Right Here, the Best Days of Our Lives

May I introduce you to my life?




Alll such familiar names.

Too familiar, for my taste.

You see girls all over the web spazzing out for these guys.

Hell, they are hot, but if you ever,EVER spend a week or more living with them, you find out these men aren’t as “manly” as the sound.

Brendon, he’s a cuddler, a ‘Jena, I can’t sleep, I had a bad dream. Can I sleep with you?’, and a pig. No, I’m not trying to say he’s an asshole. I mean he leaves his clothing EVERYWHERE. I walked into his room one time, there were three shirts in the window, four pairs of boxers on his fan, and piles of other things on his floor that you wouldn’t dare touch.

Now, Pete, he’s a clean freak. If you leave one little piece of trash on the floor, he’ll run, pcik it up, and start lecturing you. I’ve learned to tune him out. He’s also a control freak. You know what? Pete’s just a freak in general. But then again, he’s my freak.

As for Gabe, well, his place is full of clothes. Everywhere. He keeps his clothes nice and organized. But go into his fridge, there’s either nothing there, or a shit load of junk food. See, Gabe has this problem. It’s called he pigs out then forgets to buy food. If you ever stay with him, make sure you have a secret storage place for your own food.

Oh, Me? I’m Jena. I’ve lived with each one of these guys, learned many many things from them. I love them to death, even if they are total losers. See, you’re probably thinking, ‘oh she dated them all.’ Well, sorry, but no. I admit they’re hot, but I’d never date them. See, I have my eye on someone else. Someone very special to me, he holds the key to my heart, even if he hasn’t realized it. His name, oh god, when I hear his name, it gives me such butterflies in my tummy and makes me grin like mad. I’ll say it. I’ve fallen head-over-heels

in love


William Beckett.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love William Beckett, he amazes me.