Ich Verspreche, Dass Ich Sie Nie Verletze

Raine moved to Canada from Germany when she was little after her parent's Divorce. She had to leave her mother, and the sister she practically raised behind just to be beaten and abused. She ends up dating a series of guys in attempt to get away from her father who were all abusive.
The only one she had to turn to was Matt, until a group of German boys move into town. With Matt's help Bill and Tom finally get her away from him, not without having her fall for Tom and vice versa.
They tour together, but by the time they're back in Germany things start to fall apart. But both of them being so stubborn and strong headed isn't always a bad thing, since it makes them too determined to give up on each other.
Ft. Panic at the Disco, All Time Low, and a few others.
  1. Ich Verspreche, Dass Ich Sie Nie Verletze (01)
    Chapter one. Where it all starts.
  2. Some Secrets Were Meant To Be Kept
    Chapter Two! I wrote this soo long ago I barely remember what it's about.
  3. You promised not to hurt me, look what happened
    Chapter THREE!! Where things actually start to happen.
  4. I'll run and I'll try to hide, but I can't avoid this choise
    What happens when he decides to track Raine down
  5. The choices we make aren't always wrong.
    Raine basically get the crap beaten out of her in this chapter.
  6. So I'm far in I can't get out
  7. Ready, Set, Go! wait a minute...
  8. It's only hiding if he doesn't know where to find you.
  9. What about reckless?
  10. We're One Mistake From Being Together
    Chapter Ten