RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#5: Dont let them force you into taking a shower w

RISE AND SHINE, SWEETHEART!" Jayce yelled sang into Gabe's ear.
"God," Gabe sat up, "what the hell, Jayce?!"
"Wake up. Get up. Get ready." she said throwing a his clothes at him.
"But," Gabe squinted at the clock, "its only 10 in the morning!"
"Yeah, and we said we would go chill with the Terri. I'm pretty sure she gets back from rehersal around 12."
As soon as the word 'Terri' went past Jayce's lips, Gabe jumped out of bed.
"Agh!" Gabe groaned, "You should've woken me up earlier! You're only giving me two hours to get ready!"
"Gabe, you-"
"Thats only two hours look like the most fucking sexy thing she's ever seen!"
"You have plenty-"
"TWO HOURS! How the hell am I going to get ready in that amount of time?!"
"You look-"
"You talk way too much,Jayce!" Gabe said running to the bathroom for a shower.
Jayce rolled her eyes.
Gabe was such a self centered guy.
"TA-DA!" Gabe sang and ran into the kitchen. "Am I not the hottest thing you've ever seen?"
"No." Jayce said bluntly and continued drinking a glass of juice.
"Pffft. I know you're just jealous."
"Mmmhmm." she ignored him.
"We should spoon tonight."
She choked on her juice and spat it all over the floor.
"Kidding! Haha."
"Not cool," she mummbled bending down and cleaning the mess.
"What did Terri say we were doing anyways?"
"Dunno. Probably just hang out at her house or go out."
"You just wanna see Ryan and Brendon."
"No." Jayce blushed at the sound of Ryan's name.
"Sureee," Gabe grinned.
"Shut up."
"Make me."
"Lets just go over to Terri's."
"GUYS! I'M HOME!" Terri yelled through the apartment.
She heard groaning coming from the couch.
She walked over and found Brendon on top of Ryan on the couch.
She tried very hard not to laugh.
"Ryan, wake up! Look, it's Jayce naked!"
Ryan instantly got up, shoving Brendon off him in the process.
"What?! Where?!" he replied looking around the room.
"Wow, what a little perv you are. Come on, we gotta get ready. They'll be here soon!"
"Agh. Okay! Okay! What are we doing?" he rubbed his eyes.
"I figured we'd go get lost in the city, find some place to eat, maybe go to the park."
"Sounds fun. How are we gonna get Brendon up?"
"Oh, just the same way I got you up, just with a different person." Terri smirked.
"Go take your shower, Ross."
"Bye!" he grabbed his clothes and ran off to the bathroom.
"Brendon... there's someone waiting for you in the shower..." she whispered in his ear.
"Mmmm.. Who?" Brendon mumbled into the floor.
"Ryan." She smiled.
With that, he ran straight for the bathroom.
Terri laughed and walked over to listen.
"Terri I need more sham-BRENDON! GET THE HELL OUT!"
"Come on Ryan! I know you want me!"
"Terri! Get him out of here!" Ryan yelled.
"You should join us, Terri!" Brendon called.
"Ooo. I get to see my two best friends naked." She rolled her eyes and walked in.
About half an hour later, after they all took a shower, yes, Terri was forced to join them, they were ready to leave.
"God, I'm never doing that again." Terri shuddered.
Both boys smirked.
"Come on Terri, you know you loved it."
"Oh yeah? What if I tell Jayce about this?"
"NO!" they both yelled.
Terri smirked. "They should be here any second- agh."
Terri grabbed her phone out of her pocket.
"Hey! Those are mine!" Brendon said pointing to her pants.
"Hello?" Terri said into the phone.
"Hi!" Jacye said.
"Hi! We're just about ready. You guys can come over!" Terri leaned on the counter.
"Okay! We'll be right there! Bye!"
"Bye!" Terri hung up and heard a knock on the door.
"I'll get it!" Brendon ran to the door.
"Hi Jayce! Hi Gabe!"
"Hey guys!" Terri called from the kitchen.
Gabe's mouth almost dropped open.
Terri just looked amazing. She was in skinny jeans, purple shirt, and a hoodie.
"Gabe...? Helloo!" Jayce waved her hand in front of Gabe's face.
"Sorry..." his focus went back to the group. "So where are we off to this lovely afternoon?"
"Just get lost in the city, go to the park, where ever we want." Terri replied.
"Sounds awesome." Gabe smiled.
"Of course." Terri and Gabe were deffinetly flirting.
"So are we walking or driving?" Gabe asked keeping his eyes on Terri.
"Walking, much easier." Terri smiled.
Brendon interupted."soooooooooo.. LET'S GO!"
Cheer's came from Jayce and Ryan while Terri and Gabe smiled and started talking to each other, completely forgetting about the others.
"So, how old are you?"
"25, my birthday's on October 18."
"28. Mine's on the 11." She smiled.
"So how long have you known Jayce?" Terri asked getting a look from Ryan.
Ryan didn't really want them left alone. He'd heard about the things Gabe Saporta did with girls. He would take them out, get drunk, he was famous for his one night stands. He didn't want Terri getting hurt. Not again.
"So, how about we get something to eat? I'm starving." Brendon rubbed his stomach.
"Me too! I know this great place, amazing food!" Jayce jumped up and down.
"Lead the way, Jayce!" Ryan gestured.
"Terri! Gabe! Come on!"
"Okay!" they both ran and caught up with the rest of the group.
Within minutes, they we're standing in front of this huge restraunt.
"Wow..." was all they could say.
♠ ♠ ♠
showers, jeeze, Brendon and Ryan are pervs.