RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#17:They get sticky.

"What are you doing here?! When did you-"
"PETE!" Jayce squealed prying Terri off him and wrapping her arms around him.
"Look at little Wentz!" she smiled pinching his cheeks.
"Mean," Terri pulled Jayce off him, "Peeeeete!" she gave him another hug.
"Girls, not that I don't love you, you're both damn hot,but you're acting like pre-teen fan girls...pre-teen fan girls scare the shit out of me..."
"This is a great reunion and all, but HELLO?!" Brendon cried in a high pitch voice, "I'm drenched in soda and beinging to get sticky!"
"Kinky," Pete said raising an eyebrow.
"Only for you baby," Brendon winked, "Terri! Come on! YOU PROMISED ME A SHOWER!"
"But Brendon! Pete's here!"
"Screw Pete, I want my damn shower."
"Sorry, but I beat you to screwing him," Gabe grinned.
"Jayce, can we please go back to the movie now?" Ryan asked softly enough for only her to hear.
"But Pete Wentz is here..."
"I know, he can come too. But please? The grandma in the movie seems totally bad ass."
"Haha, okay. Pete, me and Ryan are watching In The Land Of Women, you wanna come watch while Terri and Brendon shower?"
"YES! The grandma is so hardcore!"
"I was watching with you too," Gabe said bluntly. "You left me out of your sentence. I'm the one who took you to see it in the theater."

Terri and Brendon waved goodbye and ran into her appartment.
"Terri, do we have to wear clothess.." Brendon whined.
"Agh. Fine. But no touching or looking."
"Fine, no touching."
"I'm not having sex with you!"
"Fine. But no clothes."
"Okay. Lets go!"

"Brendon Boyd Urie, never, ever ever ever ever again will I take a shower with you again." Terri dried her hair off.
"I didn't do anything!" Brendon pulled a new shirt over his head.
"You kept staring!"
"Yeah, at that tattoo I've never seen on your shoulder!"
"Oh.. Yeah.." Terri looked at herself in the mirror. She turned around and looked at her tattoo. She had almost forgotten about it. "I got it about 5 months ago or something like that.."
"Why'd ya get a bar of music?"
"It's the first notes in the song Blackbird by The Beatles. I don't know why, I just like it."
"Aww, that's so sweet!" Brendon smiled.
"Yeah.. Lets go back to Jayce's appartment. Oh, can I borrow a hoodie? No one know's about it other than you know.." Terri begged.
"Yeah! Let me go get it, I'll meet you at the door!" Brendon ran off to his room. Terri walked over to the kitchen and sat on the counter to wait.
♠ ♠ ♠
ahhh, haven't updated this in forever!
do you still like it?
:D or D:?
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and just comment more, i'll update more often. :)