We Both Need to Change

I'm going LOONY!

It just turned June and its mom’s first day at work. She finally had time to buy me a car, whoopee! She got all crazy this morning; she always is when she’s nervous.

“Kacy!!!” she yelled. I groaned and rolled over my bed - I landed in the floor.

“Oww!!” I complained. She yelled my name again and I finally gathered the energy to stand up and walk across the hall to her room.

“What mom?” I asked as I scratched my frizzy uncombed hair.

“I need yeh to drive Abby to Mrs. Sykes la’er on, ‘round ten would do it,” she explained as she put on her earrings, “The directions are on the refrigerator.” She told me.

I nodded, “Can I go back to sleep now?” she nodded.

As I made my way back to my warm comfy bed she shouted, “Oh and don’t! Over sleep, ok?” I was really annoyed. When I didn’t answer my mom called my name once more, “Kacy! Are yeh list’nen to me?”

“Yeah mom, I heard every word!” I yelled back in frustration, and right after that I buried my face under my pillow which muffled my mother’s other words.

Later on I was awakened by my little sister, “Kacy!!! Wake up!!!” she shook me pretty hard, I fell off my bed AGAIN.

Once my bum hit the wooden floor, I let out an oaf, “what is it Ab?”

“I’m going to be late if you don’t get up,” she complained. I looked over my shoulder facing the clock, it read nine-ten.

I faced her, “Goddamn it Ab, its fuckin’ nine ten! Your class isn’t until ten!” I yelled in crankiness.

Abby froze and covered her mouth. And that’s when it hit me; I cussed around my five year old sister, oh my GOD!! Mom is going to fuckin’ kill me!

She pointed her index finger at me, “You cussed!!! Kacy!!!” she blamed, “You’re like Oli, he cussed when he cut his finger last Tuesday!”

I kneeled in front of her and went to a praying position, “Don’t tell mom that I did that please?”

“If you take me now then I wont tell, promise!” she drew a cross in her heart and batted her eyelids.

I let out a sigh, “Fine. I’ll take you. Just let me change, ok?”

She was about to walk away when, she turned back, “Oh and, you have to stay with me the whole day!” and she proceeded downstairs.

Sometimes Abby, no matter how cute and nice she is, she still has those evil-privilege-to-control-my-sibling moments. I slap my hand over my face and shook my head, GREAT! I’m going to be stuck with my little sister doing nothing all day, how lame.

I took a quick bath, I put on a pair of black skinny jeans, an old rose shirt that said in big black bold letters ‘FREE HUGS’, a pair of grey converse, and over my shirt black hoodie jacket – because it was cold outside - and an old rose beanie hat, I let my almost dry loosed curled, auburn hair down – as usual. I grabbed my mail bag which was where I put my side kick, car keys and ipod – and yes, even at 18 I feel uncomfortable bringing make up with me or wearing it.

As I jog down the stairs, I see the door open, I looked at my left side where the living room came to view and Abby wasn’t there. My heart started pumping hard and I was so nervous. When I went outside, Abby was doing a hand shake with some random guy who could be a pedophile for all I know.

“Hey!” I growled fiercely, “Let go of my sister before I fuckin’ rip your balls out!” from this point, I didn’t care what the neighbors thought.

The guy turned around, the tattooed arms and neck, the shiny lip ring, that annoying smirk and those deadly eyes, he looked vaguely familiar.

“Charming…” he said and then faced me, he somehow knew me “Your Abby’s sister?” he smirked in amusement. The moment I heard his accent and his annoying little tone I remembered who it was – tattooed guy from the grocery store.

“Yes, I am!” I said, as I drew closer he stepped closer with Abby’s hand in his, I poked his chest, “How do you know my little sister? Have you been following her or something?”

Abby smiled, “Kace, this is Oli, Mrs. Sykes son. Mom sent him here so that he could show you the directions in case you forgot them on the fridge which you did.”

I scoffed, “I did not!”

Abby’s eyebrow rose, “Yeah you did.”

I sighed, “Yeah, I guess I did.” I said after searching my bag.

Abby faced Oli, “Oli, this is my sister, her names Kacy but for shortcut you could call her Kace. Shake hands with her.”

We shook hands for Abby’s sake, he looked at Abby, “Me and your sister ‘ave met Ab, at the grocery store close here.”

“Oohh…” said Abby.

“So, I guess we best be goin’ now,” Oli said rubbing his neck. I nodded feeling the awkwardness sink in.

Suddenly, Oli picked up Abby from the ground and brought her to the car. I stopped and mentally awed at it, it was so cute! Like father and daughter. After Oli buckled Abby in the backseat, when he turned around, he faced me in confusion. I heard a few camera clicks but I just thought it was my imagination.

“Wha?” he asked, “Is there somethin’ on my face?” he asked.

I shook my head, “No, that was just a Kodak moment for me. It was sweet of you to carry her in,” I told him.

He smirked, “Wha? Yeh want me to carry ya too?” Ugh but he can be so full of himself! And again, I hear camera clicks.

“Why do you have to ruin the moment? Gosh!” I slapped his shoulder.

He chuckles, “Do ya want me to drive? I mean, I do know the directions, yeh could jus’ watch and shit.”

I tossed him the keys and he caught them in time, again I here camera clicks. Oh my God! I’m going fuckin’ loony! He climbed in the driver seat and I climbed in shot gun. As he began to drive out the drive way I worriedly scanned our lawn.

“Wha’s the mat’er?” he asked, facing me when I didn’t answer he looked over his shoulder and asked Abby, “Are yeh, buckled in yeh’r seat love?”

Abby nodded, “Yep!” she answered happily.

Oli faced me again, “Oi! Wha’ are yeh lookin’ for? Cats?”

He’s such a jerk! I shook my head, “No, but I swear I heard camera clicks.”

Oli raised his eyebrow, “Camera Clicks?”

I nodded, “Yeah, you know… when you take a picture and when you hit the capture button there’s always a click. Camera Click.”

“Oohh…” he nodded, he then surprisingly surveyed the lawn, “Well, you must be goin’ mental then.”

That was a nice comment! Fuckin’ jerk, wait ‘til I get the opportunity to hurt you, boy will you stay in the hospital for days. I was practically fuming the whole ride to Oli’s house that I didn’t notice anything that was happening inside the car but for one thing, I did notice the white car that has been following us. But I ignored it because I was becoming paranoid and maybe, just maybe, I am going mental like what Oli said. Sha! Why would I follow what Oli says? I mean, I just met him the second time. But then again…

Oli flicked my forehead with his index finger and thumb, “Oi! Calling Kacy from whatever world she is right now, she needs to get back to earth!”

My trance was broken, “What?” I shot up.

“We’re here!” Oli said as he pulled off the keys from the key hole.

“Oh… sorry, I was just…” I trailed off, I didn’t know how to end my pathetic sentence.

“I swear yeh’r a fuckin’ nutter,” pronounced Oli while chuckling, low enough so that Abby couldn’t hear but I did. ASSHOLE I identified him mentally.

He hopped off and I hopped off, we both closed the door in unison – I most likely slammed mine though. Oli carefully unbuckled Abby’s seatbelt and carried her. And in the cutest way, Abby wrapped her tiny hands on Oli’s neck and stared him in the eyes, and said, “I love you Oli!”

I was standing beside Oli and I could see his face redden, he cleared his throat and I faced him and smiled, he chuckled then I heard a Camera click, AGAIN! But I ignored it.

“I love yeh too Abby, in a sister way,” he told her. Abby smiled and kissed his cheek softly. And that’s when I was sure I was going nutter because I again I heard the same clicking sound.

“Thank you Abby,” he said to her smiling cheekily.

“Oli, did you hear that?” I asked him.

He nodded, “Sounded like a camera but, ‘bet it isn’t though. Must be some bird or somethin’” he assured me.

We both went in.


Later on, I met the amazin’ Mrs. Sykes, and Oli’s brother, Tom who by the way has the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen. And I helped making a big purple cake with black designs on them – Mrs. Sykes said it was for a special birthday girl for tomorrow. And it wasn’t as lame as I thought it was, it was – may I say it? Fun! But, Oli was still being such a jerk off while Tom was being nice to me and all friendly most of the time but the other half he was picking on his brother as well as me. But Tom wasn’t as annoying as Oli.

Ms. Sykes was very nice and for her age, which I’m sure has reached a point, looks very vibrant and active.


Oli was walking us to my car, “So… you ‘ad fun today?” he asked.

I nodded, “It was ok.”

He chuckled, “I was asking Abby,” he said. He was carrying her again, but from the very short travel from their front door to my car Abby had fallen asleep. He looked down at Abby’s solemn face and whispered, “Oh, she’s asleep.” Heard a camera Click again or I mean that loony bird who doesn’t stop chirping.

I nodded and opened the passenger’s seat for him, he gently placed Abby in, but Abby’s tight grip on his neck wouldn’t budge - took us a good five minutes before it did.
He chuckled and faced me, “Now, I’m askin’ yeh, d’you ‘ave fun?”

“It was ok,” I told him.

“Does that mean, maybe yeh’ll come on Abby’s next appointment?” he asked while rubbing the back of his neck. I heard another chirp or click.

I slyly smile, “Maybe.” I had managed to unzip my jacket and his eyes traveled to my shirt to read the print on it.

He nodded, “Alright,” after reading he out stretched his arms and closed his eyes.

I slightly giggled, “What’re you doing Oli?”

He peeked, “It says free hugs, and I need one right now.”

I had no choice, so I gave him a soft hug. I heard a click or a chirp but then ignored it again, we then pulled away.

“Seeya then,” bid Oli. He was about to go in when I yelled.

“You might wanna get animal control, these birds wont shut up!” I yelled.

He smiled, “Nah, I’d just rather le’ ‘em fuckin’ annoy yeh,” he said, I stuck a tongue out and he went in.

I went home with a sick, fuzzy, unstable feeling – I didn’t know this feeling, I was very oblivious to this. Like I wanted to gush every time I stepped.
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i dont think i would be able to update tomorrow,, Mom's probably going to
make me lock myself in my room to study for this big exam I'm taking the next day after.
But I will update the day after tomorrow, hopefully.

Well, keep up the comments!! XD Oh and big thanks to Sierra, Clara and Syd for commenting. Love yeh guys!