Tears Of A Dark Angel


“About 5 years ago a vampire fell in love with an angel.” The old man started to tell his grandson. “Of course none of the vampires or angel liked that. They banned them from each other. They always met in secret down in, what they called the in between land. The land between Heaven and Hell, where we live.

“The angels name was Arabella, she was one of the most beautiful angels you could ever see. She was treated like a princess, but as you known up in heaven there were no royals, but if there had been she would have been the princess. Now there were laws, not rulers, but a council of people who made laws. Now down in Hell it was different. There was one ruler and many sons. Lucifer was the ruler. He spawned many different kinds of children, demons, vampires, even some humans were his sons. But his most evil son was a vampire by the name of Demetrius. He did the most horrible deeds for his father. Killing anyone and anything that got in his way. But once he met Arabella he changed. Apparently he became nicer, and wouldn’t listen to his father. He stopped killing and would only have blood when he absolutely needed it.

“They truly loved each other. Thought they were soul mates, which of course was impossible, since a vampire and angel can’t be soul mates. It wouldn’t be right. That’s why they were banned from each other. Whenever they got the chance they would spend time together, they would secretly meet and tell each other how much they cared about each other and one day they would be married. Even though they both knew that they could never truly do that, because if they did one of them would be killed of course if anyone found out.

“But even after they knew that, they still decided to get married in secret. They found an angel that Arabella trusted to help them get married. They were married in the most beautiful garden. It was full of flowers that would shine when sunlight hit it. It was like a garden of jewels. After their marriage they each left Heaven and Hell and gave up immortality to be with each other. They were as happy as could be, Nothing could of made them happier, well that’s what they thought until the day they found out they were having a child. They were even happier, they were going to be able to raise and take care of their own child, and she wouldn’t ever have to deal with the whole Heaven and Hell thing, or so they thought. When she was born, they knew there was something about her. She was special, one of a kind. Nothing would ever be like her.

“After she turned one something horrible happened, Arabella’s father came. He had found out everything. He said that he would let them be together, as long as they let their daughter live in Heaven. They decided that it wouldn’t be that bad If she lived in Heaven. They could still be together and their daughter would always be safe. They still had yet to name her though, so the father said if they wanted they could choose her name, something so she would now that they were her parents. So they named her Desabella. A mixture of both their names. Then she was sent with the father up to heaven to life there.” Then the old man moved his body closer to his grandson.

“Now listen carefully to this Jacob. Desabella will be the end of this whole universe, unless is she killed before 17th birthday. Now it is very important that you kill her before then or everything will end. You need to be able to capture her to kill her, Make sure you live though, If you die, then there would have been no point. Do you understand?” The old man said to his three year old grandson.

“I understand. I need to kill her.” He replied.
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This you guys, is 14 years in the past.
So the prologue. What do ya think? Does it seem good so far?
Hopefully it does. :)
