Status: Officially on hiatus from this story. I have more written but I don't like it and I'm not overly fond of this band anymore. If you want me to keep writing this one tell me.

Ich Bin Dort Sie Fur Immer

Sam never had the happiest life, but moving to germany seemed to help it a bit. Until the day her and her mother were in a car accident, which eventually killed her mother.
Bill and his brother end up being one of the only positive parts of her life, even with Tea and Maggie by her side she still can't seem to escape her past.
  1. Ich Bin Dort Sie Fur Immer (01)
    Chapter ONE! The beginning.
  2. Chapter 2
    I'm not evne sure what happens it wrote this atleast a year and a half ago.
  3. Chapter 3
    Hopefully where it gets interesting....
  4. Chapter 4.
  5. Chapter 5.
  6. Chapter 6.
  7. Chapter 7.
  8. chapter 8.
  9. Chapter 9.
  10. Chapter 10.