Dujo Who: Journey's End.


The Dujo started to punch the buttons on the TARDIS, mallet on hand to bang the TARDIS back. Back to Earth. Courtney looked around as this man she had barely met was whizzing around the spaceship, furiously clanging bells and pulling levers. It put into perspective just how alien this man was. Spaceman.

The TARDIS lurched to a halt and the Dujo ran outside, pulling on his coat as he ran. The TARDIS doors opened to reveal a normal, everyday street. The sun was shining through the opalescent sky and a milkman was delivering his load for the day. It was quiet and suburban.

"Hey, what day is today?" The Dujo called over to the milkman. The milkman stared at him, looking at the odd scene. A man with very messy hair in a suit with a girl at his side and a great big blue police box behind him, from nowhere having the audacity to merely ask what day it was.

"Saturday." he eventually replied, getting back to his milk. Kids today, he thought. Hiding out in police boxes and phone boxes, what next?

"Good!" the Dujo called out, lowering his voice to speak with Courtney. "Good, I like Saturdays."

After a pause, Courtney began to speak. "So, I met Jospia in that parallel world?" The Dujo looked at Courtney, void of emotion.

"Yes. Apparently so."

"But isn't she locked in a parallel world of her own?" The Dujo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Yes. But if she can travel from her parallel universe to your parallel universe, the walls of reality are breaking down. That's...bad. Immensely bad. Think of the worst thing in the universe and add a suitcase full of bad. Everything....everything is in danger," He spat, anger and worry clouding his expression. He walked back into the TARDIS, casting off his carmel coat behind him. Courtney followed him meekly, closing the TARDIS door behind her. The Dujo started fiddling with more buttons and levers, more out of needing to keep busy than to actually go anywhere. Courtney reproached him softly, not wanting to worry him anymore.

"The thing is Doctor, this might be the end of everything, this might be doomsday. But...Josipa's coming back. Isn't that good?" she said. He looked up, with his anger fading to mock-moodiness before a grin melted into view.

"Yeah." he said, beaming. A sudden jerk shot the Dujo into action. He looked confused again.

"Where are we?" Courtney asked, still feeling shocked by the unexpected movement.

"We haven't moved." the Dujo said, before opening the doors of the TARDIS, It was gone. Space floated passively in front of him like desktop wallpaper. They hadn't moved. Mercury, Venus, even the Sun was all still there.

The Earth had gone.