Nothing Lasts Forever


“How has your rehab been?” Adam asked Genevieve as he drove to physical therapy. He and the team had been on a road trip the last week and a half, and he wanted to know how Gary had been treating her.

“The same as always,” Genevieve replied, not wanting to discuss her physical therapy. She still didn’t like Gary, and she knew that if she told Adam the way he had been treating her, there was a good chance that Adam would punch him.

“Has Gary been the same?” Adam questioned, knowing something was wrong, but Genevieve refused to budge.

“Yeah, pretty much,” she told him, looking out the window, hoping he would just drop the subject. She was fortunate because he let it go as he pulled up in front of the building. He got out of the car, opening the back door and grabbing her crutches for her.

They made their way into the building, with Genevieve checking in before they sat down, waiting on Gary to come get them and bring them back. Adam glanced over at Genevieve, asking, “Gen, is everything okay?” She looked over at him, and he continued. “You just don’t seem like yourself today. Is everything okay?” he repeated.

“I’m fine,” Genevieve said, looking down at the floor. Adam gave her an odd look, not believing her, as Gary walked out, coming to get them.

“Oh, look, the boyfriend’s back,” Gary commented as Genevieve and Adam stood up, following him to the back room. Adam glared at the back of his head, and Genevieve laughed a little when she caught him. Gary spun around to look at her, but she simply smiled at him.

Adam began to walk to his normal seat when Gary started talking to him. “So, have you been helping your girlfriend with her rehab?” Gary questioned.

“Um,” Adam stuttered. “I’ve been away for a little while.”

“Well, like I told Genevieve last time, she’s not making the progress she should be making. And, if she continues at this pace, she might as well give up on her dream of skating. I told her to make sure you’re helping her with her rehab. She’s not able to do all of these by herself. Plus, maybe you can motivate her a bit,” Gary added, giving Genevieve a rude look.

Adam didn’t reply, but simply walked over to the chair, letting Genevieve begin her session. Adam just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible, and he knew they would get out of there faster if he just kept his mouth shut.

“Genevieve,” Gary began as she tried to do one of her exercises. “Do you even want to get better? Or do you love me so much that you just don’t ever want to leave me? Because, you know you can always visit me if you ever get out of here,” he said, and Genevieve looked up, glaring at him.

Adam rolled his eyes at Gary’s attempt at humor and continued watching from afar, seeing that Genevieve was in an extreme amount of pain. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Gary screamed not even ten minutes later. “Do you not follow directions or are you just that idiotic?”

“Okay,” Adam said, standing up and walking over to the two of them, not able to sit there and do nothing any longer. “Why are you such a dick?” he questioned, looking over at Gary.

“Adam!” Genevieve scolded, her eyes going wide with shock.

“What?” Adam asked, glancing at Genevieve before going back to glaring at Gary. “I’ve sat here for far too long and listened to him yelling and screaming at you, and I’m done with it. So, Gary, what the hell is your problem? Are you always this much of an asshole to your patients, or does Gen get special treatment?” he questioned.

“I’d think you of all people want to see Genevieve get better,” Gary replied.

“Of course I do,” Adam told him. “But, I know you don’t have to be a complete douche to help her. Come on, Gen, we’re getting out of here,” Adam said, handing her her coat and helping her put it on.

“Well, I hope you can get her to actually do her exercises,” Gary called out to them as Adam and Genevieve walked out of the room.

As soon as they got out of the building, Genevieve stopped dead in her tracks. Adam turned around, slowly walking back to where she stopped, looking at her. “Genevieve, what’s wrong?” he asked, even though he already knew what the problem was.

“I can’t believe you just did that!” Genevieve cried. Adam began to apologize to her before she interrupted him. “Thank you so much!”

“You’re not mad?” Adam asked, slightly confused.

“No,” Genevieve said, shaking her head, a smile on her face. “In fact, I think it’s kind of hot that you yelled at him like that, just for me,” she told him, giving him a kiss.


Nikki opened the door to her apartment, getting ready to leave and go to work, as she ran right into Adam. “Hey,” she smiled. “What are you doing here? Don’t you guys have practice today?” she asked him as she let him inside.

“No, it’s our off day. Didn’t Sharpie tell you?” Adam questioned.

“No,” Nikki said, shaking her head. “Not that it really matters anyways. I have to get to work, so I’ll see you later,” she told him, turning around and grabbing her car keys out of her purse.

Adam walked further into the apartment, trying to find Genevieve. He finally saw her as she walked out of her bedroom, wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. “You going somewhere to work out?” Adam asked as she made her way out to the living room.

“No,” she replied. “I’m going to try to do my rehab since I don’t think I’ll be going back to Gary after what you said to him the other day,” she said with a smile.

“Do you need some help?” he asked her seriously.

“You want to help me?” Genevieve asked suspiciously.

“Yeah,” Adam said, nodding his head. “In case you forgot, I did break my leg a few years ago. I’m sure I still remember those damn exercises that hurt like hell.”

“Yeah, they do hurt like hell,” Genevieve said with a laugh. “But, I don’t think I need your help to do them. Most of them I can do by myself.”

“Well, what if I give you some encouragement?” he asked her, taking a step towards her. “Some motivation,” he added with a sly smile.

“What kind of motivation are we talking about?” Genevieve asked him.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Adam said, taking one more step closer until he had closed the gap between them. He pressed his lips against hers, causing her to let go of the crutches she was holding as they crashed to the floor. This didn’t distract either of them, though, as Genevieve tugged at his bottom lip. Adam understood the sign, and he slipped his tongue inside her mouth as he reached around her, sliding his hands under her shirt.

Genevieve began trying to undo the buttons to Adam’s shirt, fumbling on the second one. She moved her head away from Adam’s looking down to try to get a better look at the button. “You just had to wear a button-up today?” she asked jokingly, as she still couldn’t get the button undone.

Adam laughed as he simply lifted the shirt up over his head and reattached his lips to hers. He quickly moved from her lips, down her jaw line, to her neck. She moved her head just slightly to the right, as he found her sweet spot.

Before she knew it, Adam was lifting her up, knowing that she wasn’t going to be able to walk to the bedroom. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he stumbled his way back to her bedroom, continuing to kiss her on the way there. He walked inside the room, kicking the door shut with his foot as he gently laid her down on the bed.


Genevieve smiled up at Adam as she lay on his outstretched arm, cuddling close to him. “So, I think I’m going to have to go back to Gary,” she stated out of the blue.

Adam resituated himself so he could look down at her, befuddled. “We just had this amazing experience, and now you’re talking about Gary? Was I that bad?” he questioned.

“No!” Genevieve said, giggling. “You were wonderful,” she assured him, placing a kiss on his bare chest. “I was just thinking that I didn’t get any of my rehab done,” she explained with a laugh.

“Well, the day’s not over, if you want to go in there and actually get some work done,” Adam replied.

Genevieve flipped over. “Well, I was thinking there were some better things I could do with my time,” she smirked, as she leaned down and kissed him.

“I like the way you think,” Adam replied.
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Just a little filler chapter. Thoughts???