Ich Verspreche, Dass Ich Sie Nie Verletze

Ich Verspreche, Dass Ich Sie Nie Verletze (01)

“Bye Dad, I love you I’ll talk to you later!” I yelled as I started to walk out the door.
“Bye Rainbow, I love you too, please be home in time for dinner tonight.” My father called from his laptop in the living room.
“I will but only if you stop calling me Rainbow!” I sighed closing the door.
“Never in a million years!” I heard my father yell just loud enough for me to hear. I smiled a bit and Walked down the street.
I had to go back to school tomorrow so I was going to enjoy my last day of freedom. I was going to dye my natural light brown hair, black again but this time with deep purple streaks through it then later I was going to get it cut. My hair was in choppy layers but it had grown out messily and needed to trim the ends. I had decided I need new eyeliner and some more jeans before school started.
I walked down the street and turned the corner and walked into the building my cousin lived in, she always helped me dye my hair when I couldn’t do it alone. I hated my cousin; she was a preppy self obsessed bitch who needed more of a life than the hobo that sat out front of her building. I couldn’t stand her for more than a few minutes, but she dyed my hair for free, so I was in no position to piss her off today. I knew I would pay the price for this in a few short moments when I would be forced to listen to her mindless blabber and hear about her stupid Kitten, and the puppy she was going to buy with her boyfriend that weekend.
I arrived back home a few hours later, I had gotten everything I would need to start school, not that I cared. I just needed good enough grades to keep my father happy. I went directly upstairs to my room I closed the door and turned up the volume on my speakers to listen to my iPod. I pulled out my schedule to look at it for the first time. I had stupid teachers that hated me all first semester, and the classes were all really boring, Math, science, History, but at least I had English with a half decent teacher at the end of the day. I knew right then that that would be the only thing to keep me sane over the next five months.
“Dinner! Come downstairs and eat Raine!” I heard my dad yell from the kitchen.
I paused my Ipod and went downstairs. I saw my dad sitting at the table, the plates were already made and full of food. I looked at my plate and thought, eww; not this again, is that all my father can cook?
“Um dad, you know what I’m not really hungry, I’ll just grab something to eat later before I go to bed.” I explained getting up from the table.
“No, sit back down and eat your dinner before it gets cold.” My father said looking at me disappointedly.
“Maybe I want it to be cold? Ever think of that dad?” I asked him grumpily, I hated it when he made me eat when I didn’t want to.
“Quit with the smartass attitude, now sit down and eat your dinner.” My father scolded me once more.
“Fine” I agreed even though I really didn’t want to. I sat down and started to eat the dinner my father had made for me.
“Thank you,” He said as I ate my dinner, “Your hair looks nice by the way.” He added.
“Whatever” I said bluntly and continued to eat my dinner.
We finished eating in silence. When I was done I put my plate in the kitchen and went back upstairs to my bedroom. I pressed play on my iPod and turned the volume up a little louder.
I pulled out my back pack, it was black and red, and I had, had it for a while so it was a little worn out. I pulled out my notebooks and a binder and threw them inside the bag. I grabbed and old pencil case and threw some random stuff inside then shoved it into the bag as well. I threw my bag on the floor next to my black converse. I flopped down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.
I heard a knock at my door, then without waiting for a reply my father walked in. God, did he not know about waiting to be let into a room rather than knocking and just walking in with out welcome?
“Hi dad, what do you want?” I said trying not to be rude.
“I just wanted to see if you’ve gotten everything you need for school tomorrow, and if you wanted me to wake you up or if you were going to use your alarm?” He asked in his ‘I-have-an-alterior-motive’ tone.
“Yeah I’ve got everything, and I’m going to use my alarm, like always dad.” I said flicking a switch on the back of my alarm clock.
“Okay and do you want a ride to school tomorrow, or are you going to walk?” My father asked sounding almost disappointed in the fact that I didn’t want him to wake me up anymore.
“Like usual I’m going to walk to school unless I’m really late.” I sighed, didn’t he know enough by now to know that I don’t want to spend time with him AT ALL?
“Okay, well then good night and I’ll see you in the morning then.” My dad said, he stood in my door way waiting for me to get up and at least hug him good night, no such luck.
“Okay, goodnight, yeah see you in the morning.” I said bluntly. I got up and locked the door once he left the room.
I threw on some pajamas and got into bed. I feel asleep a little while later to the sound of my music still blasting through the speakers. I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping over my still playing music. I reached my arm over and pressed the tiny little off button on the front left hand corner of my alarm clock. I waited a minute or two then lazily pulled my self from under my warm covers and stood up.
I walk over to my dresser and pull out my new black jeans, a plain red t-shirt and my favorite black and white checkered hoodie. I walk into my bathroom and set my clothes on the counter. I start getting ready for school. I had a shower, gotten dressed and straightened my hair; I applied my black eyeliner thickly and put on a red and black wristband on my left wrist and a studded ‘leather’ bracelet on the right.
I stepped out of my bathroom and went back into my room. I put on my worn black converse and grabbed my book bag and my iPod then went downstairs. I took a coke out of the fridge and threw it in my bag for later. I walked passed my dad sitting at the dining room table once again typing away on his laptop.
“Bye Dad, love you.” I said bluntly as I passed him on my way out the door.
“Have a good day at school. Oh, do you have money for lunch, or do you need some?” My dad asked, like he did every morning before then, and would do again tomorrow morning and the day after, and so on.
“I have a couple bucks that should be fine for today.” I said standing in the doorway.
“Well here, take an extra five just incase.” My dad said reaching into his pocket, pulling out his wallet and handing me a five dollar bill.
“Thanks dad. I gotta go before I’m late.” I said in my usual bored tone leaving the dining room and opening the front door.
I walked outside, the crisp autumn morning air hit my cheeks, it was cold, and it felt refreshing, even at 7.45 in the morning. I walked down my driveway and started on my walk to school. I pulled my iPod out of my pocket and changed the song; I started listening to ‘Misery Business’ by Paramore. I walked for about ten minutes in complete peace and silence that is until I saw Jessica. She was one of the preppy little clones with the perfectly blonde hair, and the perfectly picked out and meticulously put together Abercrombie and finch or whatever it is outfits. She was texting away on her cell phone until she walked into me and dropped it in a puddle of muddy water and I started laughing.
“Oh my God! You better pick that up! It’s like worth over like three-hundred dollars!” She whined in her annoying little preppy voice.
“No, maybe if you watched where you were going instead of texting your drug dealer, your pimp and your bimbo friends, you wouldn’t have made your stupid little phone fall into a puddle.” I spat in her face. The look on hers was priceless in my opinion.
“What did you like just say to me?” She said clearly offended.
“Oh sorry, did my large and extensive vocabulary and lacking the use of the word like between every word confuse your microscopic, dope fried brain? Or did you just have trouble hearing me because of the ringing in your ears caused by the constant banging of your skull against various guys’ headboards?” I said and started to walk away.
“Like you’re just jealous that you’re not as like popular or as pretty, or as smart or like as intelligent as me and my friends.” She said trying to sound smart.
“Yeah I’m so jealous that I’m not a bimbo clone who has to bang or suck up to, or just suck her teachers to pass a grade.” I said loud enough so that if anyone was near by they’d hear it.
“Oh yeah, well at least I’m not some wannabe emo loser with only one friend and who spends her time being smart, listening to shitty emo music for hours on end and cuts her wrists for fun.” She said arrogantly.
“Last time I checked I didn’t spend time being smart I was born that way, unlike you, and I’d rather have only one friend than be “friends” with a bunch of fake people, whores and drug dealers who will wind up as dead beats going to the drugstore for their daily dose if methadone, while raising 5 unwanted children before they’re thirty.” I said and walked away, this time for good.
Jessica followed me forgetting all about her cell phone. She said some things, trying to insult me, or something, my iPod was too loud to hear her now. Then when we we’re about block away I said. “Why don’t you go fish your phone out of that puddle back there before someone steals it, and leave me alone while you’re at it.” As soon as I said this she turned around and ran back to the puddle to get her phone. I picked up my pace to ensure she didn’t catch up to me. There was only soo much bitching I could take before 8 in the morning.
I got to school a few minutes later, I went to the book room and got my books, and then I went to my new locker. Some one had clearly seen my name on the list of assigned lockers because, my locker door now had the words ‘emo’ and ‘freak’ carved into it. I opened my locker and threw some books in the bottom of my locker and closed it. I walked down the hall to go find my best friend Matt. I found him a few minutes later throwing random stuff into his locker.
“Hey, you’re putting stuff in a stupid old gross locker instead of hugging your best friend!” I said from behind him, he was mildly surprised when he first saw me.
“Oh my god Raine! I love your hair; the purple’s a cool touch.” Matt said hugging me, and then running his hand through the ends of my hair.
“Are you sure you’re not gay? I’m seriously starting to worry.” I said looking at his t-shirt. It was black with pink and white writing and it said ‘I slept with Mandy K’
“Hey you have this shirt to don’t you?” Matt said hopping that would be a sustainable argument.
“Yeah, but one, I’m a girl and the whole band is made of only guys, and two, I don’t wear it school, because the stupid little preppy bitches would think it was about me being gay or something, three I told you about Mandy K after I meet John, and four I have this shirt…you stole my shirt!” I said shoving him lightly.
“Whatever, so what classes to you have first?” Matt asked.
“Hopefully the same ones as you…Math, science, history and then English” I replied, Matt got a sad look on his face.
“Aww man that sucks, I have Science, then history then English then Math!” Matt said disappointed
“Man we’re both like all alone in every class. That sucks.” I said as we started to walk down the hall.
The warning bell rang and I went to class, Math first always sucked. I walked into the room and sat down in a corner at the very back so there was only one seat empty near me, I knew no one would sit there because no one ever sits near me in pretty much. And that’s just the way I like it.
The final bell rang and the announcements started, I just sat there still listening to my iPod. Once they were finished I pulled out my headphone to at least try and pay attention during class. Mr. Walker made his way the front of the class room. He took the attendance and then sent one of the suck ups to bring it down to the office.
“Class we have a new student who will be joining us momentarily, he has transferred her from Europe and will be spending the next three years here.” Mr. walked said while I was only half paying attention.
A few minutes later a boy with bleached blonde hair came into the class room. Mr. Walker had asked him to introduce himself to the class.
“Hallo, mien namen ist Andreas, und…” The boy started speaking in German before he was interrupted by the clones.
“OMG! What is he saying?” She yelled to the whole class.
“He said ‘hello, my name is Andreas” I said rudely to the girl. “Hey Andreas, dich sprechen English?” I asked him.
“OMG now what did you say?” Another clone asked me.
“I said hey Andreas do you speak English.” I snapped at her.
“Yeah I speak English, I just wanted to see how many people were cool enough to speak German in here, yeah so I’m Andreas, I moved here from Germany, and yeah that’s about it.” She said half waving to the class.
“Oh um, where should I sit?” He added.
“How about next to Raine, so she can help you translate if you need her to, is that okay Raine?” Mr. Walker asked.
“No, it’s not okay I just want to do my work in peace with out helping some stupid kid with english, can’t you just get Cleo or one of them to help him?” I said pissed off.
“They don’t speak German now do they?” Mr. Walker said.
“Yes we do, see, my name ishted Cleo, see, see!” She said hopping that would be enough to get to sit next to Andreas.
“No, that’s not good enough, Andreas please sit over there next to Raine.” Mr. Walker said and pointed to me.
“Flich das.” I said under my breath as Andreas came and sat next to me.
“What was that, Fuck that? What?” Andreas asked sitting down next to me.
“You, Flich dich, or whatever you prefer, just leave me alone and don’t talk to me.” I said looking at the paper Mr. Walker was passing out to the class to do as a review.
“Well that was a nice way to start off a conversation.” He said and rolled his eyes and then looked down at the paper.
“Ok, look, I don’t want to talk to you or have a conversation with you at all. Don’t think that just because you’re German means I’m going to fall all over you like all the other girls will, I’m definitely not like them. And if you need help ask the teacher not me, because I won’t help you.” I said making sure he knew that I didn’t care about him in the slightest.
“Look, I’ll make you a deal, if you can finish this page correctly, faster than me I’ll leave you alone in math class the whole semester, but if I finish faster you have to show me around the school and I get to ask you for help whenever I need it, in whatever I need it in .” Andreas hopped that would get me at least to not yell at him.
“Fine.” I said then we started the math page.
A few minutes later I was finishing the last question when I heard Andreas yell “Done!” Mr. Walker came over to check his paper. He had gotten every question right and faster than me to. I couldn’t believe it, I was really good at math, and better than him at English, and now I’d have to show him around school and help him ALL semester, this was not going to be fun.
The warning bell for second period rang I got up and grabbed my stuff up off my desk and threw it in my back pack.
“Hey, um where is room 219, I have science there now.” Andreas said.
“Damn it!” I said “Follow me.” I said and walked out of the room and down the hall way and around a corner. We walked up a flight of stairs and then into a class room.
“This is room 219.” I said going to the very back of the room and once again sat in the corner. He followed me to the back.
“Please sit somewhere else!” I whined almost like one of the preps.
“Nope, you lost the bet so you have to help me whenever I need it and in whatever I need it in.” He bragged.
“Fine just sit in front of me instead please?” I said hopping to at least get some distance from him.
“Fine.” He said sitting at the ‘workstation’ in front of me and throwing his book bag on the floor.
The teacher walked into the class room and stood behind her desk at the front of the class room. She introduced the class to Andreas. Instantly half the female population of the class moved closer to Andreas, God all those posers, all wanting to be the one to get to Andreas because he was new and from another country.
I on the other hand was completely un-impressed with him. He was just another preppy boy who tried to look tougher than he actually was. He thought he was so cool because he was new and from Germany, I mean what so special about Germany I mean the only things you heard about from Germany were Volkswagen cars, maybe some scientist making some sort of so-called break through, and that stupid band full of posers Tokio Hotel or whoever they were, or thought they were.
The teacher broke up the crowd and sent them to their original seats and started the class. Throughout the whole class Andreas wouldn’t stop asking me stupid questions I could guarantee you he already new the answers to.
Finally the class was almost over I couldn’t wait to get out of here and way from the arrogance of that Andreas person. I needed to talk to Matt; I hadn’t seen him all summer and I wasn’t going to let that prick stop me from hanging with my best friend.
“Hey um where is room 226? I have History there next period and I don’t know where it is.” Andreas asked interrupting my train of thought.
“Oh my god, that’s three classes I have with you this semester that is so not fair!”
“Really, that’s awesome, now you have to help me in three classes instead of two, unless you have English in room 324, after history then its four classes.” Andreas bragged cheerfully.
“No, you don’t get to ruin my favorite class. No I’m not fucking helping you in English let alone talking to you in that class.” I said a little too loudly because Mrs. Smith heard and asked if there was a problem.
“Yeah there’s a problem I’m forced to spend all freaking day with this kid who thinks he’s the biggest thing since Macintosh started making the iPod!” I half-yelled angrily.
“Well, I’m sorry but I can’t fix that, so please just calm down, class is almost over.” Mrs. Smith said and went back to the rest of the class. I pulled out my schedule and checked what room my English class was in. I looked at the section that said I had English fourth period, room 326, YES, I thought happily.
“Well, I didn’t know you had such a problem with me. Anyways will you show me to history and English, you promised.” Andreas smirked.
“Wow, I thought that was pretty clear on my having a problem with you. And only because I have to I’ll show you to your last two classes, but that’s it. And I have English in room 226, not 224 I only have three classes with you!” I happily as a huge smile crept across my face,
“Okay, cool meet me on the stairs after lunch and then you can show me.” Andreas said enthusiastically.
“Fine, whatever, just leave me alone until then.” I said as the bell rang.
I got up and grabbed my bag and left the class room quickly, there were four guys waiting out side the classroom. I walked right passed them and as I turned the corner on my way over to my locker I saw Andreas join then through the corner of my eye.
I threw my books in my locker and walked over to Matt’s locker and waited a few seconds until Matt got there. We walked down the stairs and out the front door of the school. We walked over to the park and I climbed a tree, Matt joined me a few seconds later.
“Mattie, I had a horrible morning, please tell me something interesting happened to you.” I said hoping for something better than Andreas.
“Well there’s some new kid in my first period class, his name is Bill, he’s pretty cool him and his twin brother Tom are in a band together, they seem pretty cool. They want us to come check them out some time.” Matt said hoping that it would cheer me up, but it didn’t.
“God you mean there’s more than one of those stupid German kids?” I said with a sigh.
“What do you mean? There’s Bill and Tom so that makes two? Why is that a bad thing?” He asked curiously.
“I mean there’s some tough guy wannabe from Germany in three of my classes and he won’t leave me alone, his name is Andreas, and I can’t stand him.” I said throwing a pinecone out of the tree, almost hitting someone in the head. Matt and I both laughed and he almost fell out of the tree, making us both laugh harder.
“Wow, that sucks, but you’ve got me here so you don’t have to like hang out with him outside of class.” Matt said climbing out of the tree.
“Well, I guess you’re right.” I said jumping from the limb I was sitting on.
“One day you’re going to hurt yourself doing something crazy like that.” Matt said helping me up off the ground, I brushed the dirt off my knees and stood up.
“I’ll be fine and you know it, and since when is jumping from a tree branch crazy?” I asked curiously.
“It’s not one of your craziest moves, but still you’ll hurt yourself one day and I won’t be around to help you.” Matt said laughing as we walked back to the school.
“That’s not true, because I only hang out with you, and I won’t get hurt.” I said pushing him slightly; he just narrowly missed a tree.
“Whatever you say Raine” He laughed and we ran across the busy streets so we wouldn’t be late for class.
I grabbed my books from my locker and reluctantly met Andreas near the stair way and I walked with him to History and sat in the back once again. This time he chose to sit next to a blonde boy with dreadlocks, and baggy clothes. Great just what we need, another wanna-be? Who’s he kidding? He totally doesn’t pull off the gangster hip-hop look. At least it gets Andreas away from me for one of the three classes.
The teacher walked in and asked the class typical first day back questions, every one answered out loud in unison. I just sat there staring at a blank spot on the blackboard. Then Mrs. Greene asked Andreas and his friend a few questions about Germany and their lives back home. Still I just sat there motionless staring at the same blank spot on the board in front of the class. Suddenly Mrs. Greene broke my trance.
“Raine, are you alright?” Mrs. Greene asks concerned.
“Yeah I’m fine, I just got distracted.” I said as she caught me off guard.
“Care to tell us what was so distracting?” she continued obviously interested.
“Oh, well um nothing really I just stopped paying attention I guess.” I stated.
“Well, that is kind of inconsiderate, two of your classmates were trying to inform you about another culture and you didn’t pay attention.” She said almost scolding me.
“It’s not like I’m missed much, My mother was German and My father is German too, Oh and I um lived in Germany, and I’ve already heard Andreas introducing himself to the class twice today…so trust me I didn’t miss anything important.” I said coldly.
“Well what about Tom here? What do you know about Tom?” She asked trying to prove that I needed to pay attention to everything.
“Well, I’d imagine he’s from Germany he’s friends with Andreas and my friend Matt told me earlier that one of the new kids had a twin brother who sounded much more interesting than Tom over there,” I said then slouched back down in my seat. “See I don’t need to pay attention to gangster boy over there, I know more than enough.” I added rudely.
“Well, you are right but also you didn’t mention anything about Tom and his brother, named Bill by the way, being in a band.” Mrs. Greene added to make the class think she would win any argument; I was to about prove her wrong.
“Yeah Matt said something about them having a band, but that doesn’t impress me at all I know plenty of people in bands…all of which are probably more talented then them.” I spat and then crossed my arms. “Don’t you have a history lesson to teach instead of grilling me about some stupid German kids I don’t even care about?” I added rudely.
“Well, I think that while I teach that lesson you can go down to the office and talk to the principal, and then you can catch up on what you miss with a week of lunch time detention.” The teacher said as she pointed to the door way.
“Fine I’m out of here.” I said grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder and walking out of my class.
As I got up and walked away heard a roar of ‘Ooooo’s and ‘Somebody’s in trouble’s’ following me out the door I smiled. Every one Ooo’d except of two people, you guessed it, Tom and Andreas.
I walked down the stairs and into the principle’s office; his door was closed indicating he was in there with another student. I sat on the bench next to his office and waited from the kid to come out. A few minutes later a boy with jet black hair and white streaks wearing all black came out and sat next to me. He decided to introduce himself, obviously didn’t notice I didn’t care.
“Hey, I’m Bill.” He said with a German accent I only took me a second to realize he was Tom’s brother; he was definitely more interesting than Tom, but not interesting enough. He was just as much of a poser as his brother and I could tell.
“Look, I don’t care what your name is or where you’re from. I just got detention for a week for not caring about whom I assume is your twin brother and his friend so do me a favor and leave me alone.” I said with out hesitation.
“Well, that was a pleasant introduction, and because of that I’m assuming you’re that girl Raine my friend Andreas was telling me and my brother about.” He said happily oblivious to me telling him to screw off.
“Yeah so, why should I care about you more than Tom or Andreas? What makes you so different?” I said more coldly then my usual harshness.
“Well I’m sorry about them, but I can assure you that I’m not as big of a jerk as they appear to be, they’re also really nice once you get to know them, which I am assuming you definitely do not want to do.” Bill said with an air of arrogance.
“Nien Shieß Einstein.” I said ending our conversation.
A few moments later the principal stepped out of his office ushering me to come in.
“Raine, I didn’t expect to see you in my office the first day back from summer vacation.” Mr. Oliver said standing in his door way.
“Bite me!” I said walking past him and throwing myself down into a chair on the other side of his desk.
“I see we’re in a pleasant mood today Ms. Johnsen.” He said sarcastically.
I looked him in the eye stood up and left right then I didn’t care what he was going to say or do about what had happened I walked out the door and right passed Bill. He stood up to follow me and before he had a chance I stopped dead in my tracks and turn slightly to face him.
“NICHT!” I yelled at him so it would be perfectly clear to him what I wanted.
I turned back around and kept walking, he still followed me I didn’t even want to hear his voice. I kept walking down the hallway then down the stairs and into the basement I turned a few corners trying to lose him but I failed I stopped at a dimly lit corner and sat down. I pulled out a notebook and started drawing. Bill sat down next to me.
“Aus! Leave! Get away from me.” I yelled still concentrating on my notebook.
“Nien, just tell me what’s wrong.” He said trying to be cute.
“No, now leave.” I said and continued to ignore him.
“Fine I’m leaving.” He said as he got up and walked away.
I looked at my watch and saw that history was nearly over I got up and went upstairs to my class room. Screw Andreas I thought, he can find his own stupid class by himself. I waited for the bell to ring and went into the classroom. I sat down in the middle of the room.
I was joined a few minutes later by another German boy, he had short blonde hair and he looked like a normal person unlike those other three, he wasn’t trying to pull off some fake gangster look or anything, he just looked like a nice guy. We ended up spending the whole class talking, and before I knew it, it was time to go home. I had made it through my first day back. I knew when I got home I would be yelled at by my dad because of the whole history class slash walking out on the principle thing but I didn’t care, I was just glad the day was over.
I went to my locker and threw books inside and took out what I needed and walked home. I went straight upstairs to my room and pulled out my guitar. I climbed out of my window onto the balcony my dad had made me when I was first moved in so I could look up at the stars more easily when I was little. I started to play. I played the first few notes of feeling small by Marianas Trench, and then I started to sing.
This one’s of you, taking your pill
Sometimes forget, and that’s okay I guess
This one’s of me, at my sisters wedding day

All my faces, they all were wasted
You’re barely breathing I know,
What if it’s starting to show?
And I know it won’t ever change, but it hurts the same

This one’s of me throwing up for you,
And I’m paler still, and that’s the way you wanted it
And this one’s of you certain of cancer

And all my faces, they all were wasted
On feeling small,
You’re barely breathing I know,
And now it’s starting to show.
And I know it won’t ever change, but it hurts the same

A fever broke somewhere behind July.
And remember how I weighed one- thirty-five
And we collide…

And all my faces, they all were wasted
On feeling small,
You’re barely breathing I know,
And now it it’s starting to show.
And I know it won’t ever change, but it hurts the same

This one’s of me losing more weight
Feeling afraid…
I looked up at the sky and kept playing the melody from the song. I heard the voice of someone yelling from the back porch of the house whose yard faced ours.
“Oh, my god Raine that was amazing!” I heard a boy with a German accent yelling from the yard.
I started to think, oh great neighbors with two of the people I never wanted to meet in the first place. I just sat there for a moment trying to tell which twin it was, I couldn’t so I guessed.
“Bill leave me alone, I had enough of a conversation with you today at in front of the principles office to know I don’t care about what you think!” I yelled bitterly from my roof top.
“It’s not Bill, it is Tom.” I heard the voice say.
“Oh, well I still don’t care.” I yelled at Tom.
“Oh come on, I complement your music and you still hate me? What more can I do to get you to like me?” He asked his voice getting closer I could tell he was walking over to the fence.
“DROP DEAD!” I yelled and went back into my bedroom and slammed my window shut.