Ich Verspreche, Dass Ich Sie Nie Verletze

What about reckless?

I heard Tom’s pacing around the perimeter of the forest near where I was. I knew it was stupid and I had no reason to run, or to even be upset with him, or Violet, but I decided to just sit there.
A few seconds later he saw me. He walked up to me slowly and sat down beside me. I didn’t move I remained perfectly still. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder. I let out a sigh and rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of my head gently.
I looked up at him, into his eyes, and we both smiled. He leaned in and kissed me softly on my lips. I kissed him back the same way. We stopped kissing and he took my hand. And helped me to my feet. We walked back to the venue, hand in hand, in silence.
Once we got back the show was over. We got back on the bus and drove back to the hotel.
When we got up to out room we packed our things since we would be leaving fairly early the next morning. I took a quick shower then Tom did the same. I was changed and sitting on the bed. Tom came out a few minutes later. He was changed as well.
He came and sat on the bed next to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped mine around him tightly. I buried my face in his t-shirt and breathed deeply. I started to relax after the long day I had had. I wasn’t sure what was going on with Violet and at the moment I really didn’t care.
He rested his chin on the top of my head we stayed like that until I fell asleep. From how I woke up in the morning I could tell that Tom had lifted me and placed me under the covers before he fell asleep.
It was still dark, how it was normally when we left hotels, to avoid the fans. I sighed as we brought our things down and got loaded onto the bus. We got settled in once more and we all fell asleep rather quickly. Violet decided that she wanted to stay on the bus with the crew instead of with me. She also decided that after the tour she was leaving all of us behind and going back to Vegas.
Ryan didn’t mind too much since he kind of felt that she was too nosy while he was on tour. Bela didn’t mind either, she said that Violet was too bossy most of the time.
We all felt kinda bad, particularly me because it was my fault. We all regretted the fact that she wouldn’t be with us for the German tour but I don’t think any of us could take her personality anymore. She was more concerned with appearance and the brands of her clothing than having fun and making music. All of the people that were on that tour were more concerned with having a good time and a memorable time that we would never forget.
I had called Matt to talk to him about playing Bass on our German tour. He was happy to do it. I was excited to tour with him again. This time he would be with us in the bus instead of following with Jesse in the van. I think we were all excited, a new tour and a new start. We had a new person that would be touring with us and there’d be another element for our 3am truth or dare games.
Currently we were sitting on the bus on the way to our next destination. I’m honestly not even sure where we were or where we were going.
“Tom, you know how gangsters call their girlfriends and stuff shorty?” I asked looking at him, a completely serious look on my face.
“Yeah.” He said almost nervously.
“What do you if you’re a gangster and your girlfriend is taller than you?” I asked completely serious.
“Well you’re shorter than me so that’s not something either of us need to worry about.” He replied with a smile.
“I hate to break it to you, but you’re not really a gangster.” I said with a smile.
“Again with the bubble bursting?” He asked almost shocked.
“Yup, once again I enjoy the sound as they pop.” I said with a smile.
“That sounds kind of abusive if you ask me.” He said poking my side.
“And you’re not with all the poking and stuff?” I asked.
“No I’m not.” He replied with a smirk.
“If you’re not than neither am I.” I replied bluntly as I crossed my arms over my chest.
“What ever you two say,” Bill said as he sat down across from us.
“You say abuse, we say flirting.” Georg said, obviously tired of our couple-ish-ness.
“You’re just jealous.” Ryan said bluntly.
“Yeah you should be happy for them, Georg do you seriously not remember her back when we all first met her?” Bill asked.
“Whoa, what was she like then?” Michaela asked curiously.
“I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to talk about it.” Gustav said noticing how I had my face buried in Tom’s t-shirt, with his arm around me, both of mine around him.
“I know she doesn’t want to talk about it.” Tom said looking at me, moving his hand up and down the length of my arm.
“Then don’t worry about it. I she doesn’t want to I won’t make her.” Michaela said looking how almost frightened I looked.
In those few moments I realized I hadn’t thought about my past much since we had started touring. I barely even noticed the fading scars on my wrist, and they were the single constant and daily reminder of my past.
I never would have imagined when I first met them that having Tom and Bill around me constantly and touring with them would help me so much. I always have people there that I can talk to and trust. Ryan and I have even talked about our parents and stuff. Just all the people I’m with daily have helped me more than I could have imagined. I never would have imagined that I’d even get over the depression I had without some sort of medication.
In a sick way I think I’m better off now that I’m completely away from my father. I think I might be even better off if he was dead. I’m not trying to say I want him to die but I am saying I don’t want him anywhere near me.
Our next few shows went well and the interviews were nothing interesting. We were in the final leg of the tour. We had a few more states to visit, I think one was Maryland, before we were going to take a break in Vegas with Panic!. From there we were going to drive to California where we were playing for like Jimmy Kimmel Live or something like that and then flying to Germany. We were going to take kind of another break once we got there and then start touring in Europe.
A few days later we were in Baltimore. We were playing two shows since the first had sold out before twenty minutes of them being available was up. We were all waiting nervously backstage for the crowd to fill the venue. Tom and I were off in our corner of the backstage area and everyone else was partaking in there usual backstage rituals.
A few minutes later Tom and I were both kind of freaking out. I’m not sure why but in an instant we were just freaking out with nerves. It just kind of felt like something big was happening or going to happen. I don’t even think the nerves were from the show, more like that whatever was going to happen would split us up. I could tell he had the same felling. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me.
“Raine, what if something bad happens?” Tom whispered to me.
“I’ll be right here Tom, no matter what I’ll be right here with you.” I said trying to calm him.
“But what if it’s not so simple?” He asked, still whispering.
“I’ll still be there with you. Simple or to I’ll be right beside you.” I said as one of the crew guys came up to us and gave us the two-minute warning.
We went out onto the stage and started to play. We played our first few songs and got good reception. I noticed a group of familiar faces near the front of the crowd.
“Okay so now we’re going to play a cover of a new song, called ‘Beside You’ by Marianas Trench. I want to dedicate this song to someone very close to me, and he knows who he is. I love you.” I said into the mic.
When your tears are spent on your last pretense
And your tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defense.
When it's in your spine like you've walked for miles
And the only thing you want is just to be still for a while

If your heart wears thin I will hold you up
And I will hide you when it gets too much
I'll be right beside you
I'll be right beside you

When you're overwhelmed and you've lost your breath
When the space between the things you know is blurry nonetheless.
When you try to speak but you make no sound
And the words you want are out of reach but they've never been so loud

If your heart wears thin I will hold you up
And I will hide you when it gets too much
I'll be right beside you
I'll be right beside you

I will stay.
Nobody will break you,

Trust in me, trust in me.
Don't pull away
Trust in me, trust in me.
I'm just trying to keep this together,
Because I could do worse and you could do better

Tears are spent on your last pretense
And your tired eyes refuse to close and sleep in your defense.

If your heart wears thin I will hold you up
And I will hide you when it gets too much
I'll be right beside you
Nobody will break you

If your heart wears thin I will hold you up
And I will hide you when it gets too much
I'll be right beside you
Nobody will break you.’

I don’t know why but in the few minutes that I was singing and playing that song a tear stung my eyes. Thankfully it was our last song so we went off stage. Tom came up to me about to go onstage himself, with tears forming in his eyes. He pulled me into a huge hug. I held him as close to me as I could.
“Trust me, Raine, I’ll be right beside you.” He whispered to me and kissed me softly before going onstage.
We went back stage and waited for their set to be over. Panic went on and we were still backstage. So far nothing bad had happened and we were relieved.
After the concert we were still sitting backstage when four guys came in from the side of the stage. They were the four familiar faces from earlier that evening.
“Hey we’re Jack, Alex, Zack and Rian, we’re from the band All Time Low, and yeah we wanted to say great show tonight you guys were great.” Alex said to me.
“Really?” I asked shocked by the fact that one of my favorite bands said that we were good.
“Yeah especially the last song you played, the Marianas Trench cover, it was really good.” Jack said.
“Thanks, it was kind of a last minute thing, I’m surprised we didn’t mess up.” I said honestly.
“I honestly don’t think anyone would have really cared, other than you guys of course, if you messed up or not. It’s hard to criticize something with that much real emotion.” Rian said.
“Yeah, especially considering the fact that the last time I saw you cry was before we left for the first tour.” Tom said pulling me close.
“Wow, then that song must mean a lot to you.” Jack said looking at me, with almost a look of disbelief.
“The person I dedicated it to means more.” I said with a smile.
“It looks like it.” Alex said glancing between Tom and me.
“Anyway, how long are you guys here for?” Zack asked a mildly awkward silence later.
“Um we leave, the day after tomorrow?” I said looking to Ryan and Brendon for the answer.
“Yeah, we leave at night though so we have like two more days.” Brendon said.
“So yeah we’re here for like two days than.” I said with a half-smile half-smirk.
“We should hang out then.” Jack said.
“Yeah definitely, we can talk to the others about it if you want.” I suggested looking around.
“Georg, Gustav, Jon and Spencer were planning on going sight seeing tomorrow.” Tom said.
“Well then I’ll ask: Bill, Ryan, Brendon, Michaela and Bela.” I sighed in annoyance; I kinda thought that would be obvious.
“Cool, sounds sweet.” Alex said.
Ironically enough, the four that wanted to go sight seeing on their own had already gone back to the hotel. Violet of course had left too.
“Hang on I’ll ask them.” I said to the guy guys from All Time Low, “Hey guys, All Time Low wanna hang out with us tomorrow you up for it?” I asked loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Sure why not.” They all pretty much said in reply.
“Cool, we’ll meet you here at noon?” Zack suggested.
“Why not,” I said to the boys, “Bill, you have to get up early!” I kinda yelled to him.
“Eww.” He whined.
“Oh shut up, Bill it’s rare that you’re up that early it’s not a big deal.” Tom sighed.
“Still, that means I have to be awake before noon.” He whined again.
“Yeah, and so do the rest of us.” I stated.
“B-but, but-” He started to complain again.
“Stop you’re whining.” Several of us interrupted him.
He crossed his arms and sighed and everyone went back to their conversations.
“Sorry about him, he tends to complain a lot.” I said looking back to Jack and the rest of All Time Low.
“It’s no big deal, everyone likes sleep I guess.” Alex said not sure what else to say.
“Yeah Bill’s just kinda of a baby sometimes, he hates to miss even a minute of possible sleep time.” I sighed.
“On the road sleep is important.” Jack said with a yawn and we all laughed slightly.
“Yeah, but he’s asleep more than he’s awake.” Tom said shooting him a glance.
“Well he is the lead singer so he’s got to put more energy into it.” Zack said.
“Yeah, as lead singers we do put more effort into it, but not enough to send us into a sleeping beauty type slumber.” I argued.
“Yeah, but he dances more than we do, since we have guitars.” Alex said.
“You know how much freaking effort screaming takes? A lot, plus my guitar parts are like crazy most of the time, there’s only so much dancing I can do with screaming and playing too. But I have my moments.” I said with a smile.
“Yeah like the show before this one when you jumped off one of the amp stacks, practically did the splits in the air and landed, with your guitar.” Tom said excitedly remembering that.
“Ha-ha, I thought I was going to fall and smash the guitar.” I said smiling.
“You did that?” Alex said a little shocked.
“Yeah.” I said with a slightly.
“That pretty sick,” Jack said before turning to Tom, “You’ve got one crazy girlfriend.” He said with a slight laugh.
“Yeah, I know.” He replied pulling me slightly closer to him.
“Ha-ha, once she wanted to go to this concert or something but wasn’t allowed, and she decided to sneak out of her old house, and she climbed over the make-shift balcony she had, and jumped from the edge of the roof into a tree and jumped form the tree branch to the ground.” Bill said as he leaned over the back of the couch we were sitting on.
“Really?” Rian asked.
“You saw that?” I asked in shock.
“Yeah, it was like right after we moved in.” Tom replied.
“You did that?” Alex asked again.
“Yeah, I used to do it all the time before I left, now I don’t have too, which kinda takes the fun outta things.” I sighed.
“How do you keep up with her?” Jack asked shocked.
“I don’t even try, most of the time I just go with her in her crazy schemes, or watch in disbelief.” He replied simply.
“Sometimes you yell ‘Raine what the heck are you doing, or thinking?’” I said nudging him gently in the side.
“True, true.” Tom said with a smile.
“Maybe we’ll do something crazy and reckless tomorrow.” Alex said with a sarcastic over dramatic-ness.
“Do you guys skate?” I asked.
“Yeah.” Jack said looking to the other guys.
“Then we probably will, god I haven’t skated in forever.” I sighed.
“Sweet, we’ll bring our boards.” Rian said.
“Sounds cool.” I replied.
“Well we should get going, we’ll see you tomorrow ‘kay?” Zack said.
“Sure, no problem.” I said as they turned to leave we all yelled goodbyes, literally.
A little while later we we’re all hanging out in mine and Tom’s room. We were just kinda sitting and talking, which knew where it would eventually lead.
“Yo Raine, You know how we’re going skating with those guys from All Time Low tomorrow, and I don’t think any of us have boards.” Bela said looking around at everybody.
“Well I have mine, I always do, but we can go buy some, we might even be able to rent them.” I replied.
“Won’t we have to get trucks and wheels and the board and stuff?” Michaela asked.
“Not if we get you cheap boards, I’m sure we could get some from, like, Wal-Mart or something. There might be some other miscellaneous sports store around here too.” I replied.
“Well then we better get to bed, since we’ve got a big day of shopping and skating tomorrow.” Bill said getting up, I’m positive he was more excited about the shopping.
“Yeah, and you’ve got a big day of being reckless, so we should probably get some sleep too.” Tom said poking me in the ribs.
“Stop it,” I said shoving him gently, “Yeah I guess sleep would be a good idea, we should probably be up by like eight, maybe even seven-thirty since we need to get you guys boards too.” I continued.
“Okay, if Bill doesn’t get out of bed I’ll call you guys and have you come sit on him, all of you.” Bela said since her, Michaela and Bill were all sharing a room.
“Okay, sounds good, if we need to we’ll even get Gustav, and Georg.” Tom said.
“I’m sure Spencer and Jon wouldn’t mind either.” Brendon said as they left.
Within a few minutes everyone was gone and Tom and I were changing. Tom had changed quickly and I was only about to pull on the t-shirt I had stolen from Tom. Within seconds of me pulling the shirt on Tom had pinched my sides and I jumped, like, ten feet in the air.
“Geeze Tom, why must you scare me like that?” I said as I turned around to face him.
“Because you overreact and it’s kinda fun to watch.
“You’re a bully you know that right?” I asked as I climbed into bed.
I grabbed my cell phone off the bedside table and set the alarm for seven thirty.
“So, little-miss-reckless, what do you plan on doing tomorrow?” Tom asked as he slid into bed next to me.
“I don’t know, part of recklessness is spontaneity, so I don’t have a plan.”
The next morning I got dressed, since it was nice and warm out side I threw on an old pair of jeans I had cut just above the knee to turn into shorts in the summer when I discovered I didn’t actually own any shorts.
I dug through my suitcase and found a dress, which in my opinion was ridiculously short, it went about mid-thigh. It was red and low cut, it had spaghetti straps, I threw it on over a black tank top and grabbed my red and black converse and threw them on. I left my hair down and applied some eyeliner.
Tom didn’t really say anything other than ‘you’re dressed differently’. I kinda of half supposed that he kind of figured any complement he wanted to say he’d end up getting hit upside the head, he was most likely right if he did.
When we met up with the others and the first thing I saw was five dropped jaws and then Bela and Michaela running to hug me, like usual.
“Her dress whispers ‘reckless’, The night starts now.” Bela sang.
“And she slips on her necklace.” I sang back to her.
“What was that all about?” Tom asked confused.
“It’s the song Josey by Hey Monday.” I replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well, are we ready to go?” Bill asked, practically buzzing with excitement over the face that we were shopping.
“Yes, now let’s go before you explode.” I said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out the door before I even really had a chance to finish.
Within seconds Bill was dragging us down the street, Tom had managed to grab my hand which caused Bill to release my arm from his death grip, thankfully. We walked a few blocks and we found something like a Sports-mart or close to it. Every one got a decent board for a decent price. Since it was only like nine thirty we decided to go get an actual breakfast from a local restaurant.
By the time we left the restaurant it was about eleven or so. We had about an hour before we had to meet Jack, Alex, Zack and Rian at the venue. Most of us were kinda rusty on the board, besides me and Brendon who skated around whenever we could. Half the time we’d skate around the ground area in front of the stage and around the venues and stuff or at gas stations and rest stops, that was kind of our thing.
And then of course there was Bela and Michaela, who had barely learned at all, so of course we would have to teach them. In one hour.
We skated around and there was a fair bit of falling from everyone, not just Bela and Michaela. If you added Bill to that group though that would definitely be the majority. Within an hour they could skate well enough, to hopefully, keep up with the few of us, Brendon, All Time Low and I.
When we met up with the boys from All Time Low a little after noon.
“Whoa, her dress whispers reckless.” Alex said as he greeted us.
“Ha-ha that’s what I said.” Bela chimed as she hugged Jack after I did.
“Okay I’m in a dress Jesus Christ is that such a big deal?” I sighed in annoyance.
“No, but you’re reckless.” Ryan said poking me in the side.
“Ugh, I’m not as reckless as everybody seems to keep saying.” I sighed again.
“Really?” Bill asked looking down on me in disbelief.
“Well I’m not irresponsible or thoughtless, I’m not out of control either, I’ll admit I can be careless and possibly even ‘wild’ on occasion.” I argued my point.
Michaela pulled out her iPhone and searched for the definition which Ryan read over her shoulder.
“’Reckless, adjective. Heedless of the consequences.” Ryan recited.
“Still by definition, you’re reckless, on most occasions.” Tom said and patted my head, jokingly.
“Well then, let’s get reckless, dance with our hands to the beat.” I said and skated away.
Within a few seconds I was being followed by a herd of people on skateboards. I jumped onto a rail and grinded down a ramp nearby, and they followed. About half of them just skated down the ramp but Brendon, Jack and Alex followed on the rail. Within a few seconds Alex and Jack were on my flanks, which was helpful since they knew the area and I didn’t.
We skated around for a few hours and then we realized we had to get to the venue for a second sound-check and then grab some food somewhere. We talked to the managers of the venue and got All Time Low in for later so they could see the show.
We had just begun our set, and I took off the dress I had on earlier and just had on the tank top and shorts. We were half way, or so, through our set when a chick who was crowd surfing had managed to get herself onto the stage, even with the buff security guys in front of the stage.
“You bitch, Tom deserves better than you!” She screeched.
She came at me with a pissed off look in her eyes and the next thing I knew her hand was pulled back behind her ear and she punched me straight in the face. I was knocked unconscious for a good few minutes. I was just so shocked by all of this.
In true rock-star fashion, I got up and adjusted my guitar. I stepped back up to the mic.
“Come on girls, kick it!” I said into the mic looking back at Michaela, Bela and even Violet.
They picked back up where we left of and we kept playing. A little while later, once again, in true rock-star fashion, I got hit in the head with a bottle, a friggen glass bottle. Which also took me, and everyone else by surprise. It was strange. Once again I was unconscious for about five, maybe ten, minutes, this time they moved me backstage and considered it the end of our set.
When I came back into consciousness, my head was pounding, and Tom was sitting over me trying to tell if I was okay.
“Fuck! My head really hurts, would someone mind getting me some aspirin or something? Please?” I said putting my hand to my head.
“Sure thing.” Tom said softly as he turned to the paramedic sitting nearby.
“Hey, um can we get her some aspirin?” He asked, still his voice was a little above a whisper.
A few minutes later the paramedic handed my two white pills and a glass of water. He told me to sit up and he shined a small light directly into my eyes. He was checking to see if I had gotten a concussion.
“It looks like you do have a concussion, but you should be fine in a few days, but you really should stay lying down and take it easy for the next few days.” He said.
A few minutes later Bill came over.
“Tom we’ve got two minutes until we go on.” Bill said softly.
“Okay.” He said still looking at me.
“Tom, tell them that I’m so incredibly sorry for not being able to finish our set. I mean arghh! I can’t believe I didn’t even get to finish that song.” I said in frustration.
“I’ll do my best, okay babe?” He whispered and kissed my forehead before getting up.
“Thanks Tomi.” I smiled.
The boys from Panic walked past Tom as he walked off to the side stage area.
“Brendon, play nurse while I’m gone okay?” He said as he picked up his guitar.
“Okey-dokey, Nurse Brendon on duty.” He said and he saluted to Tom.
He came over hand took the place Tom had been sitting a few moments ago.
“So you got hit in the head by your first bottle, I remember when I got hit, knocked me out for seven minutes, but they let me keep playing.” He said softly with a warm smile.
“I wanted to keep playing, but when you’re unconscious you don’t get much of a say, plus I did also get KO’d by a punch in the face not even five minutes before. Gah! I want to finish that set, or at least the fucking song.” I said getting extremely annoyed.
“I know how annoying that must be, one more reason to add to the list of things on why you’re so reckless.” He said with a smile.
The paramedic came back a few minutes later and did some other test thing. I think he was just checking to see how bad my concussion really was.
“Okay, so I advise that you don’t play any shows or go to any shows or anything with loud noises and stuff for seventy-two hours. You should also try and resist sleeping for twenty-four hours.” He said and went back to where he was sitting.
“That’s the last thing I want to do, not sleep after skating like all day and playing a set, well only half but whatever, Gah.” I sighed in annoyance once again.
“I know, my concussion wasn’t that bad, but once Spencer hit himself in the head with like a symbol or something and his was almost as bad.” He said, probably in hopes of making me feel better.
“How did he- you know what never mind I don’t want to know.” I sighed.
After Tokio Hotel were finished we went straight back to the hotel, and we drove. Tom insisted on carrying me to the car and all the way to our room, which annoyed me almost as much as the fact that I had to stop mid-performance, and mid-song.
When we got to the room I got changed into pajamas, and crawled onto the bed. I was tired and I didn’t care what the stupid paramedic said, I was beyond tired I was about to die. Obviously Tom cared thought because he started to poke me gently in the side to keep me from falling asleep.
“Tom, please stop, I really want to sleep.” I complained.
“No, you can’t, not until tomorrow night.” He said.
“But I’m reckless so I don’t heed the consequences, so I’m going to sleep now.” I complained as I tried to get under the covers.
“Reckless or not, I’m not risking it.” He said stopping me.
“You know how many concussions I’ve had? Like ten at least, I think I can sleep and still be okay in the morning. They tell you that just incase you pass out again and stop breathing, that type of thing.” I said as I yawned.
“Oh, that makes me feel better.” He said sarcastically.
“Tom please let me sleep.” I complained again.
“No, I’m sorry I can’t. Just wait until tomorrow.” He sighed.
“But I’m friggen tired. I’m going to fall asleep.” I complained.
“I’ll keep you awake somehow.” He said sounding confident.
“How? And don’t say you’ll poke me, eventually I will ignore you and fall asleep.” I warned him.
“What about…” He said pulling me into a sitting up position.
“Tom what are you doing?” I asked confused, right before he kissed me.
We kissed for a little while, which had somehow made me more awake. Not that I wasn’t still freaking tired.
“You know, you can still sleep, you’ve gotta be tired too.” I said; my arms around his neck, his around my waist.
“But then you’ll be bored, and fall asleep, which is what I’m currently trying to prevent.” He said with a slight smile.
“Then what do you propose we do?” I asked
“Watch a movie?” He suggested.
“We always watch movies.” I sighed.
“Then what do you say we do?” He asked.
“I don’t know, we need to come up with something else, I think I’ve seen like every movie.” I laughed.
“Then what do you suggest we do?” He asked poking me.
“I already said I don’t know.” I whined.
“Well then we’re going to watch a movie I guess.” He said a pulled out a DVD from one of his bags.
It was ‘Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I smiled at him with a slightly confused look on my face. He put it in and pressed play.
“Tomi, why are we watching Bill and Ted? Didn’t we watch if like forever ago?” I asked still confused.
“Yeah, it was actually the first movie we watched together.” He said smiling.
“How do you remember these things?” I asked resisting the urge to ‘aww’.
“I guess just I do, I just remember it being the first thing we really did together aside from playing. Plus it made you laugh when I don’t think either of us thought it would be possible.” He said.
“Awwwwww.” I squealed.
“What?” He asked.
“It’s cute how you remember things.” I replied.
“Like what? Like the fact that our first kiss was a few hours later after we had watched the sequel?” He asked with a smile.
“Well technically I did kiss your wrist the day I said that I’d go out with you.” I said smiling.
“True, true.” He smiled
“I’m surprised, we both remember these things.” I replied.
“Me too. You’ve hit that pretty little head of yours off of so many things I would have thought it might have affected your memory.” He smiled and kissed the top of my head.
I shoved him lightly and crossed my arms pretended to sulk.
“I added a ‘pretty’. You really can’t get mad at me.” He said trying to defend himself.
“But you said my head was small, and you totally just referenced my ‘recklessness’.” I sighed and turned so my back was facing him.
“You’re head is perfectly proportioned to the rest of you. And I’d still love you even if it wasn’t.” He said placing his hands on my sides and pulled me backwards so that I was lying on the bed.
“Tom, stop trying to be sweet.” I sighed.
“I’m not; I truly am genuinely that sweet.” He replied batting his eyelashes.
“Whatever you say, you’re also a compulsive lair.” I said poking him in the side.
“And so are you.” He said poking me back.
“I am not.” I replied sticking my nose in the air, only seconds before bursting out with laughter.
“Here, give me your iPod.” He said a stuck out his hand.
“Why?” I asked nervously.
“Because I asked you too.” He replied.
“Fine.” I sighed and reached to the bedside table and grabbed my iPod.
He scrolled through my play-list and found, what I assume, he was looking for. ‘Feeling Small’ by Marianas Trench started to play.
“Tom, why are we listening to this?” I asked confused.
“Because it’s the first song I ever heard you play.” He said with a smile.
“But it’s such a bad time to be playing this song; it’s all sad and depressing. I mean listen to the lyrics.” I said pointing it out, as Josh sang ‘You’re barely breathing I know, And now it it’s starting to show. And I know it won’t ever change, but it hurts the same.’
“That wasn’t the point. The point was that it was the first song I ever heard you play.” He insisted.
“You’re so, sappy sometimes.” I smiled and poked him gently.
“I know.” He said and pulled me into another hug.
Some how in the process of hugging him back we fell over onto the bed. Within a few minutes we had both fallen asleep.
The next morning I was gently woken up by Tom. When I opened my eyes I saw a look of panic on his face, like he was worried I wouldn’t wake up.
“Good morning Tomi.” I said with a smile as I stretched my arms.
“Good morning.” He said almost sourly because he knew he had been proven wrong.
“I’m fine Tomi.” I sighed before he had the chance to ask.
“I see that.” He said in as his way of admitting defeat.
We got up and Tom ordered room service for breakfast. We didn’t really have plans and my head was ringing slightly. So we stayed in the room watching movies and talking. The next day we were leaving for Vegas and soon we would be flying to Germany. We’d have about two months break and then we’d start the European tour.