Tears Of A Dark Angel

Chapter Uno.

”Grandpa? Grandpa where are you?” A seven year old me yelled while I ran around his house looking for him. Where could he have gone? We were just playing Uno five minutes ago. I thought. Of course that was before we heard that crash and he told me to hide. And he ran off. I kept running everywhere looking for him. Maybe he’s in his bedroom. I started running towards there, I had to go through the kitchen to do that.

That’s when I saw my first vampire. He was standing over my grandpa, my last family member left. And he had killed him.

Instead of being smart and running away, I ran towards the vampire. I tried kicking him, punching him, anything I could think of to hurt the vampire. He just let me hit him. When I finally ran out of energy the vampire moved away from me.

“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. Then he disappeared. After about five minutes of just standing there I started moving away. Then my grandpa’s eyes popped open and he jumped at me, to kill me.

I woke up in a cold sweat. I’ve been having that same dream since I was seven. Always the exact same, of course in real life my grandfather never tried to kill me. Or came back to life. No, he is dead. He will always be dead.

It took me seven years to find out who the vampire was. His name is Demetrius. It took me a while to figure out why that was such a familiar name to me, but then I remembered that story my grandfather told me about the angel. At first all I wanted was to kill Demetrius, but then I realized I should just kill Desabella like I’m supposed to. It would be fair revenge. He took something from me that I loved. So I should do the same.

My alarm finally went off then. I slammed my hand down on it to shut it off. It was now 1:00am. I’ve been waiting for this day for awhile. For the last few months I’ve been really thinking of ways to capture Desabella. Then one day I saw her, on Earth. After a while I realized she comes down here once a week. I finally figured out where she comes and goes and at what times. Today I was going to capture her as she came from Heaven. She wouldn't expect it at all, and the angels up there wouldn’t expect her back for a while so it would work. I hoped.

I climbed out of my bed. And walked out of my bedroom into the bathroom. Everything was still the same from when I was seven. The house never changed. After my grandfather died, I found out that in his will he gave the house to me. But of course a seven year old can’t have their own house yet, so I was going to be put into foster care and the house was going to wait till I turned 18. But I soon as I found that out and ran away and hid. Then when they finally just looked for me, after two years, I came back here, I’ve been living here ever since, taking care of myself. Of course when people came to check if the house was okay I would have to go and hide again. But now I’ve finally been living here for almost two years legally. In four months I would 20, which just happened to be the same time Desabella would be turning 17 so I needed to get this plan done with pretty soon.

I stepped into the shower. After 20 minutes I stepped out and started getting dressed. I needed some comfy clothes, I had no idea how long I would be staying and waiting for her to come. After I was all ready and had everything I stepped out the front door and locked it. I started walking towards my destination. It was really nice out right now. Not many people were outside right now, just a few drunken hobos. Once I got to the destination I sat, leaning against a tree and waited.
Around 2:00am I saw a bright light in the sky. I knew it had to be Desabella. As soon as she descended all I could do was stare. She was beautiful; she was like a darker version of a regular angel. I wasn’t so sure about capturing her now. No Jake! She is the end of the world! Capture her now; she’s not even paying attention to you right now! Go! I got up from where I was sitting silently. I took the cloth from belt loop and walked behind her. Then I brought it over her head and tied it around her head, then I grabbed a rope and tied her hands as quick as I could. She started to struggle. So I knocked her out.

I then called my friend, Ryan to come with his car to help me out. He was the only one that knew the whole reason for this and he said he would help. While I waited for him I just stared at her. She was so beautiful, but so different then what I thought angels were suppose to look like. I thought they were supposed to have blue eyes, blonde hair and tan. She look much different, her hair was so dark, in the light I couldn’t tell the exact color but I would say a very dark red. And her eyes, from which I saw, looked black. They looked beautiful.

“Hey Dude.” Ryan said as he climbed out of his running car. “Need help?”

“Yeah.” I said as Ryan and I started to carry her to car. “Thanks.” I said as we set her in the back seat and I went to the passenger seat to get in. Ryan started to drive towards my house.

“Where are you going to keep her? I mean all your rooms have windows and are very easy to get out of.”

“I’m thinking the basement, you know no windows and the door locks, so she couldn’t get out and that ceiling is made of steel and angels can’t fly through steel. So that’s the best place for.”

“Oh, that makes sense.” Ryan said as he pulled up to my house. We got out of the car and grabbed her and started into the house and down into the basement. We sat her on the floor and walked back upstairs. I then shut the door and locked it. “So why don’t you just kill her now, instead of waiting?”

“Because, I already told you, I want to have some fun with this kill. I mean I really want to make sure her father realizes what’s happening. He deserves to know she suffers.”

Ryan just shook his head. “Jake, man, I know that vampire guy killed your grandfather but I don’t think his daughter should have to suffer for what he did.”

“Yeah, but I have to kill her anyways, so I’ll just have some fun when I do it!”

“Oh right, because she’s Ms. End Of The World! Whatever. I got to go. Bye.” He said as he started towards the door. “You know you really shouldn’t get that much enjoyment out of killing.” He said right before he walked out of the door.

I know.
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I'm sorry this took so long! It's just I have so many other stories I'm working on. And writers block and I'm still sick. I don't get why I'm this sick, but I am. But here you go.

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