Ich Verspreche, Dass Ich Sie Nie Verletze

The choices we make aren't always wrong.

“She’s gone, you won’t be able to find her or hurt her anymore!” I heard Matt yell.
“Bring her to me, so I can show her what she deserves!” Bernhard said angrily.
“NIEN!” I heard all the guys scream.
I heard some loud thuds and figured the guys were fighting. I pulled Matt’s sweater on over my head and kept the hood up. I opened the door slightly and saw them fighting. I pulled out my cell phone and called the police. A few minutes later I heard the sirens and the police breaking it up. A few minutes after that one of the officers came into the room I was in and asked me to tell my side of the story.
I told him that there was this one guy, Bernhard and we we’re in a relationship. It got very abusive and he raped me. I broke it off, and he decided to spread horrible lies about me. He went off to university a few weeks later. He came back a little while ago, he hit my boyfriend putting him in the hospital for a few days and he sprained my wrist and tried to rape me again. I’ve been hiding from him for the past five days or so.
My boyfriend and his friends and I all came here to watch my best friend Matt perform because they wouldn’t let me go alone for because of Bernhard. I performed a song on stage with Matt and then Bernhard got angry. Matt rushed me back stage and tried to keep Bernhard away. I heard a lot of yelling and Bernhard saying things like ‘get that slut out here, so I can show her what she deserves’ and stuff like that. That was all I really knew.
“Thank you miss, you really should report that Bernhard person for what he did to you. Will you come with me downtown? I’ll need to ask you some more questions. And while you’re there we can get him reported, and with all this we can probably get you a restraining order.”
“Okay, if that’s what it will take to get him away from me.” I replied and followed the officer.
He brought me to a car. Bill and Tom were already sitting inside. He drove us to the police station and brought Bill and Tom in for interrogations. He handed me a stack of paperwork to fill out about Bernhard so I could get a restraining order against him. The other guys were already being interrogated.
I filled everything out and it took me a very long time because of all the papers.
Once everything was finished they said that the case was so serious that I wasn’t going to have to go to court over it. I was given the restraining order and was told that Bernhard might be going to jail over the brawl in the café. The guys only had to pay fines for disorderly conduct, but since it was their first offences and it was because they were defending someone, their fines were reduced little.
After we left the police station we went out for pizza. I know it sounds lame but it was the most fun I had just getting pizza ever. It was so fun because I was more relaxed since I didn’t have to worry about Bernhard coming near me ever again. We went back to Bill and Tom’s house afterwards. Matt went home almost immediately after we got there and shortly after Georg, Gustav and Andreas left too.
We all decided after a long day to go to bed. My room was almost done being painted and it was no longer being used as storage, but still a few nights I slept on the couch in the TV room on that floor of the house.
“Hey Raine, where do you want to sleep?” Tom asked because that.
“I think I’ll sleep in my room tonight, I think a goodnight’s sleep on a real bed as opposed to the couch would be good for me.” I said going into my room to get changed.
A few seconds later I walked into Tom’s room to say goodnight. While I was staying with them I discovered Tom very rarely decides to sleep with a shirt on.
“Goodnight Tom.” I said running in and hugging him.
“Güte nacht Raine,” He said hugging me and kissing the top of my head.
“Remember, if you need me I’m right next door to you.” He said still hugging me tightly.
“I know.” I said and let go. I stood up on my tip toes and kissed his cheek quickly.
“Hey, I thought you said you wouldn’t do that anymore!” He said as I skipped to the door of his bedroom.
“Well would you rather that or no kiss at all?” I replied with a smile.
“That obviously, but still that’s not fair!” He said a started to pout jokingly.
“I think it’s perfectly fair.” I said and went into my bedroom.
“Goodnight” I yelled from my bedroom and closed the door.
“Goodnight.” Tom yelled.
“Güte nacht.” Bill yelled from his bedroom.
I climbed into my bed and fell asleep.
I’m walking through the town we live in. First I’m at a park I used to play in. I slowly wander over to the swings and sit down. I start to swing. I feel the breeze hitting my face, it’s cool and refreshing. I get off the swing and start walking away from the park. A few minutes later I reach a busy street. I’m on princess street just walking. Everyone is walking past me not even noticing me, even people I know well. I start to panic. I yell and no one hears me. I push a random person walking by, they don’t move at all. I yell again begging for anyone to hear me.
All of a sudden I’m grabbed from behind. It’s my worst fear, Bernhard. He’s pulling me away from the crowd. Just like they didn’t notice me before, they don’t notice me now. I’m being dragged down a street that looks completely un-familiar. I’m kicking and screaming trying to fight my way out. He pulls me farther and farther away from the crowd. I scream more and kick more.
We’re now in a dark area. I think we might even be inside. I see Bernhard and darkness and nothing more. He starts to do the things he used to do to me. He hits me and gets violent and takes advantage of me once more, despite my constant cries for help and for him to stop.
I hear someone say my name, they’re insisting that I’ll be fine that there’s nothing wrong. I yell back that there is something wrong and that I will not be fine. A few seconds later I hear a familiar voice calling my name. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder gently shaking me.
“Raine, Raine…Raine” I hear the voice whisper softly.

I woke up and saw Tom kneeling at the side of my bed with his hand on my shoulder shaking me gently. I heard him say my name one more time. I threw my arms around Tom’s neck I felt as if I just might choke him I was holding him so tightly.
“Raine, are you ok?” I hear him whisper softly.
“I had a horrible dream, I was in the middle of a crowded street and no one even knew I was there. They couldn’t see or hear me. All of a sudden I was attacked by Bernhard and he was raping me, I screamed and begged and tried to push him off but nothing stopped it until you woke me up.” I said now crying.
“It’s ok Raine, it was only a bad dream, you’re fine, he can’t ever hurt you again. I promise I’ll do my best on top of that restraining order to keep him away from you. He won’t ever hurt you again.” Tom said comforting me.
He wrapped his arms around me entirely. He climbed up onto my bed next to me. I kept crying. I hadn’t had a dream like this since the first time he did that to me. Tom just stayed there on my bed holding me next to him. I buried my face in his chest, in the soft old T-shirt he had thrown on before coming to see if I was ok. He stayed there with his arms wrapped around me as I cried until I feel asleep. Tom spent the rest of the night there with me.
I woke up really early the next morning and saw him there with his arms still wrapped around me. It was rather early so I pulled the blanket up and fell back asleep. I hated feeling like I need someone else to protect me, but having Tom there made me feel better. I knew he was there to protect me so I didn’t need anyone else, just him.
We had been awakened later by the flash of Bill’s camera. I threw a pillow at him and he left. We slowly woke up and sat up on the bed. I told Tom I was going to take a shower. I grabbed some of my clothes and went into the bathroom.
“Dankeschön Tom, for being there last night, I really appreciate it.” I said before walking about of my room.
“It’s definitely not a problem, its part of my job as your boyfriend to be there for you.” He said stretching a little.
“Well, thank you still, I’m kinda new to this whole ‘caring boyfriend’ thing you’ll have to excuse me.” I said leaving the room.
“You’re excused.” I heard him say as I walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind me.
A few minutes later I came out of the bathroom; I had straightened my hair and applied some eyeliner. I went downstairs to get something for breakfast. I walked into the kitchen and reached for a box of cereal from the cupboard above my head. A second later I felt Tom wrap his arms around my waist. I set the box on the counter. I tried to move over to get a bowl, but Tom wouldn’t let me.
“Do you mind letting me get a bowl for my cereal?” I asked as we stood there awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen.
“As a matter of fact, I do.” He replied.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because ‘a’ I want a hug and ‘b’ I want some cereal too.” He said.
“Fine I’ll get you some cereal.” I sighed and turned around to hug him.
“Dankeschön.” He said with a smile and let go of me.
I grabbed two bowls and set them on the counter I poured in the cereal and Tom grabbed the milk. We took our cereal and sat down at the table. A few minutes later we were joined by Bill. He opened the freezer and took out two toaster waffles and put them in the toaster. He went back over to the fridge and pulled out a coke and set it on the table. I sat there with a puzzled look on my face.
“Bill why are you drinking coke, with waffles for breakfast?” I asked curiously.
“Because Coke has lot’s caffeine and doesn’t taste as yucky as coffee, and waffles are yummy too!” He replied with happy expression on his face.
“Yeah, but coke with breakfast?” I replied.
“Once again, it’s like having coffee with breakfast, except more sugar and cold.” He said as the toaster popped.
He went over to the counter and grabbed a plate and put his waffles on it. He brought them over to the table and sat down. He opened the coke and took a sip. I just sat there and laughed.
“You realize that we have to be at school in like twenty minutes?” I said randomly as I got up and but my bowl in the dishwasher.
I saw the look on Bill’s face and then he ran up stairs. I went upstairs myself a few minutes later and grabbed my backpack and my iPod. I put in my headphones and brought my bag downstairs. I sat on the couch and waited for Bill and Tom to finish getting ready. A few minutes later Tom sat down next to me and we waited for Bill.
We had about five minutes to get to school. The car had just shown up and Bill was still up stairs. I was getting impatient so I went upstairs to see if he was still alive. I looked into his bedroom and saw him sitting on the end of his bed looking at a three different pairs off shoes and he had three jackets next to him on his bed.
“You know we have to leave now right?” I asked looking at him.
“Yeah I just can’t decide what to wear.” He replied.
“One its school, and two here.” I said taking a random black leather jacket and the closest pair of shoes and handed them to him.
“There you go now you’ve decided.” I said and left.
“But…But…” He stuttered putting his shoes on.
“Just put your jacket on and let’s go.” I said,
He grabbed his bag as he put his jacket on and we got into the car. We just barely made it to school on time thanks to Bill. I ran to my locker and grabbed my books and then I ran to Math class.
I took my seat next to Andreas like usual and went through class like normal. Half way through the class the teacher decided to go over last night’s homework. He asked me one of the questions. I had told him that didn’t finish my homework.
“Why didn’t you finish your homework last night Raine?” He asked with and air of curiosity.
“If you don’t mind I’d rather explain after class Mr. Walker.” I said
“That’s fine just remember to tell me before you leave.” He replied.
“What, you don’t want the whole class to know that you were at the police station?” Cleo yelled.
“Why don’t you tell them why I was there miss know it all?” I said standing up.
“You got into a fight.” She said boldly standing up herself.
“Not exactly but hey who cares? You know everything right?” I said walking over to her.
“What’s that supposed to mean? That I’m stupid?” She asked taking a step towards me.
“Well if you weren’t you would know that answer. But, I just mean that since when the hell do you now anything about me? And what makes you so sure you’re right?” I exclaimed raising my voice.
“Why don’t you girls go solve this calmly out in the hall?” Mr. Walker interrupted.
“Fine by me.” I said and walked out into the hall. Cleo followed reluctantly.
“Maybe you should just mind your own business. You know nothing about me or my life.” I said once we got into the hallway.
“I know enough to make people believe it.” She replied like that was some sort of threat.
“Ohhh, am I supposed to be scared? Why the hell do I care about the losers and what they think of me?” I yelled taking a step towards her.
“Actually, you should be scared; I know a lot of people in this town A LOT!” She said trying to sound tough.
“You think that scares me? Honestly I don’t care what people think of me, don’t you get it? Your empty threats are meaningless.” I replied with a laugh.
“How’s this for ‘empty threat.’?” She said and raised her arm in a fist.
“Ohhh, I’m sooo scared, I’m shaking in my Converse! You think I’m actually afraid of you raising your arm in a fist? I know you’re not going to hit me; you’re too worried about breaking one of those perfectly manicured nails.” I replied and looked at her with a ‘bring-it-on’ glare.
I saw her arm coming at me, she was so pissed, and it was funny. Her fist hit my cheek barely leaving a mark in my pale skin. I started to laugh.
“You call that a punch? How’s this for a punch.” I said and pulled my arm back and hit her square in the side of the head.
“Bitch, you actually hit me!” she said like she was so shocked.
“Yup, I hit Jessica too, what makes you so special that I wouldn’t punch you?” I replied with a laugh and a grin.
She raised her arm to punch me again.
“Oh we’re going to try that again are we?” I said in a mocking tone and laughed.
“Yup.” She said and hit my jaw, with a little force, not enough to hurt though.
I punched her back this time narrowly missing her nose. I wasn’t really holding anything back but I was not really trying to punch her hard. Her and her huge ass fell to the floor with a thud. She pulled me to the ground by the leg of my jeans. We just started punching each other, she thought she was so brave hitting me, she thought she was actually hurting me, HA! I wasn’t holding anything back anymore I was just letting her have it.
I wasn’t doing serious damage just causing more bruises than she was used to. After all her knees and the back of her head, were the only things, for obvious reasons, that ever had a bruise on her. A few seconds later Andreas came out of the class room. We kept punching each other at one point she even tried pulling my hair, and then realized I wasn’t much of a cat fighter; I was just in it for the fight. A few seconds later I felt Andreas wrap his arms around me and tried to pull me off of her. She got up and ran back into the classroom to whine to her friends about what had happened, and surprise, surprise Mr. Walker had sent me to the principles office.
On my way down to the office I passed Tom’s classroom he saw me walk by and asked to be excused. A few seconds later he ran down the hall to catch up to me.
“Where are you going?” He said from behind me.
“Principle’s office.” I replied with a sigh.
“Again?” He asked with a sigh.
“What did you do this time?” He asked.
“I got into a fight during math class, Andreas broke it up and then Mr. Walker sent me to the office.” I replied with a smile.
“Well you don’t look too bruised.” He said noticing the few small bruises on my cheeks. They stuck out more because of how pale I was.
“Yeah well she was really weak, and I just hit her more.” I replied.
I was looking at my reflection in one of the trophy cases to see how bruised I was. I noticed one of my bruises had a small cut in the middle, probably from one of her stupid rings or something. Tom obviously noticed too because he kissed my cheek gently where it was cut. I smiled a bit and then realized I should be in the office and Tom should be back in class.
“Shit, I’ve gotta get to the office before he thinks I just took off again.” I replied and kissed him lightly on the cheek and ran off toward the office.
I opened the door to the office and the principle was waiting for me. We went into his office and I had explained what happened. I told him that she took the first punch, so really it wasn’t me who started it. He brought Cleo in and had her tell her side of the story. To my surprise she actually admitted to being the first one to throw a punch. She was suspended for two days and I was suspended for the rest of the day, after my lunch time detention, and given two more weeks lunchtime detention and I had to visit the guidance counselor afterwards.
After Science class I went back to the office and sat over where the people with lunch detentions were supposed to be. A few minutes later one of the soccer guys and his friend walked into the office, probably to get a soccer ball off the roof, again. We had had a few classes together the year before and we used to talk a lot for some reason. He saw me sitting there and obviously got a stupid idea. He walked up behind me and whispered in my ear.
“You are so broken.” He obviously saw ‘The Invisible’ one too many times, I decided to play along.
I jumped up and tackled him to the ground. I raised my arm to punch him in the face. Horrible timing. The principle walked out of his office just then.
“Jason, Raine could you go sit in my office and wait for me please.”
He saw the bruise on my cheek.
“What happened?” He asked nervously.
“What, you haven’t heard the story?”
“What story, from who?”
“The story Cleo probably changed a million different times to get sympathy.”
“But what happened?” He asked again
“Me and Cleo got into a fight in math class, and she’s more of the catfight type and lost.”
“And you’re what type, street brawl?” he asked with a laugh that was way less uneasy than I had expected.
“More like ‘kick your ass’.” I said.
Jason laughed a little. We just sat there in silence until the principle came back.
“Now would one of you please care to explain?”
“She uh…finds me irresistible.” He said continuing with the whole ‘The Invisible’ act.
“You’re free to go Jason, your suspension has been extended to two weeks, this is you’re third fight this semester, second today.” He said as we both left.
I left the school and went to the park down the street from Bill and Tom’s house. I sat on the swing and pulled out my cell phone. I had 10 missed calls all from my Dad. I reluctantly hit the send button and called him back.
“Hi dad.” I said nervously.
“Oh my god, Raine, are you alright?” He asked worriedly.
“Yeah dad, I’m fine.” I replied reassuring him.
“Where have you been, all you’re stuff is gone?” He asked worriedly.
“I’ve been at a friend’s house; I took some stuff with me.” I replied.
“Because I felt safer there.”
“Why there and not at home?”
“Because something happened and I needed to go some where that they wouldn’t find me.”
“Well you can come home now right?”
“If I wanted to I guess I could”
“So be home tonight.”
“No, I don’t want to I’m happier where I am.”
“Well you’re not 18 yet so I don’t care if you’re happy or not, you’re coming home, or I’m calling the cops.” He said starting to get angry.
“They’re already on my side, they know why I left, plus they wouldn’t make me go back to someone who treats me like you do, they’d make me go farther away than I am now.”
“You can’t lie to the cops, it’s a crime Raine.” He said.
“It’s not lying to the cops, I’ve already gotten a restraining order against one person in place this week, and they’d believe me if I told them the truth about you.” I replied as anger built up inside of me.
“What did I ever do to you I’m like the perfect father.”
“If hitting me and yelling at me and getting drunk out of your mind leaving me to take care of you is being the perfect father than yes you have.”
“I haven’t done of that to you.”
“Not in the last what two weeks before I left!” I said angrily.
“Come home or I’ll come find you.” He replied angrily.
“You couldn’t find me, EVER!” I yelled and hung up the phone.
A few minutes later I was still sitting on the swing and saw my father walking down the street towards me. I saw the look of anger in his eyes and his fist clenched and hanging at his sides. I kept swinging. He walked over to me and grabbed my leg as I swung over his head. He pulled me down and I crashed to the ground. I felt the ground shake as I hit it. I felt his foot smash into my stomach. He bent down and grabbed the collar of my t-shirt and pulled me up to my feet. He punched me a few times in the face.
“How dare you say those things about me? Now until you apologize you’re not allowed home.” He said and started to walk away.
“Wow, I get what I want and you get what you want looks like this works out perfectly.” I said as I fell to the ground from the pain in my stomach.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to face me.
“It means I’ll never have to go back and live you with because I don’t have to apologize now that I have somewhere to go. And you get what you want because I’m out of your life forever.” I said gasping for breath.
“You think I want the only thing left in my life to leave it forever?”
“No, I think you want me to be out of your life forever!”
“What’s the difference? You are the last thing left in my life!”
“What about Amanda? You thought I didn’t know about you and your little ‘girlfriend’ but I do.”
“How did you find out about that?”
“You left you’re msn on open when I was on your computer and facebook and she sent messages, I didn’t read them I just saw the little preview thingy.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to get hit again.”
“Why would I hit you?”
“Because for every little thing you hit me over it.”
“That’s not true.”
“Yes it is dad, ever since you and mom got divorced and we moved here, you hit me. I know you wanted Rachel to move with you not me. You don’t have to hide it anymore. I know mom didn’t want me either, she wanted Rachel too.” I said yelling and crying.
“That’s not true I never wanted Rachel to move with me.”
“Yes you did, you just didn’t want her to lose her friends and you knew mom would raise her better, and since I was already so messed up I could just leave my friends and if you were lucky I would kill myself some how and you wouldn’t have to deal with me.”
“Raine you know that’s not true, I never wanted you to kill yourself either.”
“But you never said that the fact that you cared more about Rachel being happy living her life practically the same as before and that you wanted to stay with her more than you wanted me here isn’t true.”
“Raine I love you, I wanted you to be happy, and of course I wanted Rachel to be happy, you both deserved it.”
“If you cared so much about us you wouldn’t have split us up, you would have known that I was more of a parent to her than both of you combined, she came to me with every problem, I helped her solve them all and you never knew about them.” I replied still crying.
“I cared about you both more than anything in the world.” I cut him off before he could finish.
“Dad! Save it, I don’t buy this load of Bullshit and I never did and I never will! I’m not coming home ever again, and you couldn’t be happier you can have your stupid little girlfriend over and do what you want with out me knowing! I’m better off where I am and I’m going to stay there.” I replied crying. I started gasping for breath more loudly and realized I had been doing that the whole time.
My father turned his back on me and walked away. I laid there in the sand under the swings gasping for breath. I passed out for a few seconds and woke up again. I pushed myself off the ground and slowly made my way back to Bill and Tom’s house. I pulled out a key from under a plant. I opened the door and collapsed on the couch. I might have fallen asleep but I think I passed out right there.
I was gently wakened up by Tom’s hand pushing my shoulder and whispering my name. I tried to sit up a bit but it hurt a lot. I screamed in pain.
“What’s wrong Raine?” He asked worriedly.
“My stomach hurts, a lot.” I said wincing in pain.
Tom looked into my eyes and could tell I was in serious pain. The then noticed my black eye.
“Raine, what happened to your eye?” he asked concerned,
“Oh I was in a fight with Cleo, didn’t I tell you that already?”
“Yeah, but you didn’t have half of those bruises in your face then. Tell me what’s happened?” He insisted.
“My father came and found me, and he hit me a few times.” I replied still gasping.
“Well let’s get you to the hospital and get your stomach checked out.” Tom replied picking me up bridal style.
“No, Tom I’ll be fine, I just need some rest.” I said straining to breath.
“You can barely breathe I’m taking you to the hospital.” Tom said.
We got into his car and drove to the hospital. He brought me over to the waiting room and then he went to the reception desk and told them about what had happened to me. They brought me to a room and I waited for the doctor. The doctor came in and asked me a few questions. He then took me to another room to get an x-ray. I returned to the room that Tom was in and lay on the bed. The doctor came in about an hour later and said that I had three broken ribs. They wrapped my rib cage with a tight tenser bandage and told me to go home and rest and I should be fine in a few weeks.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so it's a bit short, and I'm not even sure if it's going to get read. I would really like some comments on it this far, but I'm hoping it gets better as it progresses, considering I have 120 pages to this story in total, and this is only the 50 page mark.