All of This Rain Is Just Washing You out of My Hair

What will happen when Raine leaves after her mother dies and her father gets sent to jail for killing her? She leaves behind a world where the only thing she cares about is Alex, and he's the only one that cares about her. Once she moves nearly a day-long drive away she finds that not only does her aunt and her family there dislike her, two boys at her new school really like her. Keeping in mind she has Alex at home, this year could be the hardest of her life.
  1. All Of This Rain Is Just Washing You out of My Hai
    Chapter one! How it all started...
  2. All Of This Fightinh if Just pushing us farther Ap
    Chapter Two!! This Chapter get's kinda stange, but please comment and rate and stuff.
  3. I'm not sure where to go from here.
    The morning after.
  4. The next steps into departure...
    I'm not sure what to say about two people falling in love and then one of them moving 20 hours away
  5. I Wish I could just fall into your arms instead of this despair
    Chapter 5
  6. Sing Me To Sleep...
    Raine is away from everything she knows or cares about, but most importantly Alex.