Nothing Lasts Forever

Trust Me

Genevieve sat at Adam’s kitchen table, waiting on dinner to be finished. She watched as he stirred the pasta and then took a seat across from Genevieve. “So,” Genevieve said, looking up at him. “I hear your parents are coming.”

“Nikki told you?” Adam asked.

“Yeah,” Genevieve said. “She was actually freaking out a bit when she found out. She doesn’t want to tell them that she and Patrick are dating. How ridiculous is that?” she questioned. Adam didn’t answer right away, and she looked over at him, to see he was looking down at the table, avoiding eye contact with her. “What?” she asked, trying to figure out what was wrong.

“I haven’t told them about us,” Adam admitted, still looking down at the table.

“What?” Genevieve cried. “What is it with your family and being stupid when it comes to relationships?” she asked him. “What’s your excuse for not telling your parents about me? Are you embarrassed of me?” she asked jokingly.

“No,” Adam said quickly. “It’s just, you don’t know my parents,” he began.

“Seriously, you and your sister are so alike, it’s uncanny,” Genevieve said with a laugh. “Explain it to me,” she told him.

“My mom is crazy when it comes to relationships,” Adam told her.

“Yes, I know,” Genevieve interrupted him. “She plans your wedding as soon as you tell her you’re dating someone.”

Adam put his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it nervously. “I just don’t want her to freak you out and make you run off or anything. I’ll tell her eventually, just not this time. I promise,” he assured her.

Genevieve rolled her eyes. “Well, it appears you’ve already got your mind made up. And, I don’t know why you think I’d run off. I mean, I’ve stuck around with you this long. I don’t think anything your mom says is going to scare me off.”

“Please, just can we wait a little while until we tell them?” Adam asked.

“Fine,” Genevieve sighed, not liking the idea at all. “But, am I supposed to avoid your parents altogether? Am I not even supposed to exist?” she questioned.

“No, you’ll just be Nikki’s roommate,” Adam replied. He saw that Genevieve wasn’t happy, and he stood up, walking behind her. “I promise, I’ll tell them eventually,” he said, leaning down to kiss her, but she turned at the last moment so he kissed her cheek instead. “Gen, please don’t be mad,” he told her.

“What makes you think I’m mad?” she questioned.

“Because of the way you’re acting right now,” Adam countered, sitting back down across from her, crossing his arms across his chest. “Genevieve, I told you I’ll tell them eventually.”

“Yes, eventually,” Genevieve mocked. “And when is eventually? Next month? Next year? When?” she asked, her voice getting louder and louder.

“Genevieve, will you just calm down?” Adam pleaded. “And, I don’t know when I’ll tell them,” he admitted.

“I just don’t get why you can’t tell them now? I don’t see how it’s that big of a deal. I mean, yes, your mother might start planning your wedding, but that doesn’t mean anything. Why can’t you just tell them?” she questioned.

“I already told you I’ll tell them eventually,” Adam argued.

“You know what, tell them whenever the hell you want,” Genevieve said, standing up and walking out the front door.

Adam ran after her, calling her name. “Gen, where are you going?” he asked as she got into her car. He leaned against her door, and she rolled down the window. “Where are you going?” he repeated.

“Away from you,” she replied, rolling the window up and driving away. She started to go back to her apartment, but she knew that she would just get angry at Nikki, so she turned her car around, ending up at her favorite place in the world: the ice rink.

She got out of her car, grateful that they were still open, and she made her way inside, smiling at all the people she knew. She sat in the benches, just staring out at the ice, trying to clear her mind. She understood why Adam didn’t want to tell his parents about the two of them dating, but at the same time, she still didn’t agree with him.

She didn’t pay attention as someone sat down beside her, as she continued staring out at the ice. “Is everything alright?” she suddenly heard the person say, and she quickly turned her head around to see Patrick sitting there.

“Yeah,” she said automatically. “No,” she quickly added, shaking her head.

“What’s wrong?” Patrick asked, a concerned look upon his face.

“Adam and Nikki are idiots,” she answered, and Patrick gave her a confused look. “Has Nikki told you that their parents are coming?” she asked, not wanting to say anything about them not telling their parents about their relationships if Nikki hadn’t talked to him first.

“Yeah,” he replied, nodding his head. “I’m assuming you’re upset because Adam refuses to tell his parents about your relationship?” he asked.

Genevieve nodded her head. “It’s just so stupid,” she told him. “I mean, why can’t he just tell them and get it over with. I mean, he’s nervous because he thinks his mom is going to start planning his wedding for him if she finds out about me. Is that really that bad of a thing? Does he not want to think about marrying me?” she asked him.

“Gen, I’m sure that’s not it,” Patrick told her.

“Why aren’t you mad about this?” Genevieve asked, looking up at him. “You don’t care that Nikki wants to keep your relationship a secret from her parents?”

“Nik and I kept our relationship a secret from everyone for a long time. So, it’s not like I can really complain if she wants to keep it from her parents,” he explained.

“So, you’re not upset about this at all?” Genevieve questioned. “You don’t want her to tell her parents about you?”

“Of course I’d like her to tell them, but it’s not going to happen. I don’t think there’s anything that’s going to get those two to tell their parents. They’re both stubborn as hell,” Patrick said. Genevieve looked up at him, a smile on her face. “What?” he asked suspiciously.

“I think I’ve got a plan to get them to tell them,” Genevieve told him.

“Why do I have a feeling that I’m not going to like this plan?” he asked her.

“You’ll just have to trust me,” she said, leaning over and telling him her idea.
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I'm not sold on this chapter, but let me know what you think!