Right Here, the Best Days of Our Lives

Who are you?

I first met the lovely William Beckett at a small venue in Chicago. At this point in time, I was living with Gabe. He told me that some of his buddies were playing and wanted me to see them. We walked into the place, and it was packed. Luckily, Gabe was tall enough to find us a good spot to listen and watch without getting mobbed. The lights dimmed and I admit, I was really excited. I hadn’t really gotten to see a band play in a while. They walked up on stage and the crowd roared. I noticed they seemed to be missing the lead singer.

“Hey guys! Glad to see you all come out tonight! If you haven’t already noticed, out friend bill is missing. Well, if you look around really carefully, you’ll see him, hiding there in the crowd with you!”

Gabe laughed. “Jena, I’m gonna end up going up on stage with them, so you wanna stay out here or backstage?”

“I’ll stay here, better view.”

“Alright, get up near the front; I want you to see them super up close.” He winked and walked away.

I shook my head and pushed my way to the front. Someone caught my eye. They were the only person wearing sunglasses.

“Uh, I’m guessing you’re Bill…?” I said, trying to get a better look.

“Ladies and gentlemen! I believe this lady has found our singer!”

The guy I was standing next to smiled and took his sunglasses off. My knees went week. My heart stopped. My jaw dropped. He smiled. “Why, yes she has. I believe that means she gets to come up on stage with us and get a song sung to her.”

All I could do was grin. He was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He grabbed my hand and led me to the stage as the crowd cheered.

William said into the mic, “I know it’s sometimes weird to start with a slow song, but screw it, this pretty girl’s getting After The Last Midtown Show sung to her!” The band started playing, and it was great. I blushed hardcore as he started singing. It was the most beautiful song I’d ever heard.
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Short, but The next will be longer.