RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#12:They'll easily piss you off.

"I told you," Gabe sighed, "We got hungry. Better than dancing on a bar."
"You slept with her, didn't you!"
"You just got here! You promised no more of this stuff!"
"Listen to me, we got hungry."
"We did!"
"I'll show you hungry," she growled.
"Jayce," Gabe put his hands in the air, "Calm down, I love you, you love me, we love each other, people who love don't kill."
"They don't ditch each other for sex either!"
"Well, maybe if you weren't drunk-"
"You're saying its my fault?!"
"I'm just saying if you hadn't started drinking none of this would be happening."
"Maybe if you hadn't-"
"God, its like you need my attention every single second-"
Jayce snapped, Gabe was not blaming her.
"Esto no es nada mio!" she yelled pushing him.
"Y no es mio! Para de pensa-"
She had enough, she grabbed his ear and dragged him across to Terri's apartment.
"Agh! Que te pasa?!" Gabe tried making her let go.
She held on tighter and banged on the door.
"Um, hi?"
"This is Terri's," she told Brendon, "I don't even want to see him."
Jayce shoved Gabe into Terri's apartment.
"Well, maybe I don't want to see you either!" Gabe yelled rubbing his ear.
"Good!" she sreamed walking back to her apartment and slamming the door.

"Hey guys.." Gabe rubbed his ear.
"What happened?" Ryan walked over from the couch.
"Jayce and I had a fight.. Can I stay here for a while?"
"You'll have to ask Terri." Brendon nodded to her room.
"Okay." Gabe walked over to her room. He heard her talking on her phone.
"No Jacob, it's over. It's been over for a goddamn 2 years! I'm not your little slave anymore!" Terri hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. She started crying.
It had been Jacob, her ex boyfriend. He used to used her, cheat on her, lie to her. He even hit her once. The only person who knew was Ryan. That's why he was so protective of her.
"Terri?" Gabe knocked on the door.
"G-gabe?" terri tried to stop crying.
"Can I come in?"
"S-sure.. One second." Terri ran to her bathroom to clean her face up. She walked back into her room. "Okay.."
"Are you okay? I heard you yelling on the phone..." he walked over to her.
"Oh, you heard that?" she tried laughing it off. "Yeah, ex boyfriend called.. I'm fine."
"Terri, you don't fine.." Gabe hugged her.
She gave in. She started crying again. "H-he used me so much.. He hurt me.."
"He did what?" Gabe looked at her.
"It was only once, but he got mad when I refused to have sex with him.. He hit me.." She kept hugging Gabe.
"Terri! I'm so sorry!"
"I-it was 2 years ago.. No biggie.."
"Terri, it's not 'no biggie' it's a huge biggie. He shouldn't have hit you. No matter how long ago it was. if you didn't want to, he should have respected your choice, not hit you."
"Thanks Gabe.. You and Ryan are the only one's who know.." She stopped crying. "What are you doing here anyway?"
"Oh, see, me and Jayce kind of had a fight.. She kicked me out.."
"It was about last night?"
"Yeah.. Would it be okay if I stayed here for a while?"
"Of course." She smiled.
"Thank you!" he gave her another hug.
"Brendon and Ryan probably wanna know why we're taking so long.. Lets go out there and tell them." Terri got up.
"Okay. Gabe got up and walked out the door with her.
"Terri? Are you okay?!" Ryan ran over. She still had tear stains on her face.
"What? Oh yeah.. Someone called.. But that's not important right now. Gabe's gonna be staying with us for a while, okay?" terri asked.
" we get to keep our beds?"
"Then yes!"
"What about you, Ry?"
"I guess.. Now we can pull more pranks on Brendon." Ryan smiled.
"Ye-HEY!" Everone laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I Love you:)

I love drama too.
but you all more.
haha, show some McLovin'?