My Spirit


Frank‘s P.O.V

“Hey Frank wait up!” Mark called. I stopped in my tracks and turned around to wait for him. Today was a very good, sunny day in Birmingham, where me and my wife live. I smiled as Mark stopped next to me.

“How are things?” He asked as we started to walk home.

“I can’t complain, just did a ghost haunt in Stoke, it was awesome!” I laughed. Me and my wife both work in the famous TV show ‘Most Haunted’ and we’ve been there ever since it started.

“You have to take me with you someday!” Mark said smiling. I nodded, knowing that I owed him a lot. Mark has been my best friend for over 15 years and we’ve been through a lot together and he knows all of my darkest secrets.

“Where are we heading?” He asked.

“My place, I’m hungry and I’m thinking about taking a nap” I yawned. I hadn’t slept in ages but when I did I always dreamt about the same person, over and over again.

“Not scared about dreaming that dream?” He asked nervously. To be honest I wasn’t scared, the dream made me feel all warm and…In love.

“No, I’m used to it” I giggled as we walked to my yellow ugly house. My wife, Yvette, wasn’t home so me and Mark had the house all to ourselves.

“You hungry?” I asked and walked to the kitchen.

“Indeed I am!” Mark laughed and sat down in front of the kitchen table. I took out some bread and other shit and started to make two huge sandwiches.

“How are things with you and the misses?” He asked. I bit my lip. Me and Yvette had been fighting a lot lately, mostly over because we didn’t spend much time together anymore and to be honest…She has changed, or maybe I’ve just lost my love for her. I shrugged and placed two sandwiches on the table and sat down.

“I’m sorry Frank” He rubbed my shoulder but I shrugged it off.

“Don’t be, it might be my fault….” I breathed out. Mark looked at me confused.

“Why do you say that?”
“Well, I think my heart belongs to someone else, it has always been that way…” I bit my lip nervously, knowing that Mark knew exactly what I meant.

“But you can’t love him, he isn’t real!” Mark said and I felt my cheeks turn extremely red.

“He has to be…”