Like Two Starcrossed Lovers

Yes, I do Think That Was A Vampire

After seeing Mikey taking out his trash again, I was relieved how close we actually were so it wasn'y like he was a total stranger. He took notice in this too, every time we saw each other in passing he would smile and wave. Eventually he stopped me and gave me his number.
For the next two weeks me and Mikey talked on the phone, we were together every day after school, and we always met up at the Starbucks we had met at, just talking about everything from movies to what bones we have broken over a good frappachino. Once I was exposed to his humorous side, I started to see that maybe he was an okay guy. Though the closer Saturday got, the more I dreaded going to meet the rest of his kind. There were those kind of people at my school, of which we were not allowed to make friendly with, so say my crew.

At 7:00 on Saturday night , Mikey called me and told me to wear something "acceptable" meaning emotive rockstar-ish, but the only thing I had even close to black in my closet was a pair of dark jeans, so I grabbed a pink and gray top. I figured it was good enough. I didn't pay much attention to my jewelry sense all I had was pink glittery stuff from my pre-teen years, however I did find some spike bracelets in Zacs' room, they would have to do. He picked me up at 7:30 in his car. He took one look at me and then sighed, "That probably won't go over well, but okay." he mumbled. I expected to walk to his house but apparently we were going on a quest. I got in his old silver VW bug and we were off.

We drove down this long creepy dirt road in the middle of nowhere there were woods on each side creating a green, shadowy, arch over the winding road with hardly any moonlight. After a while the dirt turned to gravel and then we came to an open field like yard which led to this little house, at least it was somewhere. The minute we pulled into the driveway, I knew I wasn't going to be too comfortable here. As I got out of the car I started to feel nervous, and when I get nervous, I shake. So by the time we got to the door I was a vibrating mess. "We're here!" Mikey shouted as he opened the door, "kitchen." a voice replied from somewhere further into the foyer- mansion. Mikey led me down a hallway that had yellow walls and soft mahogany floors to a little kitchen/living room combo that had a cold feeling, where four guys all stood around smoking next to a refridgerator.

"Lauren, I'd like you to meet Ray..." he said as he was pointing to a guy that had big hair and a leather jacket, "Matt…" he said, this time pointing to a guy that was staring intensely at me, " and Frank" he said now pointing to a dark haired boy that was sitting on a counter, he looked like the most normal one there, he smiled at me."Welcome to my crib." He said. “Eh hem?" someone had said from behind me, I turned around. Was that a…? Yes, I do think that was a vampire. "Oh yeah, this is Gerard, my brother." Mikey said as if he'd forgotten about him, my mouth hung open, “Owah.” I managed to get out of my throat, "Hello, you must be the reason Mike’s been so whipped." It…uhh…He smiled. I was speechless by this dark God, he‘s beautiful, it’s clear that he is, he’s way cute with his dyed black hair and green eyes. He‘s lean, but not too lean, a little on the short side, but not shorter than me, and a heart slaying smile, as oppose to Mikey, who is the total opposite with his light hair and dark eyes, plus, he is too skinny, Gerard had that, scare- you- to- death-but-I‘ll-sweep-you-away look to him. I'd seen him as well, but I didn't realize they were brothers. I guess he wasn't home much. Something spooked me though. "Jeez, you talk too much." Gerard commented as I remained silent Mikey smiled as he went over to the fridge and got out two beers. "Um no thanks I don't drink." I said rejecting his offer as he came over to me. “Well tonight you do." he said tossing it my way. I caught it and threw it back, “really, no thanks." I said again. "Oh come on, it‘s not poison, just toxic." Gerard said this time with a snort. I gave in and took it. Once no one was looking though, he leaned over to me and showed me a Red Bull, "Trade ya." he whispered to me, "um, thank you" I said a little relieved he wasn't giving me a hard time, even though he was drinking just as heavily.

"So, Lauren," the one named Frank started to say while smiling, "Mike tells us you play the guitar, so let's hear it." he finished while handing me a red guitar, it could have been a large broom.. "Oh. Well I'm not that good, you know." I tried, but I took it anyway because they didn't look like they were going to let me off that easy. It came out sounding like crap, I blushed. "Well, just hang with us and you'll learn." he guaranteed taking it back, "oh you mean like, upside down?" I joked, or at least I thought I was joking. They shot me a look of disdain. "Will you give her a break? You all suck." Gerard had said suddenly, breaking the disregard filled silence that had fallen into the room. They literally suck. Before another word was said, a red haired girl came into the kitchen.

"Will you guys pleeeease not do that in here!" she moaned. "Oh Amy, shut up." Gerard waved at her, "ooh, you didn't tell me you had someone new, who is she?" Amy asked as she looked me over but her eyes lost their brightness, she too was obsessed with the darkness. "Lauren this is Amy, our sister. Amy, this is Lauren, my girlfriend." I don't know what startled me more, the appalled and disgusted look on Amy's face, or Mikey emphasizing the word "girlfriend" so young in the relationship. "Oh, umm… she's not much your type, but then again, not many girls really find you fascinating. So just take what‘ll bite, huh?" she scoffed. "Awww look guys! It's little Amy, trying to be grown up." Mikey shot back, everyone chuckled. Wait! Did he just call her ‘little’? She wasn't much older than us! Or at least I thought, her face looked about fourteen, but with those clothes? Not likely. I blew it off and basically just tried to be as invisible as possible, wishing that the night would fade by. I noticed though, while the more Gerard drank, the more Mikey would lurch over to the 12 pack that was now out on the table, and be right up there with him. "Speaking of ragging on me about liking a girly-girl, Amy, why don't you tell us about that new preppy boy you've been seeing? I swear that kid is the poster child for modeling." Mikey had said once he threw a third empty can in the trash, "you!" she gasped, "I thought you said you wouldn't tell!" she seethed with a glance at me. Then all of they started talking and ragging on her.

Somehow, using that as a distraction, I escaped to the bathroom, Gerard had given me a tour while they were tuning their guitars. When I had gotten there, I looked in the mirror and studied myself, "I look nothing like them." I thought out loud. I wiped away my pink eye shadow and lip gloss. I untucked my shirt from my jeans and put the spiked bracelet that was in my pocket on my wrist, and then went back out. By then they were in the basement practicing a song that sounded like an electrical version of someone dropping pots and pans. Gerard looked at me, great...he noticed.

I felt so out of place here. I didn't know where to stand, I was shaking too much to sit, my heart was pumping, not only because of the Red bulls Gerard had to trade for beers of which everyone kept pushing on me, but also because Gerard wouldn't stop flashing me a smile every five minutes, which made everything even more awkward. Finally, I began to calm down once they started playing a song that actually had a beat, but then as soon as I calmed, Mikey started really messing up the chords and his solo was slurred. "Mike! What the hell's wrong with you?!" Gerard yelled over the others' instruments. “I know you can’t be as good as me but at least don’t embarrass yourself in front of your girlfriend.” he laughed.

Then Mike just cracked. He started yelling and punching and just freaking out in a drunken rage. I I stood in awe of his split personality, “This is what he does when he drinks” Frank said now trying to calm him down along with the others. "Get the hell off of me!!!!" Mike screamed at Matt and Ray, who were keeping him away from slugging Gerard. "Mike let's just chill alright, I think you've had too much to drink and..." "Shut up!!!!!!" he brawled at me with fire in his eyes… right then I was afraid, and I think Gerard noticed, he too looked hurt, after all it was his little brother. They all began to laugh hysterically, I looked at each one, why is this so funny to them? I started to cry, as my face grew hot, I turned and went outside. I got in his driver's seat, "what was I thinking?" I wondered as I put my head in my hands.

I heard a soft tap on the window, "Hey.” he said softly, "We were only messing around, just come back in and we…" "I just want to go home.” I cried, “ all think I'm a prep and ...and I don't fit in with you guys and..." I sniffled. “No, I think you are awesome.” he argued, “No you don’t” I mumbled, "well if that's how you really feel then just go on home, I'll get someone to pick up the car tomorrow and..." "I can't drive! I don‘t even have my drivers license yet.” I repeated. “Mikey, you Dumbass.” he mumbled, “What do you mean?” he interrupted me, “look, I’m not trying to get into your business, just you know he’s graduating soon, and the guys are older, and, God, I‘m older...” he said as if a thought had made him stop, “It’s okay, it‘s not like that with us yet, plus I will be graduating too I‘m just a couple years younger, I skipped a grade.” I said, “I just want to go home before anything else happens, I’ll sort this out tomorrow with him.” I pleaded. “Oh, well okay then if that’s what you wish,” he said, “we have to take my car, though.” he finished, pointing to a sleek black corvette, which was obviously younger and nicer than Mikey’s car. “But you were drinking also.” I corrected, “Well I’m not completely wasted, yet.” he corrected right back, I don’t know exactly what spooked me, the night itself or the way he said ‘yet’ as if there would be more intoxicating later tonight. I got in the passengers seat and buckled my seat belt just wanting to get home. I think Gerard was a little startled to see how docile I was being. “They’re not really bad guys, you know, shy and maybe a little nuts.” he said with a smile. “Just bad timing.”