My Spirit

Black Boxes

I raced to Joanne‘s house, that could be found in the west side of the town. Her house wasn’t big, seeing as she didn’t own much in her past life. You see, when you die you get your own house in the spirit world and its size depends on how much you owned in your past life. I do not know why it’s that why but I don’t really care because my house here in gigantic.

I knocked three times on her door and waited. A young woman in her twenties came to the door and smiled.

“Gerard, do come in” Joanne said and opened the door and I walked in. Joanne had lived in Edinburgh in 1705 and died around 1730 when she suddenly died from cancer. She walked me to the kitchen room and started to make tea on the stove.

“So, what is it that you want?” She asked gently and handed me a cup of her famous tea.

“Thank you very much.” I took a sip.

“I heard the owner of my castle talk about something called Most Haunted. I was thinking if you could tell me something about it” I said and she smiled widely as she sat down next to me.

“Ah yes, my favorite television show!” She laughed.

“Television show? What is that?” I asked, feeling like a total twat.

“Oh you know the weird black box with a window with moving figures on it?” She waved her hand and my mind snapped together. I remember seeing one of those in the owner’s office in the castle and I nodded, taking a big sip from the amazing tea.

“Good, well there you can see shows; comedy, horror and so on. But Most Haunted is a reality show; you see…The others are just acting!” She laughed bitterly. “But this one, they go to various places, haunted places, and try to connect with ghosts, spirits.” She said.

“How do they make contact with us?” I raised my eyebrow confused.

“Oh my dear Gerard!” She laughed and patted my shoulder.

“You know that we can make things move and make noises and even show ourselves, but that only happens when we are furious or extremely happy.” She said dreamy. My heart jumped. I could show myself when I would find Frank, where ever he could be.

“Where can I see this show?” I asked in a hurry and stood up.

“At the new spirit town, they have those black boxes there. Their town is in the south. Want me to come with you? I know some new spirits!” She squealed and I dragged her out of the house and we started to run south.

“So why is this show so important to you?” She asked when we were half way to the new town.

“I feel like it is my way to Frank”

“The man you loved in your past life?” I nodded.

“That’s cute! But why do you think you’re going to find him through this show after 408 years of waiting?” She asked with a questioning look on her face.

“I just don’t know, but I feel it in my bones” She nodded and we kept on running, finally spotting the town being a really big blue forrest.
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omg thank you all for liking this story : D
<3 I love you!