Sitting with an Angel

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I awoke to the smell of sulfur mixed with the sweet smell of strawberry candles which together wasn‘t the worst smelling scent.
Probably construction and my candles, I thought.
I blinked open my eyes looked around to see my room lit by candle light and outside my sliding glass doors to my patio showed it was night.
Why am I in my room? I thought quickly as I tried to sit up only to feel like a thousand pounds were laying where my brain should be so I quickly slumped back down onto my bed.
Maybe everything earlier was a dream, a really bad dream. A Nightmare. Maybe it’s 6am on Tuesday morning right now.
I rolled over gently to my clock and calendar only to see 8pm and Tuesday, October 19th.
So, I thought as my mind was about to explode from shock. It wasn’t a dream? It was real?
“Yes, everything that happened was, in fact, real,” said Kain from the corner making me jump and my head hurt.
Just as the pain and shock faded, anger was there to take its place, “You better run before my head gets cleared because when it does your ass is dead.”
He laughed under his breath and smirked at my threat, “Really?”
“Yes! You knocked me out! What the hell was that for?” I yelled.
“Your mere human eyes aren’t ready to see the unseen.”
“Quite frankly I don’t give a crap! I’ve seen enough of the ’unseen’ bullshit you speak off today to last a lifetime!”
Kain frowned, “Yes, I do understand that.”
I sighed and slowly sat up, grimacing a little to the intense pressure in my temples and looked at him, “Do you know if there are any survivors besides us?”
Kain quickly sat up and walked across the room to my TV and switched it on with grace.
The TV blared to life and breaking news was displayed.
The anchor women’s face showed horror as her voice filled my room:
“Today a horrible thing has happened here at the local school named Kingston High School. We are told that a terrorist attack lead to the deaths of more then 3,050 students and staff out of 4,000 people of the school district. 50 of the estimated 1,050 survivors are missing and their names are listed at the bottom of your screen. If anyone has information on any of these people please contact us at-”
Kain muted the TV as the names at the bottom of the screen kept going and once they reached the T’s, there was my name.
“Tension, Tanzia. Unique name,” he said, his face very serious.
My eyes began to tear as I read the stats and names of people I used to know and have classes with for the third time, not really paying attention to Kain.
“More then 3,000 people are dead,” is all I kept saying.
He looked at me and I looked at him.
A few hours ago, everything was boring but normal. I hated it and wished for something exciting and new. Something that would make this day be remembered. Well, I got my wish but this isn’t something I wanted to happen. This is something no one wished for, not even me, the one everyone thinks wants to die.
That’s when the pressure in my chest needed to be released and the tears flowed down my cheeks. I cried and cried and at one point I swore someone was holding me. Was it my mom?
“Mom?” I asked only to be answered by a deep voice saying “sshh”.
I would’ve hit Kain for touching me. He was a stranger, a stranger who knocked me out, but he saved my life and it felt like he was holding me together so I held on to him for dear life and kept crying my pain away into him. Sooner or later, I fell asleep from the exhaustion the day has blessed me with. And so, I laid there with a tear soaked face in the arms of Kain humming me a lullaby about fallen angels.

The sun shined down on my back as I woke up to my face in my pillows and the sweet light rays spilled on my face as I rolled over. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked over to the bench in my room where Kain laid fast asleep. This sent my mind on the wave of remembering what happened yesterday. I felt that pressure build up in my chest again but I couldn’t cry anymore, my body was out of supply at the moment. I shook my head, black and red blurred my vision as my hair went in different direction. I just wanted to get up and forget the madness that is now my life and so I stood up only to go tumbling to the ground. I winced and closed my eyes only to feel two arms enclose around my petite form. I open my eyes as I feel the pressure in my foot die down to see Kain looking all kinds of messy and perfect.
I smiled knowing that my attempt was a fail, “Good morning, sleepy head.”
He nodded as he helped me up and sat me on the bed before walking away from me.
“Why are you still here?” I asked making him stop and turn to me.
“Am I not needed anymore for I believe I am,” he said almost without emotion but you could just sense the amusement in his tone.
“No. I mean Yes. I mean-”
He laughed and smiled at me showing me his perfect white teeth, “I am staying till I’m not needed anymore and then it’s up to you if you want me here or not.”
“Never mind,” he said with a grin.
I gently shook my head, “You’re so confusing.”
“No, you’re just slow.”
“Am not!”
“And way young,” he said with a laugh.
“Well I am only 17 and that brings me to another topic. Who are you?” I say.
“I’m Kain. Didn’t we do this already?” he said as he knocked his head to the side
“No, we didn’t. I don’t know who you are. All I know is your name.”
“And you want to know more?”
I sighed with a smile, “Yes.”
“No can do,” he said with a wide grin.
“Why not?” I asked.
“It’s a secret.”
I frowned, “You’re so…so-”
“Impossible?” offered Kain.
I growled and threw my arms up in the air before falling backwards onto the bed. When I looked down at Kain he was now sitting Indian style on the floor with a smile.
“I don’t think this is funny,” I said angrily.
“No one is laughing,” he replied with a smirk.
I sat up and observed my foot. It looked almost normal besides a giant bruise where a stick had been what felt like a long time ago. I tried to stand up and almost fell again but caught myself on the bed. I looked up to see Kain kneeling beside me looking at me curiously.
“What are you trying to do?” he asked.
“I’m trying to go take a bath,” I replied through my teeth as the pressure in my foot worsened.
The smile that was on his face was now gone and replaced with concern, “Do you need help?”
“Not from you till I find out who you are,” I said as I limped to my bathroom and ran a bath.
I slipped into the warm water after stripping myself of clothing and buried myself up to my noise, looking above the water to see the heat swirling around underneath the surface in rings of a smoky mist.
I thought of all the people that I knew, all the people who liked me, all who hated. All of my not-so-close friends and my friends who I held dear. The people who bored me half of the day and the people who would scold me or congratulate me. I thought of the people who were dead or missing. The pressure in my chest was now replaced with a void, a piece of me that the dead took with them to the Summerlands. I felt a single tear fall down my cheek as I closed my eyes and I heard it hit the surface of the water I laid in. I opened my eyes to see a swirl of red in the water before it disappeared. I wiped my cheek with my index finger and see a little more red on my finger. I sighed. I forgot sometimes bout this little condition.
A few years ago, things were…tough. I cried a lot so often that sooner or later, my body couldn’t produce enough tears so my body replaced tears with red blood cells making me cry blood sometimes. Guess I excelled my tear vault yesterday.
I washed my hair and body, trying to scrub away the memories of yesterday’s events. Trying to forget those screams, and trying to forget the fact that I won’t be going to school with the normal group of people I usually go with. Then I remembered Amber.
I jumped out of the tub after taking out the stopper, grabbed the towel and wrapped it around me as I ran to my room where Kain sat on my bed forgetting about all the pain in my foot.
He looked up at me as I jumped over a pile of clothes and grabbed my phone off my desk. I plugged in her cell phone’s number and it began to ring.
“Please pick up,” I beg as I hear Amber’s scratching voice pick up.
“Hello?” she sound like she had been crying.
“Amber!” I yell into the phone with relief as I hear her voice hit it’s squeaky edge.
“Thank the goddess you’re okay!” I say to her wishing nothing more than to hug her.
“You’re alive!” I heard her cry to me from the other end of the phone.
“Yeah, did you get away okay?” I asked.
“Yes, my mom and I were already a good 10 miles away when they attacked the school. Were they really terrorists?”
I felt Kain behind me at that exact moment, his breath on the back of my neck make my hair stick up.
“Uh….I got to go,” was I could make out to her as Kain wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.
“What? You can’t go! I just found out you were alive!” Amber begged.
Kain pulled me closer as I felt his breath move from my neck to my ear and whisper, “Hang up.”
“Sorry-” and before I could say anything else Kain slammed the phone shut and put it on my desk.
“What-” I tried to ask but he interrupted me.
“Be Quiet,” he said harshly as he pulled me to the floor and buried me underneath him. His scent was amazing, it was even better then AxeÔ.
I snapped out of it as I heard the sharp distinct sound of something clawing at my glass doors.
“Kain,” I said for at that moment I felt so vulnerable, weak, and stupid. I felt like I needed Kain. I felt the need to depend on someone else. This feeling is just so…new.
“I’m here, just stay still till it leaves,” he said quietly as he shifted to hide me better.
I nodded as I wrapped my arms around him and dug my face in his chest. After a few minutes the clawing went away but we didn’t move. I don’t know why, but we didn’t and after a while it seemed like we weren’t ever going to till my brother barged into my room.
“Tansy-” my brother, Elliott, stopped right in his tracks as he took in the sight of Kain on top of me as I looked to the side at him.
“Elliott, I fell don’t get any wrong ideas.”
“Downstairs, now.”
“I can’t, I hurt my foot at school,” I said as I took in his face as it changed from anger to horror back to anger as he looked at Kain.
“Off,” is all he said to Kain who slowly removed himself and towered over my brother but Elliott didn’t seemed fazed as he looked down at me and picked me up.
“You have a lot to explain, little missy,” is all he said as he carried me downstairs to where I wished I had died at the school.
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