Status: In the process of trying to get an update up.

First Try

If You're Gone and Me Not Here. Ending edited

"I knew singing that song too much was bad," Spencer commented, circling Andy with an observant look.

"Shut up, Spencer! What about Beyonce then, huh?"

"She wrote the song! It's different." He took a step back and tilted his head to the side.

Andy rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

Everyone in the house gathered in Spencer's room, to meet the "new" Andy.

"Well, you do look kind of hot."

Andy threw his arms up in the air and let them slap against the side of his thighs in exasperation. That was the third time someone made a comment about how "hot" he was.

Brendon. "You look hot as a guy."

Jon. "If I were gay, I'd totally ask you out."

Spencer. "Well, you do look kind of hot."

The only one who hasn't said anything so far was Ryan who currently had some fascination with the floor.

Andy sighed and looked over at him, Ryan.

"Ryan," he called.

Said boy looked up at Andy and leaned back on the couch frowning slightly. He looked at her- him? and wondered, 'what am I going to do?'. And then he remembered last night when Andy asked him that if she were a boy, would he still love her? and he remembered answering yes, he would. But being presented with the situation now was totally different, he felt awkward and weird about it.

Andy saw Ryan's discomfort and couldn't help but let his face fall a little. He turned away from him and engaged Brendon in a conversation, trying to forget about the small bubble of pain in the bottom of his heart.

"Andy," he called, "come here."

Andy reddened a little before turning away from Brendon and going over to Ryan. He stood in front of him awkwardly, holding his hands behind his back and chewing on his lip.

"I'm gonna go fix breakfast," Spencer announced and Jon and Brendon followed him out of the room with mumbled agreements.

"This... this is awkward," Ryan told him, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. I totally ruined it."

"No, don't say that. Besides, you haven't ruined anything. I told you last night, guy or girl, I'd still love you - as long as you're still Andy," Ryan said, a little uncomfortable, but forcing a small smile for Andy's benefit.

"Fuck, Ryan, save your sanity. You don't have to... go through this. It's okay, I brought this upon myself. You don't have to... yeah," he trailed off, waving his hand dismissively before turning to leave.

"Andy, don't!" Ryan rushed, quickly grabbing Andy's hand and pulling him back. Andy jerked back and ended up crashing onto Ryan, still seated on the couch.

"S-sorry," Andy mumbled, straightening up on Ryan's lap.

Ryan looked up at him and Andy reddened, fumbling with his thumbs.

"They were right," Ryan mumbled before pressing his lips to Andy's.

Andy's eyes widened for a moment before he reciprocated the kiss, wrapping his arms around Ryan's neck.

Everything seemed okay at that point, until Ryan wrapped his arms around Andy's waist and pulled him closer.

"Fuck!" he yelled before pulling away from Andy and scrambling out of the couch, leaving Andy on the floor.

"Sorry, but that was just... too weird," Ryan apologized before helping Andy up.

"It's okay, I found it... awkward too. It didn't seem right," he replied, dusting himself off.

"Come on, let's go get breakfast."

"Sure, but what did you mean by 'they were right'?" Andy asked, opening the door and going out.

"You are hot as a guy."


"I can't believe you guys took me to a club."

Andy looked around the place. Lights were flashing and bodies were moving. The music was up so loud, Andy could barely hear himself think.

"Come on, we have to see how many you catch."

Andy rolled his eyes as they pushed him to an empty booth that they decided to occupy, and it was just great, because it was in perfect view of the dance floor. They, Jon, Spencer, Brendon, and even Ryan, thought that it would be a good idea to see how many girls and how many guys would ask Andy for a dance or for a drink, maybe even a fuck.

Practically a minute after they sat down, a girl had come up to their table and looked right at Andy.

"Hey, do you wanna dance?"

The whole Panic! band smirked and Brendon took note of the first girl to ask Andy.

"Uh... I'm gay, sorry," Andy replied, scooting closer to Ryan, to try and prove his point.

The girl only frowned before walking away.

"Come on, Andy, you've got to accept the offers!" Spencer complained.

"No thank-"

"So... I heard what you said. Do you maybe wanna dance?"

Andy looked up to see a guy smiling right at him. He nodded slowly before standing up and following the guy to the dance floor. They started dancing along to the beat of the music and, at that moment, Andy forgot about turning into a guy, forgot about the encounter with Ryan today, he was just going to have fun.

That was, until the guy he was dancing with grabbed his hips and pulled them close to his and began moving against him. Andy stopped moving for a moment before shrugging it off and continued dancing, even though it was somewhat violating.

Who cared?

It's not like Ryan and he could possibly have a relationship now.

"Get your hands off of him!" He heard someone yell. He didn't even notice he had closed his eyes. Andy opened his eyes and saw Ryan yelling at the guy he was dancing with.

"Hey, man, back off."

"Ryan," Andy called, trying to get his attention, but he wouldn't listen.

"No, you back off! Who do you think you are grinding on him like that?!" Ryan yelled, pushing the guy's shoulders.

"I'm the one that asked him to dance, who the fuck are you?" the guy, let's call him Cody, retaliated and shoved Ryan back.

"I'm his fucking boyfriend, bitch." Ryan drew his arm back and punched "Cody" right in the face.


"What?! Am I honestly supposed to let this fucker feel you up?! That's just not right!" Ryan yelled at Andy.

Right after that, Cody punched Ryan back.

"Stop!" Andy yelled, pulling "Cody" away from Ryan while Jon and Spencer held Ryan back.

You'd think that by now the whole club would be watching, but, no, they were all still too busy trying to get laid. Andy was thankful for that. What would the press say about Ryan yelling out that he was Andy's boyfriend?

Andy went over to Ryan and sighed.

"Ryan, I can handle myself, okay? I know you're just looking out for me, but, I mean, come on, you just basically told everyone who heard that you were gay and that you were my boyfriend. What if the press heard that and Keltie finds out?"

Ryan looked away and frowned, grumbling an "I don't care."

"I'll be fine, okay?"

Ryan nodded curtly before pulling his arms away from Jon and Spencer's harshly and making his way back to the booth, Jon and Spencer following close behind.

"Sorry about that. He gets a little... over-protective," Andy explained to "Cody" and smiled apologetically.

"That's okay," he sighed, wiping the blood away from his cut lip.

"Come on, let's go clean that up," Andy said before leading him to the bathroom.

"Why are you bringing me to the girl's bathroom?" "Cody" asked, confusedly, looking up at Andy with a quirked eyebrow.

"Uhhh, right, sorry." Andy blushed furiously before heading into the boy's bathroom. He tried not to look around in fear of seeing what he obviously didn't want to. Luckily, the bathroom was empty.

"You act like you've never been in the boy's bathroom before," "Cody" laughed, leaning on the sink.

Andy laughed nervously before grabbing a few sheets of tissue and wetting it slightly with tap water. He leaned in close to "Cody" and started dabbing gently at the blood on his lip.

"So... uh, I never got your name," "Cody" said, making it difficult for Andy to clean up his wound.

"It's Andy."

"That's a cute name, I'm Brendan."

Andy found that weird.





Oh well.

Andy smiled and pulled back. "There you go."


"No probl-"

Andy was cut off when Brendan forcefully pushed him into a bathroom stall and locked it. He pushed Andy up against the door and pressed his lips onto his.

Only two words seemed to process in Andy's mind.

Oh shit.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update! xD

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P.S. Andy as a guy:


I think.

Come on, guys, let's bring that star rating up to five! =D