RuleBook to Staying Sane While Living with Rockstars

#7: Refer to rule 6. Or carry a condom around.

Jayce calmly walked out of the bathroom and back to the table.

"Thats not like me," she said taking her spot back next to Ryan, "I've never made out with someone I haven't known for a day."

"So, I'm you're first?" Ryan smirked.

"Don't think I'm easy," she frowned, "that was a one time thing."

"What was a one time thing?" Brendon asked cheerfully sitting down.


"Okay..Ryan, it looks like you wet yourself."

"Its your fault!"

"Yeah yeah," Brendon rolled his eyes, "Anyways, Jayce, me and you should hang out. Without Terri and them."

"That would be fun," she smiled trying not to look at Ryan's face.

"So can I get cha number? Hit ya up later?" Brendon said attemping to be gangster.

"Fo sho," she laughed.

"Sweet! I mean...fuck. What other words are there for sweet- wait no! I remembered!" Brendon flipped his hair and whipped his phone out, "What I ment to say was, tight."

"Its 7-"

"Jayce, me and you should chill instead. Phone number, por favor."

"You need a phone for that, dum dum." Brendon sang.

"My phone is right-"

Ryan searched his pocket. Nothing.

"Must of left in the bathroom," he sighed and stood up, "be right back."

"God, can I not get a girl's number without Brendon totally stealing her attention?" Ryan mummbled walking to the bathroom, "I mean come on, Brendon is a complete nut job. How could- TERRI, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU AND GABE DOING?!"

Ryan stood there in shock. He couldn't believe this was happening.
Terri stopped. "Oh uh.. Hey Ryan.."
"Terri, could you please put your pants back on.." Ryan covered his eyes. "Gabe, the same.."
"Yeah.. Umm.. I'll just go back to the table.." Gabe pulled his pants up.
"Ryan I can exp-"
"Terri, how could you do that?! You just met the guy! You could get pregnant! STD's!" Ryan yelled.
"Ryan.." Terri was looking at her feet.
"It just happened.. I couldn't help it.. I'm sorry.." She continued looking at her feet.
Ryan sighed. "Terri, I just don't want you getting hurt.."
"I know Ry, but I think I really like him." Terri smiled.
"You barely know the guy-"
"And he's famous for his one night stands. Blah blah blah. Ryan, just approve of him? Please?" Terri pouted.
"Not the pout.." Ryan covered his eyes.
"Please?" Terri tried to move his hand.
"Agh. You really like him?"
Terri nodded.
"You really wanna be with him?"
Terri nodded again.
"...fine. But no sex. At least not anywhere near me." Ryan gave in.
"THANK YOU RYRO! I LOVE YOU" Terri hugged him.
"" he gasped.
"Oh sorry.." She let go.
"It's okay. Have you seen my phone? I think I left it here.." He looked around.
"Umm.. Oh! Here!" Terri handed him the phone.
"Thanks! Now, lets go talk to Mr. Saporta about the two of you." Ryan and Terri walked out the bathroom, and back to the table.
♠ ♠ ♠
ehh. getting caught isn't fun.