He's So Unaware

Important if you want a sequel

Okay, I was just sitting here, reading my comments (btw, love you all!) and all of a sudden....


I realized I was promoting something I don't even have. I have no ideas for a sequel, not that it would be hard to write a sequel, if I had any thought of which direction I should go, but having no ideas is the problem.

So, if you want a sequel, you can help me think of ideas. Message me soon, so I can get started as soon as possible.

There's just so many ways it can go, marriage, breaking up, cheating, etc. I just have no sense of which direction I want to go.

Plus, I like knowing what my readers want. The customer is always right. Well, in this case, its the reader is always right. Lol.

So the question is,

What do you want?

I know it seems like I ask a lot out of you guys, but I like having someone to evaluate what I do.

Did I mention I have the best readers in the world?