Nothing Lasts Forever

Can't Get You Out of My Head

Patrick ran down the sidewalk as fast as he could, not caring that everyone he passed was staring at him. Only one thing was on his mind: getting to Nikki. He had been stupid when he just sat there with her spilling her guts out to him, and now he needed to get her back.

He saw her dark brown hair about a block ahead of him, and he quickly picked up his pace, trying to catch her. He saw her go inside a building, and he suddenly realized that he had arrived back at Nikki’s apartment. He ran inside, knocking on her door. He was surprised when the door opened since he had expected to have to apologize from outside the door to begin with.

“What do you want?” Nikki asked him.

“I’m sorry,” Patrick immediately apologized as he walked inside her apartment. Nikki shut the door behind him and stared at him expectantly. “I’m sorry that I just sat there and didn’t say anything or defend you or defend our relationship.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Nikki told him. “We have no relationship.”

“Nikki,” Patrick said, reaching out to hug her, but she quickly stepped back out of reach. “I just told you I was sorry.”

“Sorry?” Nikki questioned. “You think that by saying you’re sorry that everything’s going to be just fine? Patrick, I made myself look like an idiot in front of my brother, my best friend, and a bunch of strangers. And for what? For a man who just sits there and does nothing? Patrick, if you really did care about me, you would have said something, anything!” Nikki exclaimed.

“I know I was stupid,” Patrick began.

Nikki shook her head. “I don’t want to hear it, Patrick. Please, just leave,” she begged, walking over to the door and opening it up.

Patrick did as he was asked, but right as he was in the doorway, he turned around to look at Nikki. “I love you, too,” he told her.

Nikki stood there, her mouth wide open, speechless. Patrick, figuring she didn’t want him there, started walking outside. He had gotten halfway down the sidewalk when he heard his name being called. He turned around and saw Nikki running after him. He instantly stopped, walking back towards her. “What did you just say?” she asked him, out of breath from running after him.

“I love you, too,” he repeated.

“Do you mean it?” Nikki asked.

“Nikki, of course I mean it!” Patrick exclaimed. “We’ve been together for four months, and honestly, I can’t see my life without you in it. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she said, crashing her lips to his, not caring that people were having to walk around them since they were standing in the middle of the sidewalk. “Come on,” she told him, grabbing her hand and jogging back to her apartment, pulling Patrick along.


Adam and Genevieve walked into her apartment, Adam still feeling bad for what had happened between Nikki and Patrick. “What happens if I just ruined their relationship?” he asked her as he sat down next to her on the couch.

“Yeah, well you should have thought of that before you started this whole stupid thing,” Genevieve told him.

“You’re not being very supportive,” Adam whined.

“Yeah, well, if you would listen to me in the first place, maybe I’d be more supportive. Adam, I told you that this was a bad idea from the get go. And, I was right, wasn’t I?” Genevieve questioned.

“Yes,” he said in a tone that resembled a son answering his mother. “But, I just wanted them to admit that they were seeing each other. I never expected Nikki to scream out that she loved him in the middle of the restaurant or for her to storm out of the place.”

“I know,” Genevieve told him.

“What happens if I just ruined their relationship?” he asked once again.

Genevieve opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by giggling. She turned her head just in time to see Nikki come out of her bedroom with just a sheet wrapped around her body, saying something about going to get some water. The next thing she knows, Patrick comes walking out behind Nikki, wearing only a pair of boxers.

Nikki suddenly looked up to see Adam and Genevieve sitting on the couch. “Oh my God!” she screamed.

Adam looked up, not noticing the two of them come out of Nikki’s bedroom. “Oh my God! My eyes!” he yelled, quickly putting his hand over his eyes, as Genevieve sat there laughing at them.

Nikki ran as fast as she could back to her bedroom pushing Patrick back in as well, while Adam continued to cover his eyes, rocking back and forth on the couch, muttering things to himself. “Adam,” Genevieve said to him. “Adam,” she repeated, putting her hand on his shoulder.

“What?” he questioned, not taking his hand off of his eyes.

Genevieve slowly peeled his hand away. “Nik left,” she told him, and she realized that his eyes were still shut tightly even after his hand was gone. “Seriously, Adam, you’d have thought you actually caught them having sex. They both had clothes on,” she laughed.

“No, my sister had a sheet on!” he cried. “And, Sharpie…God, I don’t want to think about this, but that image is going to be etched into my mind for the rest of my life!” he exclaimed.

“Adam, you knew they were having sex before now,” she pointed out.

“Yes, but I wasn’t expecting to actually see them! Plus, I thought they had broken up!” he told Genevieve.

“Well, apparently they made up. I’d say that looked like makeup sex to me,” she stated.

“Gen!” Adam whined, while she laughed at him. “I don’t want to think about this!”

“Okay, well, let me take your mind off of them then,” she said, leaning over and kissing him. She bit down on his bottom lip as his hands started roaming her body, finally placing them on her hips. He pushed her back on the couch, making sure to be careful of her broken leg, while he hovered over her.

Suddenly, he pulled away, quickly getting off of her and settling on the other side of the couch. Genevieve gave him a questioning look, not being able to figure out what had just happened. “I’m sorry,” he apologized.

“What was that?” she asked.

“It’s just, I’m kissing you, but the only image in my head is my sister,” he explained.

“You know that’s sounds a lot like incest,” Genevieve stated.

“Ew!” Adam cried. “No! I’m not picturing you as her. I just can’t get the image of Nik and Sharpie out of my mind!”

“Well, until you get over that, then I guess I’ll just go take a long, hot shower,” she smirked at him, slowly getting up. “Give me a call when you’re not thinking about your sister,” she joked.

Adam groaned, leaning his head back on the couch, angry at his current situation.