RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#2: Don't trust them.

Gabe, get your fucking arm off my face" she mumbled.
She heard Gabe groan and move his..big fat.. arm.
She looked over at the clock. It was 9:34.
"I'm late!"
Jacye rushed to the bathroom, brushed her teeth did her hair, then ran to her closet.
"Ugh, I have nothing to wear!"
Gabe got up and walked over.
" Uhh... Jacye, you have like a millions things in there.." He yawned.
It was true. She did have a million things to wear. Jacye's just a really picky person and she had a rule about wearing things more then 7 times.
" I guess I'll wear this.."
It was skinny jeans, a panic tee, and scarf.
"Cover your damn eyes, Gabe."
"Fine.. fine.."
And few minutes later, she was ready for work.
"Come on Gabe, you can come with me."
On their way out, they ran into Terri and Brendon.
"Hey Terri."
"Yola Jacye.. umm... Hi Gabe.." Terri blushed. "This is Brendon."
"Hi Gabe. Uhh.. Hi Jacye.." Terri could tell that Brendon liked her. He was never this shy around people.
"Where you guys off to?" Jacye asked.
"Oh, just gonna run around town. You?"
"Going to work. Gabe hasn't seen where I work yet."
" And you also haven't told me what you do either." He stuck his tongue out.
"Shut up, Gabe." She stuck her tongue out back at him.
Terri laughed, "Well, see you guys later!"
"Wait, Terri! Do you guys wanna go out to dinner with us tonight? I'll make Gabe pay!"
"Totally! Breny Bear, what do think?"
Right then, Jacye and Gabe instantly thought that Terri and Brendon were going out.

"Are you two together? I always thought Brendon could never get a girl..." Gabe asked.
"What? Me and Terri?" Brendon and Terri bursted out laughing.
Jacye and Gabe just stood there with very confused faces.
"Brendon's my best friend! I know he wants to get in my pants, but we could never go out!" Terri laughed. " We're too close to be anything but friends. Anyways Brendon has icky cooties!"
Everyone laughed at that, even Brendon.

Jayce gave a small sigh while she drived. She was hoping they would say no to dinner, now Gabe would go off and seduce Terri ignoring Jayce in the process.
"Umm, Jayce?" Gabe asked while they turned the corner, "What do you work in? I'm kind of scared you're going to pull up in front of stripper club..."
Jayce laughed and parked in front of a tall building.
"What is this?" Gabe looked at the building in awe, it was one of the tallest in the city, only some of the elite could even get past the rotating doors.
"I work in graphic design," she told him as they walked up the steps, "I do the ads for fashion lables. Even design some toys every now and then. Ever seen the Bleeding Star ads? Or Urban Outfitters?"
"Whoa, those were pretty sweet-"
"I guess." She waved her employee badge at the security guard and motioned at Gabe too. The security guard grunted and let them through the doors.

"Can we please go now?" Gabe asked for the 17th time, "We've been here for 6 hours!"
"Agh, fine. Just shut up!" Jayce frowned standing from her desk.
"No offence or anything but your job is kinda boring."
"I like it. At least I don't have preteen fan girls grabbing at me."
"Well, maybe I like it."
"What?!" Jayce laughed.
"No, wait!" Gabe threw his hands in the air, "I didn't mean underage girls! I ment older women- no, I ment I don't like girls!"
"You don't like girls!?"
"Yes! No-wait! I do like girls! I'm not gay! STOP TWISTING MY WORDS!"
"I haven't said anything," she grinned.

"Oh, and I was wondering if we could just have them over to your house instead..."
"Could they just come over to your apartment instead? I don't really want to go out tonight. I promise to cook everything myself!"
Lies. Gabe just wanted an excuse to open the door shirtless.
"Yeah," Jayce shrugged, "Whatever you want." She was too tired to argue that the apartment was messy, she didn't want to go out either. Just not for the same reason as Gabe did.
"Fuck yes!" Gabe yelled as they parked back into the apartment parking lot, "I mean, hooray..."
"Gabe, just don't make the toaster explode again," she sighed.
"I've got something else planned for tonight, don't worry," he winked.
♠ ♠ ♠
number twooo!
I'm putting most of them up right now.