My Spirit

A Dream

Me and Mark sat in front of the TV for hours, watching movies with Mel Gibson and Tom Hanks. Plus we were eating fast food like maniac.

“Yo, my girl is probably missing me” He suddenly informed me and stood up from the couch.

“Yeah, I think I’ll take a nap then” I giggled and stood up to lead him to the door. He turned around and hugged me.

“See ya man”

“Yeah bye” I mumbled and watched him walk away. I closed the door and let out a long yawn. I hadn’t slept for days and I…to be honest I missed the man in my dreams so I was looking forward to go to bed. I pulled the thick cover over me and closed my eyes, allowing the dream world to take me away.
I was feeding my favorite horse, Jap, when Gerard walked into the stables. His hair was wet from the rain outside and his clothes were completely soaked.

“Good morning sir” I said, trying to hide my giggle. I had always found it weird slash funny to call him that…Sir Gerard Way. He smiled and walked towards me with that small smile on his face that I love.

“How are you today Frank?” He said casually and took off his red silk cloves, placing them on my chair.

“Good my lord, you sir?” I said and fixed my extremely greasy hair, blushing. He took off his coat and wrapped his arms around his chest as if he was freezing.

“A bit cold I must say” He laughed. I couldn’t help but grin, knowing what he wanted me to do. I stopped what I was doing and turned around, facing Gerard.

“I’ve missed you Frank” He whispered and walked slowly towards me. I felt my heart beat faster in my chest, knowing that soon I’d be in his arms.

“I’ve missed you too…Sir?” I raised my eyebrow, not sure what I should call him. Gerard laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Call me…”He thought. “Love” He said grinning and kissed my lips. I ran my fingers through his wet hair and pulled him closer to me.

“Sounds good to me” I said into the kiss while I felt Gerard push me against the wooden wall of the stable.

“I love you Frank” He murmured and pulled me off of the floor, not breaking the kiss.

“FRANK!” Someone screamed and pulled me away from that wonderful moment. I opened my eyes and saw my wife standing over me with her hands crossed and she looked shitfaced from anger.

“What woman?” I groaned and turned away from the light.

“The house is a bloody mess Frank! And we’re going to Jacks and Julies for dinner, please dress nicely. I can’t stand those black whatever kind of clothes you have” She spat and I heard her leave the room. I allowed myself to punch the pillow in anger, cause of her bitchy act and that she pulled me away from my soul mate, if you can call him that.
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comments pleeeeaaase?
cause I wub you all<3