It's Time To Open Your Eyes


She felt the gazes upon her back as she walked to her seat in Anatomy.

Why do people always stare? Don't they know it's rude? Or maybe it's the bandage on my ear…

"Okay, d'we have any extra credit today?" Mr. Oda asked, glancing at Hayley. She always did it. He felt bad for her; she was an over-achiever, but he never saw her interact with anyone else in a social manner.

Hayley, as always, raised in her in a poised and calm manner, the paper shaking slightly in her hand.

Mr. Oda nodded at her, and she walked up to the front of the classroom smoothly, looking at the floor as she advanced with each step.

"Homologous and analogous structures," she began.

Walking with a slight edge in his step, Oliver strode briskly towards Physics. He opened the door quietly, hoping that Mr. Freeman was busy helping a student so that he could slip into his seat unnoticed.

No dice.

"Oliver. I believe that's seven tardies. You know what I have to do now."

"Oh, come on, now," Oliver began, protesting meekly.

Freeman interrupted him before he could go on, "No. I warned you last time. I said one more tardy equals a two-day suspension."

"Fine," he grumbled. Whatever.

Not like he wasn't expectin' it, anyway.

"Your parents will be notified of it, as well, Oliver," Freeman said, looking at him.

Oliver groaned aloud and set his chin roughly onto the palm of his hand, muttering incoherent swear words.

"And…that's it," she took a breath before turning to Mr. Oda to give him her paper.

The class clapped lazily; every Friday was a new extra credit paper.

"Any others? No?" Oda asked, looking around the room. He sighed; why do these students not try?

"Okay, well, we're doing a lab today," he clapped his hands together, trying to get the class moving a little.

"This lab…," he began, "requires partners."

Oh, no.

"Whom I will pick for you," Oda continued, a grin adorning his face as he heard the protests of his students.

Hayley envisioned a cartoon character wiping his forehead and emitting an exaggerated "Whew!" before Oda continued.

"The computer has randomly selected partners, so I'm sorry if you're stuck with your worst enemies," he chuckled.

Hayley felt a little more content. She had no friends, and therefore, also no so-called "enemies."

"Mark and Diana. Sean and Lloyd. Katrina and Anna. Vivian and Alan. Elaine and Hayley." When she heard her name, Hayley's ears perked up, and she looked around for Elaine.

"Jake and Tayler, uh, yes, Hayley?" She had raised her hand.

"Elaine's not here," she states simply. Oda looked around the room, and didn't know what to do momentarily.

"Well, um," he said, frowning slightly, "this lab is kind of hard to do alone…"

"What is it?" she inquired. He told her it was a computer lab.

"It's fine. I'll do it alone."

The phone began to ring, and Mr. Oda stood up, knocking over a folder or two full of papers on the way.

"Hello? Freeman, what do you want, man? Oh, really? Is he disruptive? No, we're just doing a lab today. Oh, okay. You know what? Yeah, just send him over; I have an extra students, and this lab really shouldn't be done without a partner; it's a little hard," Oda glanced over at Hayley, who was looking through her Anatomy textbook absentmindedly.

Even though she was across the room, Hayley could hear every single word.

She was hurt. I'm not…stupid. I'm perfectly capable of doing anything I set my mind to.

That was what her father had told her before he passed away. Maybe that's why she strived for such good grades. To keep her father happy, wherever he was.

"Mr. Oda!"

She practically jumped in her seat from the loud cry, which attracted many people sitting around her.

"Oliver, we're doing a lab today. She will be your partner."

Upon hearing this, Hayley looked up.

"Well, hello, there. What's your name?" the voice of pierced lips asked.
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criticism to the max!
[lmao, that sounded lame]
got the next chapter partially typed up.