Nothing Lasts Forever

You Know...

Adam and Genevieve sat on the couch in Genevieve’s living room, watching a movie on television. Adam turned his head towards the door, watching it for a moment. “Where is that sister of mine?” he asked for the fourth time in the last hour.

“Hey, can you forget about Nikki for a little while?” Genevieve asked with a laugh. “She’ll be here soon enough. She’s allowed to have a life, too. And, what’s so important that you’ve been wondering where she is for the last hour?”

“We were supposed to go out to dinner tonight, you know, some brother-sister bonding,” Adam replied, putting his arm around her shoulders.

Genevieve looked down at her watch. “You do realize that it’s only six, right? It’s not like she’s missed dinner or something,” she told him, lying her head on his arm.

“Yeah, but she’s always here!” Adam whined. “I wonder where she is,” he repeated.

“Adam, can we just finish this movie and then we can worry about where Nikki is? She’s probably just out with some friends or something,” Genevieve told him, wondering why he was worrying about this so much.

“I’m going to call her,” he replied, grabbing his phone out of his pocket.

“Okay,” Genevieve said laughing, as she moved off of him so he could use his arm to dial the number.

She stared at him, waiting to see if she was right and Nikki was just out with some friends. All of a sudden, Adam pulled the phone away from his ear, staring down at the screen before putting it back up to his ear just to pull it away once again, slamming it shut. “What was that?” Genevieve asked him as she looked at Adam, who appeared to be in shock.

“I just called Nikki’s phone, and some guy answered,” he told her, a confused expression on his face. “And, he sounded out of breath,” he added.

Genevieve’s eyes went as wide, and she suddenly burst out laughing. “Oh my God,” she said slowly in between her laughs.

“This is not funny!” Adam told her. “I think they were…oh, God, I do not need to think about that right now!” he cried. Genevieve began laughing even harder. “God, I didn’t even know she was dating anyone, let alone…you know!”

“Adam, it’s not that surprising,” she told him. “I mean, Nik’s a grown adult. She can date whoever and sleep with whoever she wants.”

Adam looked over at her. “You know who it is, don’t you?” he suddenly asked her, and Genevieve’s laughter immediately stopped. “You do! Who is it? Do I know him?”

“I thought you didn’t want to think about your sister having sex,” she told him, and Adam squirmed at the word. “So, why would you want to know who she’s sleeping with?”

“So, I do know him, eh?” he asked. “Who is it?” he badgered.

“I’m not telling you,” Genevieve said, keeping her word to Nikki.

“Fine, I’ll guess. It’s not someone on my team is it?” he asked jokingly, figuring there was no way Nikki would date any of his teammates. When Genevieve didn’t reply, he looked over at her. “It’s someone on my team?” he questioned. “She’s sleeping with one of my teammates?”

“Well, she’s not just sleeping with him,” Genevieve muttered.

“What?” Adam asked, having heard what she said. “How long have they been going out? Wait, who is it even? Please, tell me it’s not Kaner. She’d be molesting the kid!”

“First of all, Pat’s over eighteen, so she wouldn’t be molesting him,” Genevieve pointed out. “And, second of all, she’s not dating Pat, so don’t worry about it.”

“Who is it?” he pestered. “Come on, tell me! Who is it!” When she didn’t respond, Adam just continued. “If you don’t tell me, I will start calling every single guy on the team right now. It won’t be hard to figure out who it is. I mean, they’ll either not answer their phone, or they’ll answer all out of breath.”

“Think of why they’d be out of breath,” Genevieve said, trying to get his mind off of calling every single one of his teammates.

“Ew!” he cried.

“Come on, Adam, this is your sister! Why are you doing this to her? Don’t you think it’d be embarrassing for her? Just let it go!” Genevieve told him.

“She’d do the same thing if she were in my position,” he pointed out, grabbing his phone. “Hmmm, who would Nik date?” he questioned, scrolling through his contact list. “Bolland?” he asked himself, dialing his number first.

After the second ring, he picked up. “Hello?” Dave asked into the phone.

“Hey man, I was just wondering what you were up to?” he asked.

“My parents are in town for a couple of days, so we’re out eating right now,” he informed him, and Adam could tell that he was in a restaurant by the background noise.

“Okay, I’ll let you go then,” he said, hanging up the phone. Genevieve looked at him expectantly. “He’s at dinner with his parents,” he told her before looking at his phone once again.

“Adam, this is ridiculous!” she cried.

“Then, just tell me who it is!” he told her, and Genevieve rolled her eyes at him. “Tazer? Ladder? Brouwer? Sharpie?” he asked, laughing as he said Patrick’s name, thinking there was no way that Nikki would date him.

Genevieve suddenly looked up at him when he said Patrick’s name. Adam looked into her eyes. “Oh my God,” he said slowly. “Nik and Sharpie?” he asked in disbelief. “You’re kidding, right? Who is it really?” Genevieve continued staring at him, not saying anything. “Nikki and Sharpie,” he said slowly.

“Adam, you can’t say anything to either one of them,” Genevieve said quickly.

“How long have you known?” he asked.

“A while,” Genevieve admitted. “Please don’t be mad, at me or at them,” she continued quickly.

“Mad?” Adam asked with a laugh. “I’m not mad,” he told her. “Shocked, yes. But, I’m not mad. I now can’t get the image of Sharpie and my sister having…you know,” he said, not being able to finish his sentence, and Genevieve laughed at her boyfriend’s innocence. “And, believe me, I’m going to have some fun with those two now.”

“What do you mean ‘have some fun’ with them?” Genevieve asked.

“Well, just don’t let them know that I know just yet,” he told her with a sly smile.
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This is for Lynne and Lyss, since apparently they've been waiting for Burish to find out about Sharpie and Nikki!

Hope you all like it!