RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#4: Be careful when playing twister.

"Brendon, I swear to God, if that spinner lands on blue-"
"IT LANDED ON BLUE!" he screamed happily, "See! It says left hand blue!"
Brendon moved his left hand to the blue making him position himself right over Jayce.
"You know, if I move a little bit down it would be like we were having sex but with our clothes on-"
"I'm never playing Twister again." Jayce groaned trying to move herself lower from Brendon.
"Oh god, oh shit, I have to sneeze," Gabe said scrunching his face up.
"Gabe, don't sneeze!"
"Don't do it!
All three fell to the floor.
"GROSS!" Brendon yelled jumping up and wiping his butt, "I have Gabe snot all over my butt! Sick!"
"Better then being raped during a game of Twister." Jayce mummbled.
"You should be happy- whoa, my pants are vibrating."
"Thats called a cell phone." Jayce sang, standing up.
"Funny," Brendon whipped his phone out, "Hello?"
"Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! OHMYGOSH!" he squealed jumping up and down, "Did you tell Terri?! You're about to surprise her right now?! Okay! BYE!"
Gabe and Jayce just stayed quiet, giving confused faces to each other.
"RYANS COMING!" he smiled and clapped his hands.
"Ohhhh," Gabe nodded, "When's he coming?"
"Right now! But first he's going to the place where Terri works to surprise her!"
"Awww," Jayce cooed, "Thats so sweet of him."
"Oh, trust me, he tastes pretty sweet," Brendon winked.
Terri started wipping down the counter.
"Fucking assholes..." Terri mumbled.
"What was that, miss?" the men sitting at the bar said.
"Nothing." she replied with a plastered smile.
Those 'men' had been the one's who started the problem. There had been an accident with one of them and the bartender before she got there.
They started making cat calls, insulting her, even the manager tried stopping them. Of course when Terri got there, the girl was in tears. The men refused to leave and the called the police.
That was about 10 minutes ago.
'How long does it take to get to a damn bar.."
"From the airport, about half an hour, but that's because of traffic." Terri heard a familar voice say. She looked up.
"RYAN!" Terri just about screamed.
She jumped across the counter, and hugged her best friend she'd been missing for so long.
"Missed you too, love." Ryan smiled hugging her back.
"What are you doing here? I thought it was just gonna be Brendon checking up on me.."
"Are you saying you don't want me here?" Ryan said fake offended.
"NO! No! Not at all!"
Ryan laughed" I missed you. I wanted to see that pretty little smile... and I miss sneaking out and taking Brendon's cash and buying a crap load of junk food."
"Awww! I missed you too! Well.. I'll ask my boss if I can leave as soon as the police come."
"What?" Ryan asked with a worried face.
"Dont worry. I'll tell you about it later. Anyways, how have you been?" terri asked forgetting about the 10 people watching them.
"Well, just the usual band stuff. I'd much rather hear about you."
"Well, as you can see, I'm a bartender, work the night shifts," terri replied with a big smile.
"Still have those sleeping problems? Shouldn't you see a doctor or something?" Ryan shook his head.
"Shut up." Terri wasn't one for seeing doctors very much. It was like every time she went, they would either shove something down her throat or stab her for shots.
"Fine.. Any boyfriend busines I should know about?"
"Awww! Its over protective Ry Ry!" she said pinching his cheeks.
"Shut up. Now, any boyfriends?"
"Nope. Been single since you know who."
"Oh. Okay. Good."
"Excuse me miss, we got a call about people refusing to leave?"
"Yeah, they're right there. Thanks."
"No problem, miss." The officer winked at Terri and she just rolled her eyes.
"Let me go talk to Fred. I'll be right back"
"Wait- your boss's name is Fred?" Ryan said trying to hide his laugh.
"Ryan, shut up," trying to hide her laugh too, she hit him," the guy pays me 15 bucks an hour. And that's just the usual. When things like this happen, well lets just say, its more."
Terri left Ryan standing at the bar and went to the back room.
"Hey Fred, is it okay if I leave..?"
Terri heard a lady moan. She gagged.
"Err.. Terri? Yeah.. Yeah.. Go ahead.. Mmhm.. Yeah.. Right there.."
Terri left instantly. She didn't need to hear her boss getting layed.
"Ryan. lets go. Now."
"Okay! Okay! What happened?"
"Someone's getting it tonight."
Ryan stopped dead in his tracks. He starred at terri and she just shook her head.
"Lets go Ryan." Terri continued shaking her head and walking.
Ryan bursted out laughing.
"Shut. up. He'll hear you!" she hissed.
"Okay.. Hahaha.. Okay. I'm good." Ryan smiled.
They walked outside to find a nice shinny car waiting.
"Terri.. This is your's...?"
"Mmhmm. Being the favorite pays off."
They put his stuff in the back of her car and started driving home.

They started walking down the hallway to her room, talking, and heard a bunch of noise.
"Wow, is it always this crazy?"
"nah. Only when we have visitors."
Terri knocked on Jacye's door.
"Gabe! Get the door!"
Jayce and Brendon were having a staring contest.
"H! I'm back!"
"Oh hey Terri! Jayce and Brendon are having a starring contest. Hi Ryan!"
"HA! I WIN! What now, Urie!"
"Agh. Mean.." Brendon said pouting.
"Awww I'm sorry!" she hugged him
Brendon smiled, "Much better."
"Jayce! Brendon! Terri's back with Ryan!" Gabe yelled from across the room.
"SWEET!" Brendon dragged Jayce over to them.
"Ryan Ross!"
"Brendon Urie!" They hugged and high fived.
"Ryan, you know Gabe, this is Jacye. I've known her since.. She moved in about three years ago. Jayce, Ryan." Terri smiled.
Jayce shook his hand and smiled
"How about we all chill tomorrow?" Gabe asked
"Yeah totally!" Brendon and Terri replied.
Jayce and Ryan were still starring at each other and smiling.
"Well I guess that's a yes from those two!" Brendon smiled.
"Wow, 4 a.m. Crap. I have rehersal at 8. Gotta go Jacye! Bye! Bye Gabe!" Terri said looking at her phone.
"Bye guys!" Jacye and Gabe called back as Terri, Brendon, and Ryan walked across to her apartment.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ryan's in this one:)