RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#16:Beware when they fight with each other.

"How's your knee, Bren?" she asked him as they got out of the taxi and walked through the door of her apartment.
"Better," he smiled, "Ryan's a wimp so it doesn't hurt that bad."
"I didn't kick you and I am not a wimp!" Ryan said frustrated.
"You are a wimp and you did kick me."
"Calm down, children," she said. "Either of you thirsty?"
Ryan thought for awhile.
"I want a drink!"
Brendon cheerfully skipped over to her and grabbed the can of soda from her hands.
"Thanks yous!"
"I want one too," Ryan grinned slowly and walked over to them.
Jayce stared at him oddly for a second but handed him the soda either way.
Jayce! Ryan! Brendon! We're here! Terri said from other side of the door.
"Coming!" Jayce ran over and opened the door. "Hi!"
"Hey, sorry but the taxi driver got lost...anyways, we're here!" Terri beamed.
"No problem we just got home-"
"Hey, Brendon, why did you lie about me kicking you?" Ryan asked holding his soda behind his back.
"Because I just can," Brendon replied drinking his soda.
"You made Jayce think I kicked you," Ryan frowned, still holding the soda behind his back and shaking it.
"She probably thinks you're abusive and won't go out with you," Brendon shrugged.
"Hey, Brendon?"
"Yes, Ryan?"
Ryan held his soda aimed at Brendon and opened it.
Soda exploded out of the can landing all over Brendon.
"Agh! You douche!" Brendon yelled trying to cover his face from the rest of the soda squirting out of the can.
"RYAN! What did you do to Brendon?!"

Terri and Gabe were laughing their heads off.
"Nice Ryan, nice." Terri high fived him.
"TERRI!" Brendon and Jayce yelled.
"What can I say, it was funny."
"More like mean.." Brendon mumbled.
"Aww, I'm sorry Brendon. You wanna go take a shower when we get back?"
"Can we take it together?" Gabe and Jayce gave them a look. Ryan just rolled his eyes.
"Sure." Terri smiled.
"Yay! Ryan, Gabe, you stay here with Jayce! Come on Terri!" Brendon started dragging her to the door.
"Brendon, wouldn't it be better if we waited until la-"
"Okay! Bye guys!" Terri and Brendon ran over to her apartment.
"So.." Ryan looked around the apartment.
"Wanna watch a movie..?" jayce offered.
Gabe just sat down on the farthest side of of the couch, away from Jayce and pulled his phone out.
Jayce and Ryan were looking at the movies when they heard a scream out in the hallway.
"Terri?! What's going on?!" Ryan ran out of the apartment.
She was hugging Pete, Jayce and Terri's old neighbor.
♠ ♠ ♠


so, I know I haven't updated in a while, but I'd really like some more comments.
is that too much?
I think not.