Demon's Obscured Benevolence

Demon’s Obscured Benevolence: Chapter one

2nd month, 13th day
8:23 p.m.
Fatal laid there restless on the old torn up couch that has felt both blood and tears shed on its obsolete exterior. Darkness surrounds all around him, the only light alive in the room is from a candle next to him on a very aged stool. The flame started to flicker; the slightest blow of wind will make it of out.
Fatal then opened his eyes and reached into his pocket pulling out a piece of paper. He read it twice with a confused look on his face. Fatal then let out a heavy sigh and the candle went out….darkness was all there is. The door suddenly opened, letting in a burst of light in revealing fatal from the darkness.
Fatal covered his eyes from the light, “What is it Vague?”
The man stood at the doorway with a book in his hand and said in a low deep voice, “Everyone is account for and ready for the meeting today, are you ready Fatal?”
Fatal then removed his hands from his eyes and smiled, “yeah,” fatal then stood up, grabbed the blade on the floor and began to walk towards Vague, “it’s about time I came out of the darkness and show the city The Demon King as desirous as can be.”
Meanwhile in the large room with a long table and chairs which is lighted with only six candles, one in each corner of the room and two at the end of the table, two people were at the table waiting for the meeting to start.
The young boy walked into the room nervously and sat down at a long table across from a small looking girl. Next to her was a man whose appearance seemed to be in his early twenties. He had his feet on the table and leaning his chair rocking himself back and forth. His dark brown hair looked ruffled and messed up and also having that rugged look by not shaving for a while added to the whole “not caring”. He had a face of not caring about anything in the world; as if he were on vacation right now, calm yet intimidating.
The boy looked at the girl and he noticed that her eyes were closed, head facing forward and her hands were cupped together. Her expressionless look gives off this tranquility that seems to fill the air like if her mind was at peace. What was she thinking about? Probably daydreaming? No, she isn’t daydreaming, her face is too serious…does she even know if I am even here? He then hung his head and stared at the old table that looks as if it were a scratching post for over fifty cats. There was no noise what so ever. All that can be heard is the groaning of this old warehouse.
Suddenly there was a loud slam on the table that made the boy shoot his head up and look around. Then the young girl grew a smile across her face knowing that the boy got scared. The loud slam echoed throughout the warehouse and died as silence swallowed it whole.
“So…you new?” the man asked as he rubbed hands together from hitting the table.
The boy hesitated, “yeah…I am.” He said still shaken up from the loud slam.
The man scooted his chair back and stood up, “Well the name is Satire and we do things differently around here. Hell is no pushover like the other gangs you joined or tried to join. Since you are new we can’t go easy on you, you must follow and obey everything I say unless you want all of Hell to beat your ass? Got it?”
The boy just nodded, and as Satire was about to sit down the girl stretched out her hand, which quickly turned into a fist, and hit Satire in the groin. Satire quickly fell to the floor groaning. The boy let out a muffled laugh hoping that Satire may not hear him.
The girl then stood up from her chair and held out her hand, “Hi the name is Verse. If you ever end acting like him you will get worse. His name matches his words and actions sadly. He takes funny to an extreme and will take any punishment gladly.” She has the most beautiful smile than any other girl he has every seen and a very serene face.
The boy stood and shook her hand, “Hi, my name is Rick and I am glad to meet someone here with some courtesy,” he said with a sigh of relief.
Verse sat back down and shook her head, “No, no, no. I wouldn’t expect such charity or mercy from this gang. As a warning, do not expect grace from our leader here and don’t contradict him either or you will get the hang,” she said smiling at him, but he wasn’t; He had a very worried face on.
Suddenly there was a loud groan by satire as he got up and slowly sat in his chair. Verse smiled at him, “Oh! Satire, nice of you to join us today. How about not being such an asshole and start being nice for once ok?”
Satire growled but then it turned into a sigh. He then put his feet on the table and leaned back in his chair, “And now you know why we call her Verse. She is like a freaking poet,” Satire then looked at her hand which was balled up, “BUT she is very likable here and she does her part in this gang we call Hell.” He said as all three of them laughed at his comment.
Then a door opened up and walked in a very tall looking guy dressed in dark clothing with black rim sun glasses and was holding a book but Rick couldn’t make out what book it was. He sat down next to verse placing the book face down; all three were so quiet.
Then came out another but this one was a bit shorter than the other like about 5’7 but he seemed more intimidating than the first guy that walked in. He had chains around his waist which was holding a very unique kind of blade and is dressed in all black; walking in with no expression at all. A cold chill ran down Rick’s back.
Suddenly the door opened across the room and out came Vague and Fatal. Vague sat down next to Verse; leaving Rick alone on one side.
Fatal sat at the end of the table and pulled out the same paper he had in his room and read it out loud, “Demons of Hell…I know everything and see everything. The Demon family will certainly die out….and there for, because of our family’s ways, we cannot have peace in this city. I have failed to bring peace to the city….only a Demon shall bring peace….the Final Demon shall bring peace to the city.”
Fatal then looked up at them, “well? Give me your opinions about this writing that my brother wrote before he died.” Fatal then turned his attention towards Satire.
Satire then took his feet off the table and stood, “yeah about your brother Fatal. He made drugs for a lot of gangs and he also did some himself. So how do we know it isn’t the drugs talking or writing for him? They way Azel used the drugs I wouldn’t blame it if it turned his mind insane,” Satire then sat back down and shut his eyes leaning back.
Fatal then put the paper away, “no…my brother was stronger than that; he wouldn’t let any drug take over him. Azel’s mind was far beyond any other persons mind. Every time he talked or fought with others, it was as if he was doing it from another dimension. Peace is what my brother wants but I want something entirely different.” Fatal then sighed and put the paper away in his pocket, “so anything else new here?” Vague then pointed at the new comer at the table; Fatal turned towards Rick, “who are you…and why do you exist?” he said standing up from his chair.
“M-my name is Rick and I don’t know why…I exist,” he said with his head down.
Fatal then walked up behind Rick, “then you are just another disoriented soul that needs a purpose to make them feel wanted or loved? You can’t even create your own purpose in life then you have no right existing in this world of ours, but since we need more people here I will give you a purpose for your life,” Fatal said pulling out a blood stained sword to Rick’s throat, “like the great Lord you will serve me and like God…I will end your life whenever I want, your purpose shall be to serve me for eternity; do I make myself clear?”
Rick gulped at the thought that he was going to die right here and now, “Y-yes…ok I got it,” he said as Fatal removed the blade from his neck Rick let out a sigh; Rick looked at his quavering hands and slowly put them under the table.
Fatal then held the sword in his right hand and slammed his left hand on the table startling all four of them, “this city will be mine! Know that we are going to be doing some changes around here alright? To hell with peace! I am going to grab this city by the neck and have it do my every command! All will bow down to me!” he then turned and began to walk away, “oh and do not forget that it will be dangerous and some of you might even die…now go, I have other…important….matters to attend to,” Fatal then left them there slamming the door behind him. They all sat there not knowing what Fatal was planning for tomorrow….or even tonight?