Sitting with an Angel

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

I sat at my desk staring out the window to the busy road called Hampton Street. People yelling and cars honking. Oh, how I loathe the city life. Never peace and quiet at any time of the day especially on a typical Tuesday morning.
The bell rung signaling the end to 4th period and people started to stand. I sighed, I wished something exciting would happen right now.
Mrs. Carlton clapped her hands knocking me out of my little world and making everyone else do the same.
"Okay," she began, "We have an assembly today at the gym. So, drop your books and get lined up. It's your own fault for having a teacher with you at all times. You shouldn't skip classes!"
Everyone walked back to their seats, mumbling while they dropped their books. I sighed again as I slowly brought my books down onto the desk. Everyone got into a messy line and began to talk.
I just stood there at the back of the line and stuffed my hands into my hoodie's pockets, playing with the small candles that laid in them.
Candles of protection, a Wiccan thing. My friend, Amber, introduced me to this worthless pagan faith a few years ago but it‘s not that bad, besides it makes sense to us. I Guess you can say we are witches too.
I felt two hands grab my shoulders at this moment and I knew who it was right then and there.
"‘Ello there," Amber said with a smile.
I smirked back, "Yo."
"You know what's going on?" she asked twirling a piece of lime green hair around her finger.
"Nope," I said and playfully whacked her ponytail full of wavy blonde hair, "But I know that your hair is burning my eyes. Why the change?"
She pouted before smiling, “I got bored with purple.” She then played with her new green bangs but the teacher started to lead us through the halls toward the gym before she could fix the mess she made them look like.
Amber pushed me playfully as the smug faces turned to the front where the Mrs. Carlton now lead us down the dull halls.
When we got to the gym it was packed. Freshman, sophomores, juniors, seniors. Everyone was there, even our lazy ass vice-principal.
Amber and I giggled as we pushed each other again to the back of the gym but we were interrupted when Mrs. Carlton grabbed Amber's shoulder.
"Your mother is here," she whispered to her.
Amber frowned and looked at me, "See you later, Tanzy"
I waved but stopped when I was pushed forward and then shoved into a seat.
For five minutes I tired to pay attention but soon after I started to twirl my black and deep red hair, drifting away into another world where no one can pull me away. Except, that is, for a low rumble which made me, and many others, snap out of it.
Everyone went quiet, some people in fear and some in wanting of the answers to the questions that now swam throughout their small little brains.
That's when it happened.
Cars blew up outside of the doors causing a huge quake. Glass that was broken into millions of tiny pieces now soar through the air and landed on the once clean floor.
Everyone took off screaming when little creatures with fangs crawled through the already broken doors and started to attack one person after another. Some students and staff already laid on the floor, looking lost and broken but oh so dead.
My eyes widened as blood started to seep onto the floor, walls, and chairs. I couldn't move, fear had me frozen until a blood curling scream snapped me out of it and had me running toward a closet, stumbling along the way. I ran in and slammed the door behind me, locking it in place. More screams of staff and students desperate to find a way out of the hell that now filled our school then filled my ears. Their screams were so painful that they made me cringe. I took out my candles with hast and placed them in a star. I lit them and said a prayer of protection, knowing good and well that it wouldn't hold off those things. They weren't normal, they were like demons.
I backed up into a corner and wrapped my arms around my knees, digging my head into them. I closed my eyes but opened them as I heard banging on the door like someone, or something, was throwing themselves at it.
I started to shake in apprehension. I almost whimpered as I heard a crack as whatever it was threw itself against the door for the 10th time.
It was about 3 minutes after the last crack when I heard the hinges coming loose.
I backed up closer to the wall and just when my back hit the hard wall, the door explode. Huge, sharp pieces of wood went flying through the air, most aimed right at me.
I closed my eyes and screamed in fear but nothing ever touched me, but I did feel warm and safe. Am I dead? Is this Heaven? Or, is this Hell?
I heard growling and hissing that soon went away, but the warmth didn't. I heard a flutter, something like wings folding themselves, and then a bang.
I was about to open my eyes when I felt hands lay over my eyes, covering them and proving to me that I'm probably dead.
"Don't open your eyes," a deep, concerned, perfect voice said to me.
"Who are you?" I asked as my body tensed. "Why can't I open my eyes?"
"We don‘t have time for questions as trivial as my name, and you can open them if you wish. It just isn't a pretty sight."
I nodded and touched his soft, skinny hands and moved them away. I opened my eyes slowly to see a pale, but gorgeous man standing in front of me. He had blue eyes rimmed with violet but one was covered with black bangs that had a random streak of white next to it. His hair wasn't that long in the back and on the sides but I would still consider it a surfer look.
To sum it all up, he was as beautiful as a angel.
Yep, I thought. I’m dead.
I looked around him trying to avoid his gaze and saw what looked like ink everywhere. Then I realized it was one of those demonic creatures' blood. I stood trying to see more but only fell back down into the gorgeous man's arms.
Pain shot through my ankle, when I looked down I saw a piece of wood sticking out. I hissed at the pain as I gently touched the end of the fragment, tears now streaming down my face in agony.
Maybe not, I re-thought about being dead. Too much pain to be dead.
The gorgeous man wrapped his hand around the fragment and looked up at me, his eyes filled to the brim with concern.
"Hold still," he said but I grabbed his arm before he could move.
"Wait," I said as he looked up at me again, "Before you do anything, tell me your name."
He growled and sighed but he answered me this time, "My name is Kain, now hold still." He then pulled the sharp, wooden fragment out of my ankle, leaving me to scream like bloody murder.
Why couldn’t I just be dead?
"Calm down, Tanzy! If you don't, more will come!" he yelled in a hush voice, but even if what he said was harsh, I still knew he was worried. Worried that I would get hurt even more. How well did this god-like creature know me?
"Okay, but how did you know my name?" I asked through my teeth forgetting his beauty. He ripped his shirt a little and applied it to my wound with pressure to slow the blood flow.
"This may sting a little," he said as he lifted the fabric away from my ankle and kissed the bloody wound. He licked some of the blood on top of the wound before looking up at me, wiping some of the red liquid from his chin.
I knocked my head in confusion and shock, the words vampiric angel running through my head. But, before I could ask anything he lifted me up, bridal style, and whispered in my ear,
"I'll explain everything when we get to your room."
"Stalker," I mumbled and he laughed.
"You can't see me yet, so, I'm sorry ahead of time."
"Huh?" I said before everything went black.
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