Tears Of A Dark Angel

Chapter Tres

Once I had finish up with torture I picked her up, because she had fainted, and brought her to a little cot in the corner. I laid her on it in a comfortable position. Then I went back over to where the weapons I used were and brought them upstairs. I went over to the kitchen sink and turned it on. I started cleaning them off. When I was all done with that I went back down in the basement. She was awake now. She saw me walking down with the weapons and pulled back and sat agaisn’t the wall as far as she could get from me.

“Please don’t hurt me.” She begged. I sighed.

“I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just cleaning up. I’m done for today.” I said as I walked farther in the basement and picked up all the weapons on the table and put them in a metal cabinet, and then I locked the cabinet. I grabbed the table and fooled it and leaned it up by the cabinet. I walked over to her and sat on the cot staring at her. She was shaking and I think she was crying. “I’m sorry, but it’s my job to kill you.” Seeing her cry hurt me. “Please don’t cry.” I said as I tried to move closer to wipe her tears. She moved farther away from me.

“Stay away from me!” She screamed. I couldn’t even see her face.

“Please let me see your beautiful face.”

“You don’t deserve to see it!” She mumbled angrily to me.

“Listen to me! If you don’t let me see your face I will get the knives out again!” I threatened. She turned around and wiped her tears. She turned back around to face me and looked up. Her eyes looked darker. It was really strange. I moved my hand closer to her and she moved away. “I won’t hurt you.” I mumbled as I climbed down from the cot and got on my knees to reach her easier. I touched her cheek with my hand and traced her lips my fingers. “Do you realize how beautiful you are?”

“Please stay away from me. Please don’t hurt me.” She begged.

“It’s my job.”

“How can I be the end of the world?”

“I don’t know.” I said as I continued to trace her lips. They felt beautiful when she spoke. “I just know you are. Please speak again.” I finally said after she was silent for a while.

“Only if you promise not to hurt me.” She mumbled quickly.

“I can’t not kill you. But I won’t tomorrow if you keep talking.”

“It’s not worth it.” She said.

“You’re doing what I say right now. You’re still talking to me. Just like I wanted.” I smiled.

“One week.”


“Don’t hurt me for one week and I’ll keep talking.”


“What do you want me to say?” She asked quietly. I loved her quiet voice.

“Tell me about heaven.”


“Because I know I’m never going to be able to see it, so I would like to know what it’s like.”

“I’m not allowed in very many places. So all I know is that it is very clean and white. And everyone seems happy up there. I don’t understand why though. It’s so boring.” I laughed at that.

“Why aren’t you allowed in very many places?”

“I don’t know. My grandfather said if some people saw me up there I would be forced to stay here forever.”

“Like who?” She was getting me very curious.

“I don’t know. Some angels I guess.” I think she was feeling safer around me right now.

“Well why?”

“I don’t know. My grandfather said that it was because I was very different from them.”

“Different how?” She sighed annoyed.

“I. Don’t. Know.” I laughed.

“I’m sorry that I’m annoying you with questions. But you’re making me curious. Just don’t stop talking keeping telling me something. Tell me about yourself.”

“I’m Desabella. I am 16 years old. Almost 17 in about four months. I don’t know what else to say.”

“Anything. Tell me your favorite things.” I mumbled. I had moved closer and got in a more comfortable position. I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her on my waist. She stiffened at first, but when she didn’t feel any pain or anything she calmed down.

“I like the color blue. But not sky blue. More like the color blue of,” She thought for a second. “I guess your eyes.” She mumbled. I smiled. She liked my eyes. “I like seeing the sunrise on a winter day. I think it’s very beautiful. And I like when the sunsets in the summer it’s very purple in the sky. I guess I have a strange sense of humor, or that’s what the other angels tell me.”


“Because one time when I was down on earth someone tripped, but how it happened it was very funny. But when I told the other angels they said that it was horrible that I laughed at someone for that.”

“That’s not strange. A lot of humans laugh at things like that.”

“Yes, I know.” I started stroking her hair.

“Your hair is very soft.”

“Thank you.” The doorbell rang upstairs.

“I should get that.” I mumbled as I sat her back down on the floor and stood up. I’ll see you tomorrow. I walked up the stairs and closed the door and locked it. I could already hear her to start crying again.
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Should a nice side of Jacob... that was strange. :)
I need a picture for Desabella. Help me out!