The Apple of My Eye


Anya could see him tense to tackle her and at that precise moment, Anya spun around to run in the opposite way as the guy went sailing past. But When Anya turned around she ran smack into the demons fore claw.

The demon quickly put its foot over Anya caging her in. The demon made a weird gurgling sound as the guy fumbled up from the ground and walked over to them, cursing all the way.

"Don't laugh, Obike. Now what were you thinking of running away when you just hatched a dragon?" The cute guy asked.

Anya sat down facing away from him, arms crossed and face defiant.

"Hello? I'm talking to you!" He hollered and continued to until suddenly he was silent.
After a few seconds he walked over to where Anya was facing and began again.

"Oi, my name is Cargan. What is your name?" He smiled.
"Anya Ryoma." Anya replied curtly.
"Good, good. Now why did you run away after touching an egg?" He smiled again.

"I didn't mean to! It rolled off the platform and I picked it up to give it back! I swear I didn't mean to! Are you going to kill me? I really didn't mean to! I just didn't think you wanted a demon egg lying ar-” Anya blurted out until Cargan raised a hand to silence her.

"What kind of egg?" He asked oddly.
"I was told that they are demon eggs ... and only the wealthy can touch them ..." Anya answered quickly, looking at the ground.

"So, that's why they're afraid. Well, they're really dragons and I don’t know what else they told you, but they aren’t man-eating demons." Cargan laughed.

"Well, let's go. We have a little one waiting for you." Cargan said.
"A little one what?" You asked.
"Dragon! Oi, you're dense! The dragon picked you, so now you are a dragon rider." Cargan said and motioned to the dragon, Obike.

Obike lifted his foot away from Anya and lifted Cargan up to the saddle. Then he reached down for Anya. She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting to be squeezed to death. Yet it was gentle. Anya was lifted up and placed behind Cargan who told her to hold on as he wrapped extra rope around the two and tied it in the front.

Anya barely had time to wrap her arms around Cargan’s waist when he patted Obike on the side. Obike responded immediately with a jump and a wing beat to keep him from falling back to the ground. Nothing could have prepared her for the feeling of having her stomach bottom out.

Anya squeezed Cargan's waist.

"Oi! You could let go! That hurts!" Cargan smirked at Anya. Anya loosened her grip and finally began to get used to the idea of flying.

"Where are we going?" She hollered to Cargan. "Back to our valley; your egg is there already." He hollered back.

Anya finally got to the point of actually enjoying the wind on her face,the up and down motion of Obike’s wing beats, and looking down the leagues to the ground when Obike snapped his wings to his body, going into a nose-dive.

Anya screamed.
Cargan just laughed at her until she was squeezing his waist too tight ... once again.

Obike was nose-diving into a huge bowl-shaped valley surrounded by mountains. There was a lake and waterfall that came from the mountains. The only way in was either by flying over the mountains or a tiny gate that brought fresh supplies from the Capital leagues away now.

There were many buildings made of stone on the floor of the valley. Holes in the side of the mountainous valley is where Dragon Riders lived with their dragon, depending on the size and weight. At the moment, the valley had several dragons of different sizes, shapes, and colors.

A fierce looking dragon came circling up to meet you three. It roared out as if in query.
Obike roared back and the other dragon sped off to a building that was carved into the side of a mountain and the Rider hopped off and ran inside.

Obike snapped his wings open at the last second and landed quite nicely, even though Anya could have sworn her stomach flew out of her mouth just then.

With trembling hands, she unstrapped herself from the saddle. Cargan was already on the ground, waiting impatiently. Obike lifted Anya down to the ground as Cargan tapped his foot and heaved a sigh.

It felt really weird to walk on ground, and it looked like Anya was drunk. Anya was weaving back and forth and Cargan had to hold her elbow to help her stay going straight.

Cargan led Anya to a huge room, later he told her it was the Great Hall, and there was the egg Anya touched, waiting on a pillow.

Anya walked up to it slowly and the egg began to rock and crack. She could hear scratch noises coming from the inside. Shards of the egg began to fall off exposing a claw here, a wingtip there.

Finally, the egg just crumbled and there sat a dragon. The dragon stretched out, expanding its wings and leaning on the front legs then the back legs.

When it stretched you could see it was the exact same color as its shell, Opal, except on the edges of its wings where it was black and had tiny black spots on its wings that were numerous at the edge and scarce towards the torso.

Anya stood there wide-eyed, not knowing what to do.

What is your name, Rider?"

"Who said that?" Anya asked scared of the voice resounding in her head.
I did. Now what is your name?<

Realizing it was the dragon, Anya responded, "Anya Ryoma."
Anya, what is my name?
"Uhm, I don't know. What is it?" Anya asked feeling slightly confused.
Anya, you choose my name.
"Oh ... What about Delyth? I think it suits you perfectly." Anya asked again.
Delyth ... I like that. Now forget your last name. You are known as Anya Rider of Delyth/