RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#15: You're allowed to borrow their pants!

"Ta-Da!" Ryan smiled putting on a huge pair of sunglasses.
"Haha," Jayce laughed, "nice."
"Wait, I have the perfect thing for this!"
Ryan ran around to the scarf section.
"Now," he wrapped one around his neck, "now this is like the perfect outfit."
"Pfft." Jayce snorted.
"Mean." he frowned.
"Hold on."
She walked to one of the racks and pulled a hat out.
"There," she grinned placing it on top of his head, "now you look great."
"Mmm," he modeled his clothes in the mirror, "Yes. I do think I look very hot in this."
"We should probably go back and find them," Jayce looked at her watch, "Its been half an hour."
"But.." Ryan pouted, "I like hanging out alone with you..."
She smiled and rolled her eyes.
"I like hanging out with you too but we have to find them."
"Fine," Ryan stuck his lower lip out, "one condition though."
"Whats that?"
He reached out and grabbed her hand.
"We have to hold hands til we find them."
"Hmmm," she pretened to think about it.
"Fine," she smiled, "come on, I think they're probably still back in the pants section."
Walking hand in hand wasn't so bad.
Until Gabe would probably ruin it by saying she was too young to hold hands with a guy she just met.

As soon as Jayce saw Brendon, she let go of Ryan's hand.
Ryan frowned.
"Hey, guys!" Brendon smiled running over to them and standing next to Ryan. "Look at all the stuff Terri bought!"
"Wow, thats a ton-"
"OW!" Brendon yelled and fell to the floor.
"What happened?!" Jayce asked helping him back up.
"Ryan kicked me..." Brendon frowned holding the back of his knee.
"I didn't kick him!" Ryan was shocked, he hadn't even touched Brendon!
"Jayce, its hurts..." Brendon pouted.
"We'll get you home and get you some ice," she sighed, "Lets find Terri and Gabe.
"I didn't kick him," Ryan repeated, "he doesn't need ice."

"Gabe, I think I grabbed your pants.." Terri laughed.
"You look sexy in them anyways." He winked.
"I love your belt, can I borrow it sometime?"
"Terri! Gabe! Where are you!" Jayce was calling through the store.
"Oops, I guess we should go find them.." Terri smiled.
"Yeah.." He wrapped his arm around her and they walked out of the dressing room.
"There you are! We need to go home. Ryan kicked Brendon so we need to go home and get him some ice." Jayce handed Terri her bags.
"Um, okay.. Ryan? Why'd you kick him?" Terri handed a few bags to Gabe.
"I didn't!"
"Then who kicked me!"
"Not me!"
"Can we leave?" Terri interupted.
"Fine by me- Terri, are those different pants than what you were wearing before?" Ryan looked at her.
"Umm, yeah.. it's a new pair..."
"They look a little big on you.."
"That's the way they're supost to look..duh."
"Okay, sheesh."
"Sorry. Let's take a taxi please?" Terri held her bags up. "I don't think I can carry this stuff home."
"I call going in the taxi with Jayce!" Brendon called.
"Aww! Okay!" Jayce hugged Brendon.
"And I call being with Terri." Gabe and Ryan said at the same time.
"Whoa, actually only one will fit with me and my bags.."
"Umm.." Gabe didn't really want to be glared at and ignored the whole ride home.
"I'll go with Jayce and Brendon. Just come home today, okay?" Ryan joked.
"Okay. See ya in a little while!" everyone got into a taxi and went home.
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