He's So Unaware


I'm Hailee Essence Tan. I love to have fun, smile, and laugh. My mom says I'm like my dad in that way. I have a pain in the butt little sister that I love. She's eight yrs old. I like to think I'm smart, contrary to what everyone else may tell you ; )

Yeah, that's right, I'm childhood friends with the Jonas Brothers. So what? I know they're famous rockstars, but to me they're still the three goofballs I grew up with. Nick and me are the closest, probably because we're the same age. He's only two months older than me, but he never lets me forget it. We've been best friends since we were in diapers.

Sounds nice, right? It is, mostly. But I failed to mention one thing, I'm undeniably in love with my best friend. I'm sure you're probably thinking, 'Oh that's not so bad, its kind of sweet' but the thing is, he doesn't even know.