RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#14:They easily spend your money.

"Ryan! Come on!" Terri rolled her eyes. Him and Gabe had been daring each other to do things the whole time they we're out.
Ryan had tried on about 3 dresses, walked into the girls bathroom to buy a tampon, and streaked. Gabe had to put a thong over his pants, pretend to have sex with one of those plastic models, and licked a fake plant.
"But Terri! We just got here!" Ryan looked over from the chair he sitting in.
"Yeah, and if we don't hurry up, we're gonna get kicked out." Terri went to the counter. "If you guys are over here in two minutes, I'm leaving without you."
Ryan and Gabe scrambled over to the counter with Terri.
"What are you buying anyways?" Gabe asked.
"Nothing really."
"That'll be $500.00, miss." The cashier said. "Debit or credit?"
"Credit." Terri handed him the credit card.
"Terri! What are you buying!"
"It's a freakin surprise, okay?!"
"Good." Terri took her card and they left.
"Where shall we go now?" they looked around at all the buildings.
"I need some more pants.." Terri mumbled.
"Off to the pants store!" Gabe started marching. Terri laughed and followed with Ryan right behind.
"TERRI!" Brendon screamed before jumping on her, "I've missed you so much!"
"Brendon!" she squealed hugging him back.
Jayce gave Gabe once over glare and turned her attention to Ryan.
"Hey, Ryan." she gave a small wave.
"Hi!" he waved back.
"Whats in the bag?!" Brendon asked jumping up and down.
So hyper he was for a 21 year old.
"A surprise!"
"What kind of a surprise?!"
"The special kind," she smiled.
"Jayce! Terri has a special surprise in the bag!"
"Thats great, Brendon," Jayce grinned.
"Hey, er, I don't know why, but I think I should apologize for making out with you in the bathroom the other day," Ryan said scratching the back of his neck, "so, um, I'm sorry?"
"Its okay?"
"Okay...maybe now I could get your phone number?"
He handed her his phone and she typed it in.
"Guys! Come on!" Terri said, "we gotta go to the next store!"

"Oh my god! Terri! We have to get these!" Brendon held a pair of tight pants in his hand.
Terri looked over. "Bren, just for you, we will." She went back to looking at some shirts.
"Yay! I love you Terri! Now you have to go try them on!" he shove Terri and about 20 pairs of pants.
"Brendon! How many pants am I try-"
"Shut up and try them on!"
About 5 minutes later, Terri came back out in a different pair of pants.
"You are so getting those! You know what?! Just get all of them!" Brendon ran into the dressing room with her. "Brendon, I don't need that many pants.."
"Then we can all share them! Come on Terri! Please!"
Jayce and Ryan were in the other dressing room. "Jayce, you'd look awesome in this!" Ryan had picked out five outfits for Jayce to try on.
"Awww! Thanks Ryan!" she took the clothes and ran in.
"Hey Ryan? I need your help with this shirt.."
"How so?"
"It won't come off.."
"I'm comming, just unlock the door!"
♠ ♠ ♠
two in one day:D

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