" terri looked at her feet.
"Only if I can have your's." He moved her head up and kissed her.
Terri blushed. "Okay. Here, type it in... here!" they exchanged phones.
"Thanks, do you think maybe we could go out sometime? Without the others?"
"Just us?" Terri questioned.
"Please?" Gabe begged.
She smiled. "Sure. Just text me or call me. We should go back in.."
"Thank you!"
The opened the door and walked in.
"Bye Brendon! Bye Ryan!" Jayce hugged each boy.
Brendon mouthed call me as he walked out the door. Jayce waved goodbye and turned to Gabe.
"Gabe Saporta, what really happened last night?"