It's Time To Open Your Eyes


This is all such easy crap. I can't believe he thought I couldn't do it by myself. And this bloke isn't helping one flippin' bit, either.

"So, are you gonna tell me what you're doin', or am I gonna hafta figure it out myself?" Oliver asked, slightly irritated with the lack of talking.

As if you could, she wanted to snort.

Instead, she calmly asked, "Do you wanna know how to do it, or to actually understand the whole thing?"

He thought for a quick moment, "Is it even part of my grade?"

"Are you even taking Anatomy?" she retorted back.

"No," he snorted.

"Then, I wouldn't think it counts for a grade for a class you don't even have," she said coolly. Ouch. I didn't mean to sound bitchy.

"Well, so-rry," Oliver snapped; how dare this girl talk to him like that?

She rolled her eyes; she had gotten worse responses in her high school lifetime.

"How are we doing over here?" Mr. Oda walked over to the oddly-paired students.

"Fine," Hayley stated monotonously, while Oliver blurted out at the same time, "Fine. Bloody fuckin' fine."

Oda gave him a stern look, and Oliver raised his arms in mock surrender, "Sorreh, sorreh."

Mr. Oda left, feeling sorry for Hayley for having him as a student.

"Seriously," Oliver leaned in immensely close to Hayley's face, scaring the bloody shit outta her, "What the hell's shoved up your arse?"

"Nothing," she emphasized, "Now wouldja get off meh back about it?"

"Christ," he muttered, leaning back into the swivel-chair, hands rested neatly behind his messy brown locks. "Girls and their PMS."

Hayley gripped the mouse tightly, taking her anger out on the poor piece of electronic equipment.


The bright blue words flew out at her, blinding her deep blue eyes.

Those same words caught Oliver's attention. "Eh?" he muttered softly, quirking an eyebrow.

"Oy, good job," he patted Hayley roughly on the back, making her rib cage hit the desk.

She coughed, uttering, "Thanks," as she wrote down her score for Mr. Oda to stamp.

She's so weird, the same thought kept running through the vain mind of Oliver. She doesn't like me. She doesn't hate me. She doesn't like me. What the bloody…

Oliver talks quite a lot, Hayley couldn't help thinking.

When the class headed back to the classroom from the computer lab, Oliver parted ways with Hayley.

"Good job today, guys," Oda said loudly. He looked at the clock; 3 more minutes and school would be over. "You can talk."

He was about to turn around, but opened his mouth before everyone else could, "Quietly."

Oliver strode down the hallway, his left thumb hooked onto his back left jean pocket. It was odd.

Hayley was a challenge. Oliver liked challenges. And there was never any decent-looking girl that Oliver wanted to turn down.

But Hayley was just so…out of it.

Who would want to be with her?

Yeah, she was good lookin', but really. The girl never talked unless she was talked to. He didn't want a robot for a shag. He shuddered at the thought.

Hayley wouldn't be one of his goals, he concluded. She wasn't worth obtaining.
♠ ♠ ♠
is it still typical? (in my defense, I realize this chap. was utter crap)

it's so bloody fuckin' hard to write a non-typical story!
[breathes heavily]
uh...4 comments?

&& thanks for that "smooth transitioning" comment; made me pretty happeh, mate :)