It's Time To Open Your Eyes


"Alice, could you please print out the grades for period 6?" Mr. Oda requested.

Hayley's head perked up; Grades?

After everyone had rushed up to see if their grade had improved whatsoever, Hayley stood up, and noticed she had a 114% in this class.

It was expected, and she felt proud. She hadn't spent free time with friends; instead, she worked, and did extra credit.

What now, bitches, eh?

With grades like these, getting into a prestigious university in America would be a breeze.

"Now, Oliver," the headmaster peered over his spectacles, "you're officially not suspended anymore, but yeh best be on your best behavior, alright?"

"Yes, sir," Oliver emphasized the word just the slightest bit, making his headmaster's eyebrows twinge a little.

"Now, head off to your class, Oliver. Hopefully, I won't be seeing you later."

Oliver didn't bother with a witty response, and stood up, not bothering to push back his chair, grabbing his binder and textbook.

With a head held high as an eagle, he carried the cockiness upon his shoulders, and strode smoothly down the hallway until he reached his class.

Hello, Hell.

"Mum? Mummy? Where are yeh?" Hayley spoke into her phone receiver; voicemail. "Well…Call me back. I thought we were supposed to meet at some fanceh restaurant, yeah? "

So, instead of driving to said "fanceh" restaurant, she drove home, hopin' that her mum wouldn't reprimand her for not calling earlier.

Instead, when she turned into her driveway, two policemen were standing there grimly.

"'scuse meh, Miss. Do yeh live 'ere?"

"Yes; can I 'elp you two with anythin'?" Hayley frowned. This was odd.

"May I ask what your relationship is to Ms. Jameson?"

"She's my Mum." Adrenaline rushed throughout her body; what was wrong?

"Alright. Please come with us," one of the policemen gripped her arm gently and led her towards their car.

"Why? What happened? What – what's wrong with her?" she asked frantically.

"She was in a car accident, but," he stressed out the single word, "she's absolutely fine. Just a concussion. She's knocked out, but she will be fine, and the doctor said it wasn't bad enough for her to 'ave amnesia. Don't worry, kid, it's alright."

"Oh," her hand flew to her heart, which she could feel beating rapidly, "that's…that's good, then."
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alright, so I'm sorry if this is getting uninteresting, but basically, this chapter was supposed to show how they're not seeing each other, like, every single fuckin' day. 'cause if they did, it'd be too typical. no me gusta.

and yeah, I'm not really expectin' comments 'cause this was like the worst chapter (so far) xD
thanks for all of your support so far, though! means a whole fuckin' lot<3