Nothing Lasts Forever


“So, you and my brother?” Nikki said a week later as she and Genevieve sat eating lunch. Adam had reported to pre-season camp, so Genevieve and he hadn’t seen much of each other over the past few days.

“Can we not talk about this?” Genevieve begged. Since Nikki had found out about Genevieve and Adam, she had been asking her about it every single day. “I mean it’s kind of awkward talking about it with you,” she admitted, taking a bite of her salad.

“Well, you’re going to have to get over it. You’re one of my best friends, so I get to hear all the gory details of your relationship. Okay, well, maybe not all the gory details since it is my brother, but you know what I’m saying,” Nikki told her.

“Are you sure that you really want to hear about it?” Genevieve asked.

“Yeah, as long as it’s not you talking about sleeping with him,” Nikki smiled. She looked over at Genevieve, her expression changing. “You’re not sleeping with him, are you?”

“Nikki! We met a couple of weeks ago! No, I’m not sleeping with him!” she exclaimed. “God, do you think I’m some kind of whore or something?” she joked.

“Well, I know how girls are around Adam,” Nikki commented, shrugging her shoulders. “Anyways, what are you up to today?” she asked, changing subjects.

“You know, the same old, sitting here doing nothing,” Genevieve replied. “It’s not like I have much choice. What else am I going to do?”

“I was hoping that you’d want to go to the rink with me. I’m going over there to watch that kids’ team, and I thought you might like to go with me,” Nikki told her. Nikki was meeting the team since she was planning on taking over as their coach when their current coach moved at the end of the season.

“Nik, I don’t know,” Genevieve began.

“Come on, Gen. I know you want to go. Skating is your life, and I know it’s been killing you not to be able to do it since your accident. Just come and watch them for a little bit. Please,” Nikki begged.

“Fine!” Genevieve cried.

“Thank you!” Nikki squealed, running over to Genevieve and enveloping her in a hug.

They were on their way to the rink when Nikki got a text message. Stopping at the next red light, she pulled her phone out, reading it. She looked over at Genevieve. “Well, apparently the guys are already done for the day,” she told her. “Do you want me to take you back so you and Adam can hang out? I know you and him haven’t got to spend a lot of time together with him at practice all the time.”

“No, I want to hang out with you for the day and see the kids and everything. I’ve really missed being at a rink, and even though I can’t actually get out there and skate, I’d still love to go,” Genevieve replied.

“Okay,” Nikki said grinning.

About ten minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot, and Nikki got Genevieve’s wheel chair out of the back, and they made their way into the rink. Nikki looked down at her watch, and then looked over at Genevieve. “We’ve got about another twenty minutes or so before the kids start getting here, so go ahead and make yourself comfortable,” she told her.

“Sure thing,” Genevieve laughed.

A few minutes later, Nikki was standing up in front of Genevieve, staring out at the ice. All of a sudden, someone grabbed her arm, spinning her around and capturing her lips with theirs. Nikki instantly leaned into their touch. A few moments later, she reluctantly pulled away, smiling as she did so. She suddenly went bright red, as she heard Genevieve clear her throat.

“Ummm,” Nikki hummed, not knowing what to say. “Genevieve, this is Patrick Sharp, Adam’s teammate. Patrick, this is Genevieve, my current roommate and Adam’s girlfriend,” she introduced, not making eye contact with Genevieve.

“Hi,” Genevieve smiled, reaching her hand out and shaking Patrick’s.

“Hey,” he said, clearly embarrassed.

“So,” Nikki began. “What are you doing here?” she asked him. “Not that I’m not happy to see you. I’m just surprised is all.”

“We finished practice early and I remember you telling me that you were going to be here today, so I thought I’d come and surprise you,” he told her.

“Yeah, I got a text from Adam saying you got out early. I’m glad you’re here,” she told him sincerely, a smile on her face. “Oh, and here the kids come,” she said as a group of kids came through the doors, carrying all of their bags. “They’re going to be so excited to meet you!” Nikki exclaimed.

Three hours and numerous autographs later, the last kid had finally been picked up by his parents. Nikki looked over at Patrick who looked exhausted. “Thank you for coming. I know you had some time to rest, and instead you chose to come here, and I really appreciate that,” she told him.

“I really enjoyed it,” he said. “But, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you later, though, right?” he asked.

“Yeah, later,” she said, leaning up and kissing him.

Nikki walked over to Genevieve after Patrick had left, and she saw her sitting there, smirking at her. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Genevieve asked as Nikki took a seat on the bleachers next to her.

“Because we’re trying to keep it under wraps,” Nikki replied honestly.

“I’m assuming Adam doesn’t know,” Genevieve told her.

“No, and I’d prefer if you keep it that way,” Nikki said. “Listen, we’ve been keeping it a secret for a while now, and it’s worked out just fine. I don’t want to mess up everything.”

“You know I won’t tell anyone if that’s what you really want. But, I do have a question,” Genevieve said.

“What’s that?”

“Why are you keeping it a secret?” Genevieve asked.

“I don’t know,” Nikki admitted. “I mean we started out, and we were just hanging out. And then it kept on progressing, and somewhere along the line, we just started going out, but we’ve never actually told anyone. So, we’ve just had this unspoken agreement that we wouldn’t let anyone know. Everyone on his team thinks he’s single, and all of my friends and family think I’m single,” she explained.

“Don’t you think it’d just be easier to tell everyone? I mean it’s not like anyone would be upset,” Genevieve told her.

“I know, it’s just that this is how it’s always been. It’s kind of like our arrangement. So, we’re just going to keep it that way,” she replied.

“Okay,” Genevieve said as her cell phone rang with Adam’s name flashing across the front.

“Adam?” Nikki asked her.

“Yeah,” Genevieve nodded with a smile.

“Well, I’ll give you some space. I wouldn’t want to interrupt your loving words to each other,” Nikki joked as Genevieve picked up her phone. “Meet me out by the car, okay?” she asked, and Genevieve nodded in reply.
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