Build Them Skywards

Part Three

“Are you sure?” He asked breathlessly. “If you want me to stop, I will, just say.”

I leant across him, opened my bedside drawer and handed him a blueberry condom. He ripped open the wrapper, blew gently on it so the tip stood up then slid it over his cock.

He lay me on my back again and pulled off my black panties. After some awkward fumbling, he entered me. His body was on top of mine, the friction of our bodies tearing me apart. I could feel every beat of his heart, his fingertips gently rubbing down my body.

this is wrong my mind whispered. does he really want you? or is this just a pity fuck? come on, like a guy as beautiful as him would have any interest in you. get real, you damn idiot

I moaned loudly, trying to quiet the voice in my head. Will did want me, I was sure of it.

“Will, this isn’t right.” I said
“Do you want me to stop?” he replied
“I’m sorry, i want you but my mind won’t let me”
“It’s fine, he replied, kissing my nose.

We kissed lustful, passion filled kisses before we fell asleep in each others arms.


“Mandy?” my dad called through into the bedroom. I subtly pulled my clothes on under the covers, kissed Wills’ innocent sleeping form and crept downstairs, to the sofa I was sleeping on. I crawled into the sleeping bag and fell asleep instantly.


I awoke with a start at five thirty. I missed Will. I crept back upstairs and into my room.

“Will?” I whispered on his sleeping lips.
“I missed you. Can I have a hug?”

He giggled sleepily at my stupidity as he pulled back the covers and let me crawl in beside him. He adjusted so he was lying on his side, his beautiful face in mine. He put his hand gently around my neck and kissed me tenderly, like he was worried he would break me. He pulled my close, his hands now at my shoulder blades. I wrapped my arms around his neck, deppening the kiss.
His hands traced down my back, causing me to push my body even closer. Already his boxers were bulging with a very exciting invitation. I moved so I was lying on top of him, straddling his small waist, rubbing myself against him, feeling my warm juices spread in my panties. I could feel his stomach tensing as he tried to regain control of himself. He rolled on top of me, pushing his painfully hard cock inot my pubic bone. Suddenly it was my turn to control myself, my breathing getting heavier.
I slid my hands down his chest and into his boxers, the precum already dripping from his tip. I started to pump him furiously, feeling his moans vibrate in his chest, in his mouth. I refused to kiss him, teasing him with my lips, brushing them against his puckered mouth.
His eyes were half closed as his stomach clenched tightly. I put my hand near the tip as the warm liquid oozed out. He took a sharp intake of breath as he released his load. I removed my hand from his boxers and licked the salty substance from my hands. He kissed me roughly, tasting himself on my tongue. I rolled back onto the pillows and closed my eyes just as his alarm began to sing. I groaned as he sat upright, and latched myself around my shoulders. He turned and kissed me again as he stood up.
I sat up in bed and watched his muscles flex as he sprayed hit stunning body with Lynx. He pulled on his black buttoned cardigan and his black shirt. He left a few buttons undone, making me want to rip off his clothes.
I pulled back the covers and peeled off my vest top. I closed my eyes and thought over the events of the night. When I opened my eyes, Will was in front of me. He looked at my body then crashed his lips onto mine, pushing me back onto the bed. He kissed down my chest, biting and nibbling, down my stomach, leaving a trail of wet kisses down to my panties. He slowly slipped them down to my thighs, licking up the indise, then licking my clit. My body tingled with pleasure are desire as he stood back up and continued to dress.
He watched lustfully as I pulled off my panties and changed into my green lace. He continued to watch as I unhooked my bra and swapped it for the one that matched my underwear.
He sat down on my grey office chair and I sat on his lap. We kissed again but stopped before things got too heated. I finished dressing and headed downstairs. He was sitting at the bottom, tying his shoes. I kissed the top of his head and I stepped over his gorgeous form.
He came up behind me as I touched up my hair in the mirror, resting his head on my shoulder, his hands on my hips. I pulled his arms tighter around me, loving the feeling of having him so close to me. He kissed my neck and I wished the moment would never end. Unfortunately, it had to. I left a note for my parents, explaining Will had an early start and I was across the road at the bus stop with him. I grabbed my phone and we headed out the door.
We walked across the road and waited. I reached up and put my arms around him in a loving embrace. He put his hands on my hips and pushed me back.
My mind went blank.
“Last night was great. Maybe we should keep it to ourselves though. It’ll only cause problems.” he stated.
“What?” I replied shakily. “So I’m your dirty little secret?”
“Yeah, if that makes you feel better”
I felt like I’d walked into a brick wall. I didn’t know what to think.
He couldn’t stay still, dying to get away, willing the bus to hurry. We made mindless chit chat as my head bubbled over with a million thoughts.
“So, yeah, should be a lau..” I cut him off.
“Will, I’m sorry, but I think my head might explode if I don’t say this.”
“I am so confused right now and last night…last night was so perfect. But now I feel so used and dirty. All I want is to be with you. I can’t just say, right, okay, last night was the most amazing night of my life and now I have to carry on the way I was before. I just can’t. I can’t just pretend that my heart doesn’t skip when you hold me close. I can’t pretend your eyes don’t give me butterflies. Every little thing about you makes me smile. I love how your nose crinkles when you laugh. I love how your skin feels on mine. I just want you Will.”

“Shit..” he said, gob smacked. “Mandy, that’s what last night was about. My head is fucked up right now, as is yours and we need to sort ourselves out. I’ve got my GCSEs coming up and we need to sort out all that before I can even think about a relationship. I’m sorry.”

It felt like a smack in the face. After all the shit with my ex, I thought Will would be the one to make me believe in love again. Clearly not.

And, to make it even better, that was the moment the bus decided to show. He gave me a weak hug and got on.

I replayed the conversation in my head and realized I had nothing to be sad about. Will had basically said he would give things a go with me, he just had to sort out all the shit.

I had nothing to worry about.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry! A lot of shit happened past few days, including me calling Betsy and telling him I just didn't want to have feelings for him. Which was fun.

Thank you to the readers, feedback would be great.

One more chapter to go I think.